
  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3import os
  5__docformat__ = "google"
  8class Settings:
  9    """
 10    General settings to modify the global behavior and style.
 12    Example:
 13        ```python
 14        from vedo import settings, Cube
 15        settings.use_parallel_projection = True
 16        # settings["use_parallel_projection"] = True  # this is equivalent!
 17        Cube().color('g').show().close()
 18        ```
 20    List of available properties:
 22    ```python
 23    # Set the default font to be used for axes, comments etc.
 24    # Check out the available fonts at
 25    # For example:
 26    default_font = 'Normografo'
 27    # To customize the font parameters use:
 28    settings.font_parameters["Normografo"] = dict(
 29        mono=False,
 30        fscale=0.75,
 31        hspacing=1,
 32        lspacing=0.2,
 33        dotsep="~×",
 34        islocal=True,
 35    )
 36    # Where
 37    # mono    : if True all letters occupy the same space slot horizontally
 38    # fscale  : sets the general scaling factor for the size of the font
 39    # hspacing: horizontal stretching factor (affects both letters and words)
 40    # lspacing: horizontal spacing inbetween letters (not words)
 41    # dotsep  : a string of characters to be interpreted as dot separator
 42    # islocal : if locally stored in /fonts, otherwise it's on
 43    #
 44    # To run a demo try:
 45    # vedo --run fonts
 47    # Use this local folder to store downloaded files (default is ~/.cache/vedo)
 48    cache_directory = ".cache"
 50    # Palette number when using an integer to choose a color
 51    palette = 0
 53    # Options for saving window screenshots:
 54    screenshot_transparent_background = False
 55    screeshot_large_image = False # sometimes setting this to True gives better results
 57    # Enable tracking pipeline functionality:
 58    # allows to show a graph with the pipeline of action which let to a final object
 59    # this is achieved by calling "" (a new window will pop up)
 60    self.enable_pipeline = True
 62    # Remember the last format used when creating new figures in vedo.pyplot
 63    # this is useful when creating multiple figures of the same kind
 64    # and avoid to specify the format each time in plot(..., like=...)
 65    remember_last_figure_format = False
 67    # Set up default mouse and keyboard callbacks
 68    enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
 69    enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True
 71    # Progress bar delay before showing up [sec]
 72    self.progressbar_delay = 0.5
 74    # If False, when multiple renderers are present, render only once at the end
 75    immediate_rendering = True
 77    # In multirendering mode, show a grey frame margin (set width=0 to disable)
 78    renderer_frame_color = None
 79    renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
 80    renderer_frame_width = 0.5
 81    renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001
 83    # In multirendering mode, set the position of the horizontal of vertical splitting [0,1]
 84    window_splitting_position = None
 86    # Gradient orientation mode for background window color
 87    # 0 = Vertical
 88    # 1 = Horizontal
 89    # 2 = Radial viewport farthest side
 90    # 3 = Radial viewport farthest corner
 91    background_gradient_orientation = 0
 93    # Enable / disable color printing by printc()
 94    enable_print_color = True
 96    # Smoothing options for points, lines and polygons
 97    point_smoothing = False
 98    line_smoothing = False
 99    polygon_smoothing = False
101    # Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves
102    light_follows_camera = False
103    two_sided_lighting = True
105    # Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique
106    use_depth_peeling = False
107    alpha_bit_planes  = True   # options only active if useDepthPeeling=True
108    multi_samples     = 8      # antialiasing multisample buffer
109    max_number_of_peels= 4     # maximum number of rendering passes
110    occlusion_ratio   = 0.0    # occlusion ratio, 0 = exact image.
112    # Turn on/off nvidia FXAA post-process anti-aliasing, if supported
113    use_fxaa = False           # either True or False
115    # By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer
116    #  If True, use the existing depth buffer
117    preserve_depth_buffer = False
119    # Use a polygon/edges offset to possibly resolve conflicts in rendering
120    use_polygon_offset    = False
121    polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
122    polygon_offset_units  = 0.1
124    # Interpolate scalars to render them smoothly
125    interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
127    # Set parallel projection On or Off (place camera to infinity, no perspective effects)
128    use_parallel_projection = False
130    # Set orientation type when reading TIFF files:
131    # TOPLEFT  1 (row 0 top,    col 0 lhs)    TOPRIGHT 2 (row 0 top,    col 0 rhs)
132    # BOTRIGHT 3 (row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs)    BOTLEFT  4 (row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs)
133    # LEFTTOP  5 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 top)    RIGHTTOP 6 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 top)
134    # RIGHTBOT 7 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 bottom) LEFTBOT  8 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 bottom)
135    tiff_orientation_type = 1
137    # Annotated cube axis type nr. 5 options:
138    annotated_cube_color      = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
139    annotated_cube_text_color = None # use default, otherwise specify a single color
140    annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
141    annotated_cube_texts      = ["right","left ", "front","back ", " top ", "bttom"]
143    # Set the default backend for plotting in jupyter notebooks.
144    # If a jupyter environment is detected, the default is automatically switched to "2d"
145    default_backend = "vtk"
147    # Automatically close the Plotter instance after show() in jupyter sessions
148    # setting it to False will keep the current Plotter instance active
149    backend_autoclose = True
151    # Settings specific to the K3D backend in jupyter notebooks
152    k3d_menu_visibility = True
153    k3d_plot_height   = 512
154    k3d_antialias     = True
155    k3d_lighting      = 1.5
156    k3d_camera_autofit= True
157    k3d_grid_autofit  = True
158    k3d_axes_color    = "gray4"
159    k3d_axes_helper   = 1.0     # size of the small triad of axes on the bottom right
160    k3d_point_shader  = "mesh"  # others are '3d', '3dSpecular', 'dot', 'flat'
161    k3d_line_shader   = "thick" # others are 'flat', 'mesh'
162    ```
163    """
165    # Restrict the attributes so accidental typos will generate an AttributeError exception
166    __slots__ = [
167        "default_font",
168        "default_backend",
169        "cache_directory",
170        "palette",
171        "remember_last_figure_format",
172        "screenshot_transparent_background",
173        "screeshot_large_image",
174        "enable_default_mouse_callbacks",
175        "enable_default_keyboard_callbacks",
176        "enable_pipeline",
177        "progressbar_delay",
178        "immediate_rendering",
179        "renderer_frame_color",
180        "renderer_frame_alpha",
181        "renderer_frame_width",
182        "renderer_frame_padding",
183        "point_smoothing",
184        "line_smoothing",
185        "polygon_smoothing",
186        "light_follows_camera",
187        "two_sided_lighting",
188        "use_depth_peeling",
189        "multi_samples",
190        "alpha_bit_planes",
191        "max_number_of_peels",
192        "occlusion_ratio",
193        "use_fxaa",
194        "preserve_depth_buffer",
195        "use_polygon_offset",
196        "polygon_offset_factor",
197        "polygon_offset_units",
198        "interpolate_scalars_before_mapping",
199        "use_parallel_projection",
200        "background_gradient_orientation",
201        "window_splitting_position",
202        "tiff_orientation_type",
203        "annotated_cube_color",
204        "annotated_cube_text_color",
205        "annotated_cube_text_scale",
206        "annotated_cube_texts",
207        "enable_print_color",
208        "backend_autoclose",
209        "k3d_menu_visibility",
210        "k3d_plot_height",
211        "k3d_antialias",
212        "k3d_lighting",
213        "k3d_camera_autofit",
214        "k3d_grid_autofit",
215        "k3d_axes_color",
216        "k3d_axes_helper",
217        "k3d_point_shader",
218        "k3d_line_shader",
219        "font_parameters",
220    ]
222    ############################################################
223    # Dry run mode (for test purposes only)
224    # 0 = normal
225    # 1 = do not hold execution
226    # 2 = do not hold execution and do not show any window
227    dry_run_mode = 0
229    ############################################################
230    def __init__(self) -> None:
232        self.default_backend = "vtk"
233        try:
234            # adapted from:
235            shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
236            if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
237                self.default_backend = "2d"
238        except NameError:
239            pass
241        self.default_font = "Normografo"
243        self.enable_pipeline = True
244        self.progressbar_delay = 0.5
245        self.palette = 0
246        self.remember_last_figure_format = False
248        self.cache_directory = ".cache"  # "/vedo" is added automatically
250        self.screenshot_transparent_background = False
251        self.screeshot_large_image = False
253        self.enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
254        self.enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True
255        self.immediate_rendering = True
257        self.renderer_frame_color = None
258        self.renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
259        self.renderer_frame_width = 0.5
260        self.renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001
261        self.background_gradient_orientation = 0
263        self.point_smoothing = False
264        self.line_smoothing = False
265        self.polygon_smoothing = False
267        self.light_follows_camera = False
268        self.two_sided_lighting = True
270        self.use_depth_peeling = False
271        self.multi_samples = 8
272        self.alpha_bit_planes = 1
273        self.max_number_of_peels = 4
274        self.occlusion_ratio = 0.1
276        self.use_fxaa = False
278        self.preserve_depth_buffer = False
280        self.use_polygon_offset = True
281        self.polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
282        self.polygon_offset_units = 0.1
284        self.interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
286        self.use_parallel_projection = False
288        self.window_splitting_position = None
290        self.tiff_orientation_type = 1
292        self.annotated_cube_color = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
293        self.annotated_cube_text_color = None
294        self.annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
295        self.annotated_cube_texts = ["right", "left ", "front", "back ", " top ", "bttom"]
297        self.enable_print_color = True
299        self.backend_autoclose = True
301        self.k3d_menu_visibility = True
302        self.k3d_plot_height = 512
303        self.k3d_antialias   = True
304        self.k3d_lighting    = 1.5
305        self.k3d_camera_autofit = True
306        self.k3d_grid_autofit= True
307        self.k3d_axes_color  = "k4"
308        self.k3d_axes_helper = 1.0
309        self.k3d_point_shader= "mesh"
310        self.k3d_line_shader = "thick"
312        self.font_parameters = dict(
314            Normografo=dict(
315                mono=False,
316                fscale=0.75,
317                hspacing=1,
318                lspacing=0.2,
319                dotsep="~×",
320                islocal=True,
321            ),
322            Bongas=dict(
323                mono=False,
324                fscale=0.875,
325                hspacing=0.52,
326                lspacing=0.25,
327                dotsep="·",
328                islocal=True,
329            ),
330            Calco=dict(
331                mono=True,
332                fscale=0.8,
333                hspacing=1,
334                lspacing=0.1,
335                dotsep="×",
336                islocal=True,
337            ),
338            Comae=dict(
339                mono=False,
340                fscale=0.75,
341                lspacing=0.2,
342                hspacing=1,
343                dotsep="~×",
344                islocal=True,
345            ),
346            ComicMono=dict(
347                mono=True,
348                fscale=0.8,
349                hspacing=1,
350                lspacing=0.1,
351                dotsep="x",
352                islocal=False,
353            ),
354            Edo=dict(
355                mono=False,
356                fscale=0.75,
357                hspacing=1,
358                lspacing=0.2,
359                dotsep="~x ",
360                islocal=False,
361            ),
362            FiraMonoMedium=dict(
363                mono=True,
364                fscale=0.8,
365                hspacing=1,
366                lspacing=0.1,
367                dotsep="×",
368                islocal=False,
369            ),
370            FiraMonoBold=dict(
371                mono=True,
372                fscale=0.8,
373                hspacing=1,
374                lspacing=0.1,
375                dotsep="×",
376                islocal=False,
377            ),
378            Glasgo=dict(
379                mono=True,
380                fscale=0.75,
381                lspacing=0.1,
382                hspacing=1,
383                dotsep="~×",
384                islocal=True,
385            ),
386            Kanopus=dict(
387                mono=False,
388                fscale=0.75,
389                lspacing=0.15,
390                hspacing=0.75,
391                dotsep="~×",
392                islocal=True,
393            ),
394            LogoType=dict(
395                mono=False,
396                fscale=0.75,
397                hspacing=1,
398                lspacing=0.2,
399                dotsep="~×",
400                islocal=False,
401            ),
402            Quikhand=dict(
403                mono=False,
404                fscale=0.8,
405                hspacing=0.6,
406                lspacing=0.15,
407                dotsep="~~×~",
408                islocal=True,
409            ),
410            SmartCouric=dict(
411                mono=True,
412                fscale=0.8,
413                hspacing=1.05,
414                lspacing=0.1,
415                dotsep="×",
416                islocal=True,
417            ),
418            Spears=dict(
419                mono=False,
420                fscale=0.8,
421                hspacing=0.5,
422                lspacing=0.2,
423                dotsep="~×",
424                islocal=False,
425            ),
426            Theemim=dict(
427                mono=False,
428                fscale=0.825,
429                hspacing=0.52,
430                lspacing=0.3,
431                dotsep="~~×",
432                islocal=True,
433            ),
434            VictorMono=dict(
435                mono=True,
436                fscale=0.725,
437                hspacing=1,
438                lspacing=0.1,
439                dotsep="×",
440                islocal=True,
441            ),
442            Justino1=dict(
443                mono=True,
444                fscale=0.725,
445                hspacing=1,
446                lspacing=0.1,
447                dotsep="×",
448                islocal=False,
449            ),
450            Justino2=dict(
451                mono=True,
452                fscale=0.725,
453                hspacing=1,
454                lspacing=0.1,
455                dotsep="×",
456                islocal=False,
457            ),
458            Justino3=dict(
459                mono=True,
460                fscale=0.725,
461                hspacing=1,
462                lspacing=0.1,
463                dotsep="×",
464                islocal=False,
465            ),
466            Calibri=dict(
467                mono=False,
468                fscale=0.75,
469                hspacing=1,
470                lspacing=0.2,
471                dotsep="~×",
472                islocal=False,
473            ),
474            Capsmall=dict(
475                mono=False,
476                fscale=0.8,
477                hspacing=0.75,
478                lspacing=0.15,
479                dotsep="~×",
480                islocal=False,
481            ),
482            Cartoons123=dict(
483                mono=False,
484                fscale=0.8,
485                hspacing=0.75,
486                lspacing=0.15,
487                dotsep="x",
488                islocal=False,
489            ),
490            Darwin=dict(
491                mono=False,
492                fscale=0.8,
493                hspacing=0.75,
494                lspacing=0.15,
495                dotsep="x",
496                islocal=False,
497            ),
498            Vega=dict(
499                mono=False,
500                fscale=0.8,
501                hspacing=0.75,
502                lspacing=0.15,
503                dotsep="×",
504                islocal=False,
505            ),
506            Meson=dict(
507                mono=False,
508                fscale=0.8,
509                hspacing=0.9,
510                lspacing=0.225,
511                dotsep="~×",
512                islocal=False,
513            ),
514            Komika=dict(
515                mono=False,
516                fscale=0.7,
517                hspacing=0.75,
518                lspacing=0.225,
519                dotsep="~×",
520                islocal=False,
521            ),
522            Brachium=dict(
523                mono=True,
524                fscale=0.8,
525                hspacing=1,
526                lspacing=0.1,
527                dotsep="x",
528                islocal=False,
529            ),
530            Dalim=dict(
531                mono=False,
532                fscale=0.75,
533                lspacing=0.2,
534                hspacing=1,
535                dotsep="~×",
536                islocal=False,
537            ),
538            Miro=dict(
539                mono=False,
540                fscale=0.75,
541                lspacing=0.2,
542                hspacing=1,
543                dotsep="~×",
544                islocal=False,
545            ),
546            Ubuntu=dict(
547                mono=False,
548                fscale=0.75,
549                lspacing=0.2,
550                hspacing=1,
551                dotsep="~×",
552                islocal=False,
553            ),
554            Mizar=dict(
555                mono=False,
556                fscale=0.75,
557                lspacing=0.2,
558                hspacing=0.75,
559                dotsep="~×",
560                islocal=False,
561            ),
562            LiberationSans=dict(
563                mono=False,
564                fscale=0.75,
565                lspacing=0.2,
566                hspacing=1,
567                dotsep="~×",
568                islocal=False,
569            ),
570            DejavuSansMono=dict(
571                mono=True,
572                fscale=0.725,
573                hspacing=1,
574                lspacing=0.1,
575                dotsep="~×",
576                islocal=False,
577            ),
578            SunflowerHighway=dict(
579                mono=False,
580                fscale=0.75,
581                lspacing=0.2,
582                hspacing=1,
583                dotsep="~×",
584                islocal=False,
585            ),
586            Swansea=dict(
587                mono=False,
588                fscale=0.75,
589                lspacing=0.2,
590                hspacing=1,
591                dotsep="~×",
592                islocal=False,
593            ),
594            Housekeeper=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
595                mono=False,
596                fscale=0.75,
597                hspacing=1,
598                lspacing=0.2,
599                dotsep="~×",
600                islocal=False,
601            ),
602            Wananti=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
603                mono=False,
604                fscale=0.75,
605                hspacing=1,
606                lspacing=0.2,
607                dotsep="~x",
608                islocal=False,
609            ),
610            AnimeAce=dict(
611                mono=False,
612                fscale=0.75,
613                hspacing=1,
614                lspacing=0.2,
615                dotsep="~x",
616                islocal=False,
617            ),
618            Antares=dict(
619                mono=True,
620                fscale=0.8,
621                hspacing=1,
622                lspacing=0.1,
623                dotsep="×",
624                islocal=False,
625            ),
626            Archistico=dict(
627                mono=False,
628                fscale=0.75,
629                lspacing=0.2,
630                hspacing=0.75,
631                dotsep="~×",
632                islocal=False,
633            ),
634            KazyCase=dict(
635                mono=True,
636                fscale=0.8,
637                hspacing=1.2,
638                lspacing=0.1,
639                dotsep="×",
640                islocal=False,
641            ),
642            Roboto=dict(
643                mono=True,
644                fscale=0.8,
645                hspacing=1,
646                lspacing=0.1,
647                dotsep="×",
648                islocal=False,
649            ),
650        )
652    ####################################################################################
653    def __getitem__(self, key):
654        """Make the class work like a dictionary too"""
655        return getattr(self, key)
657    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
658        """Make the class work like a dictionary too"""
659        setattr(self, key, value)
661    def __str__(self) -> str:
662        """Return a string representation of the object"""
663        s = Settings.__doc__.replace("   ", "")
664        s = s.replace(".. code-block:: python\n", "")
665        s = s.replace("```python\n", "")
666        s = s.replace("```\n", "")
667        s = s.replace("\n\n", "\n #------------------------------------------------------\n")
668        s = s.replace("\n  ", "\n")
669        s = s.replace("\n ", "\n")
670        s = s.replace(" from", "from")
671        try:
672            from pygments import highlight
673            from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer
674            from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter
675            s = highlight(s, Python3Lexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style="zenburn"))
676        except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
677            pass
679        module = self.__class__.__module__
680        name = self.__class__.__name__
681        header = f"{module}.{name} at ({hex(id(self))})".ljust(75)
682        s = f"\x1b[1m\x1b[7m{header}\x1b[0m\n" + s
683        return s.strip()
685    ############################################################
686    def keys(self) -> list:
687        """Return all keys"""
688        return self.__slots__
690    def values(self) -> list:
691        """Return all values"""
692        return [getattr(self, key) for key in self.__slots__]
694    def items(self) -> list:
695        """Return all items"""
696        return [(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.__slots__]
698    def reset(self) -> None:
699        """Reset all settings to their default status."""
700        self.__init__()
702    ############################################################
703    def init_colab(self, enable_k3d=True) -> None:
704        """
705        Initialize colab environment
706        """
707        print("setting up colab environment (can take a minute) ...", end="")
709        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
710        if res:
711            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
713        os.system("pip install pyvirtualdisplay")
715        from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
716        Display(visible=0).start()
718        if enable_k3d:
719            os.system("pip install k3d")
721        from google.colab import output
722        output.enable_custom_widget_manager()
724        if enable_k3d:
725            import k3d
726            try:
727                print("installing k3d...", end="")
728                os.system("jupyter nbextension install --py --user k3d")
729                os.system("jupyter nbextension enable  --py --user k3d")
730                k3d.switch_to_text_protocol()
731                self.default_backend = "k3d"
732                self.backend_autoclose = False
733            except:
734                print("(FAILED) ... ", end="")
736        print(" setup completed.")
738    ############################################################
739    def start_xvfb(self) -> None:
740        """
741        Start xvfb.
743        Xvfb or X virtual framebuffer is a display server implementing
744        the X11 display server protocol. In contrast to other display servers,
745        Xvfb performs all graphical operations in virtual memory
746        without showing any screen output.
747        """
748        print("starting xvfb (can take a minute) ...", end="")
749        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
750        if res:
751            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
752        os.system("set -x")
753        os.system("export DISPLAY=:99.0")
754        os.system("Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
755        os.system("sleep 3")
756        os.system("set +x")
757        os.system('exec "$@"')
758        print(" xvfb started.")
class Settings:
  9class Settings:
 10    """
 11    General settings to modify the global behavior and style.
 13    Example:
 14        ```python
 15        from vedo import settings, Cube
 16        settings.use_parallel_projection = True
 17        # settings["use_parallel_projection"] = True  # this is equivalent!
 18        Cube().color('g').show().close()
 19        ```
 21    List of available properties:
 23    ```python
 24    # Set the default font to be used for axes, comments etc.
 25    # Check out the available fonts at
 26    # For example:
 27    default_font = 'Normografo'
 28    # To customize the font parameters use:
 29    settings.font_parameters["Normografo"] = dict(
 30        mono=False,
 31        fscale=0.75,
 32        hspacing=1,
 33        lspacing=0.2,
 34        dotsep="~×",
 35        islocal=True,
 36    )
 37    # Where
 38    # mono    : if True all letters occupy the same space slot horizontally
 39    # fscale  : sets the general scaling factor for the size of the font
 40    # hspacing: horizontal stretching factor (affects both letters and words)
 41    # lspacing: horizontal spacing inbetween letters (not words)
 42    # dotsep  : a string of characters to be interpreted as dot separator
 43    # islocal : if locally stored in /fonts, otherwise it's on
 44    #
 45    # To run a demo try:
 46    # vedo --run fonts
 48    # Use this local folder to store downloaded files (default is ~/.cache/vedo)
 49    cache_directory = ".cache"
 51    # Palette number when using an integer to choose a color
 52    palette = 0
 54    # Options for saving window screenshots:
 55    screenshot_transparent_background = False
 56    screeshot_large_image = False # sometimes setting this to True gives better results
 58    # Enable tracking pipeline functionality:
 59    # allows to show a graph with the pipeline of action which let to a final object
 60    # this is achieved by calling "" (a new window will pop up)
 61    self.enable_pipeline = True
 63    # Remember the last format used when creating new figures in vedo.pyplot
 64    # this is useful when creating multiple figures of the same kind
 65    # and avoid to specify the format each time in plot(..., like=...)
 66    remember_last_figure_format = False
 68    # Set up default mouse and keyboard callbacks
 69    enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
 70    enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True
 72    # Progress bar delay before showing up [sec]
 73    self.progressbar_delay = 0.5
 75    # If False, when multiple renderers are present, render only once at the end
 76    immediate_rendering = True
 78    # In multirendering mode, show a grey frame margin (set width=0 to disable)
 79    renderer_frame_color = None
 80    renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
 81    renderer_frame_width = 0.5
 82    renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001
 84    # In multirendering mode, set the position of the horizontal of vertical splitting [0,1]
 85    window_splitting_position = None
 87    # Gradient orientation mode for background window color
 88    # 0 = Vertical
 89    # 1 = Horizontal
 90    # 2 = Radial viewport farthest side
 91    # 3 = Radial viewport farthest corner
 92    background_gradient_orientation = 0
 94    # Enable / disable color printing by printc()
 95    enable_print_color = True
 97    # Smoothing options for points, lines and polygons
 98    point_smoothing = False
 99    line_smoothing = False
100    polygon_smoothing = False
102    # Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves
103    light_follows_camera = False
104    two_sided_lighting = True
106    # Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique
107    use_depth_peeling = False
108    alpha_bit_planes  = True   # options only active if useDepthPeeling=True
109    multi_samples     = 8      # antialiasing multisample buffer
110    max_number_of_peels= 4     # maximum number of rendering passes
111    occlusion_ratio   = 0.0    # occlusion ratio, 0 = exact image.
113    # Turn on/off nvidia FXAA post-process anti-aliasing, if supported
114    use_fxaa = False           # either True or False
116    # By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer
117    #  If True, use the existing depth buffer
118    preserve_depth_buffer = False
120    # Use a polygon/edges offset to possibly resolve conflicts in rendering
121    use_polygon_offset    = False
122    polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
123    polygon_offset_units  = 0.1
125    # Interpolate scalars to render them smoothly
126    interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
128    # Set parallel projection On or Off (place camera to infinity, no perspective effects)
129    use_parallel_projection = False
131    # Set orientation type when reading TIFF files:
132    # TOPLEFT  1 (row 0 top,    col 0 lhs)    TOPRIGHT 2 (row 0 top,    col 0 rhs)
133    # BOTRIGHT 3 (row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs)    BOTLEFT  4 (row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs)
134    # LEFTTOP  5 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 top)    RIGHTTOP 6 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 top)
135    # RIGHTBOT 7 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 bottom) LEFTBOT  8 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 bottom)
136    tiff_orientation_type = 1
138    # Annotated cube axis type nr. 5 options:
139    annotated_cube_color      = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
140    annotated_cube_text_color = None # use default, otherwise specify a single color
141    annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
142    annotated_cube_texts      = ["right","left ", "front","back ", " top ", "bttom"]
144    # Set the default backend for plotting in jupyter notebooks.
145    # If a jupyter environment is detected, the default is automatically switched to "2d"
146    default_backend = "vtk"
148    # Automatically close the Plotter instance after show() in jupyter sessions
149    # setting it to False will keep the current Plotter instance active
150    backend_autoclose = True
152    # Settings specific to the K3D backend in jupyter notebooks
153    k3d_menu_visibility = True
154    k3d_plot_height   = 512
155    k3d_antialias     = True
156    k3d_lighting      = 1.5
157    k3d_camera_autofit= True
158    k3d_grid_autofit  = True
159    k3d_axes_color    = "gray4"
160    k3d_axes_helper   = 1.0     # size of the small triad of axes on the bottom right
161    k3d_point_shader  = "mesh"  # others are '3d', '3dSpecular', 'dot', 'flat'
162    k3d_line_shader   = "thick" # others are 'flat', 'mesh'
163    ```
164    """
166    # Restrict the attributes so accidental typos will generate an AttributeError exception
167    __slots__ = [
168        "default_font",
169        "default_backend",
170        "cache_directory",
171        "palette",
172        "remember_last_figure_format",
173        "screenshot_transparent_background",
174        "screeshot_large_image",
175        "enable_default_mouse_callbacks",
176        "enable_default_keyboard_callbacks",
177        "enable_pipeline",
178        "progressbar_delay",
179        "immediate_rendering",
180        "renderer_frame_color",
181        "renderer_frame_alpha",
182        "renderer_frame_width",
183        "renderer_frame_padding",
184        "point_smoothing",
185        "line_smoothing",
186        "polygon_smoothing",
187        "light_follows_camera",
188        "two_sided_lighting",
189        "use_depth_peeling",
190        "multi_samples",
191        "alpha_bit_planes",
192        "max_number_of_peels",
193        "occlusion_ratio",
194        "use_fxaa",
195        "preserve_depth_buffer",
196        "use_polygon_offset",
197        "polygon_offset_factor",
198        "polygon_offset_units",
199        "interpolate_scalars_before_mapping",
200        "use_parallel_projection",
201        "background_gradient_orientation",
202        "window_splitting_position",
203        "tiff_orientation_type",
204        "annotated_cube_color",
205        "annotated_cube_text_color",
206        "annotated_cube_text_scale",
207        "annotated_cube_texts",
208        "enable_print_color",
209        "backend_autoclose",
210        "k3d_menu_visibility",
211        "k3d_plot_height",
212        "k3d_antialias",
213        "k3d_lighting",
214        "k3d_camera_autofit",
215        "k3d_grid_autofit",
216        "k3d_axes_color",
217        "k3d_axes_helper",
218        "k3d_point_shader",
219        "k3d_line_shader",
220        "font_parameters",
221    ]
223    ############################################################
224    # Dry run mode (for test purposes only)
225    # 0 = normal
226    # 1 = do not hold execution
227    # 2 = do not hold execution and do not show any window
228    dry_run_mode = 0
230    ############################################################
231    def __init__(self) -> None:
233        self.default_backend = "vtk"
234        try:
235            # adapted from:
236            shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
237            if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
238                self.default_backend = "2d"
239        except NameError:
240            pass
242        self.default_font = "Normografo"
244        self.enable_pipeline = True
245        self.progressbar_delay = 0.5
246        self.palette = 0
247        self.remember_last_figure_format = False
249        self.cache_directory = ".cache"  # "/vedo" is added automatically
251        self.screenshot_transparent_background = False
252        self.screeshot_large_image = False
254        self.enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
255        self.enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True
256        self.immediate_rendering = True
258        self.renderer_frame_color = None
259        self.renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
260        self.renderer_frame_width = 0.5
261        self.renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001
262        self.background_gradient_orientation = 0
264        self.point_smoothing = False
265        self.line_smoothing = False
266        self.polygon_smoothing = False
268        self.light_follows_camera = False
269        self.two_sided_lighting = True
271        self.use_depth_peeling = False
272        self.multi_samples = 8
273        self.alpha_bit_planes = 1
274        self.max_number_of_peels = 4
275        self.occlusion_ratio = 0.1
277        self.use_fxaa = False
279        self.preserve_depth_buffer = False
281        self.use_polygon_offset = True
282        self.polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
283        self.polygon_offset_units = 0.1
285        self.interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
287        self.use_parallel_projection = False
289        self.window_splitting_position = None
291        self.tiff_orientation_type = 1
293        self.annotated_cube_color = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
294        self.annotated_cube_text_color = None
295        self.annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
296        self.annotated_cube_texts = ["right", "left ", "front", "back ", " top ", "bttom"]
298        self.enable_print_color = True
300        self.backend_autoclose = True
302        self.k3d_menu_visibility = True
303        self.k3d_plot_height = 512
304        self.k3d_antialias   = True
305        self.k3d_lighting    = 1.5
306        self.k3d_camera_autofit = True
307        self.k3d_grid_autofit= True
308        self.k3d_axes_color  = "k4"
309        self.k3d_axes_helper = 1.0
310        self.k3d_point_shader= "mesh"
311        self.k3d_line_shader = "thick"
313        self.font_parameters = dict(
315            Normografo=dict(
316                mono=False,
317                fscale=0.75,
318                hspacing=1,
319                lspacing=0.2,
320                dotsep="~×",
321                islocal=True,
322            ),
323            Bongas=dict(
324                mono=False,
325                fscale=0.875,
326                hspacing=0.52,
327                lspacing=0.25,
328                dotsep="·",
329                islocal=True,
330            ),
331            Calco=dict(
332                mono=True,
333                fscale=0.8,
334                hspacing=1,
335                lspacing=0.1,
336                dotsep="×",
337                islocal=True,
338            ),
339            Comae=dict(
340                mono=False,
341                fscale=0.75,
342                lspacing=0.2,
343                hspacing=1,
344                dotsep="~×",
345                islocal=True,
346            ),
347            ComicMono=dict(
348                mono=True,
349                fscale=0.8,
350                hspacing=1,
351                lspacing=0.1,
352                dotsep="x",
353                islocal=False,
354            ),
355            Edo=dict(
356                mono=False,
357                fscale=0.75,
358                hspacing=1,
359                lspacing=0.2,
360                dotsep="~x ",
361                islocal=False,
362            ),
363            FiraMonoMedium=dict(
364                mono=True,
365                fscale=0.8,
366                hspacing=1,
367                lspacing=0.1,
368                dotsep="×",
369                islocal=False,
370            ),
371            FiraMonoBold=dict(
372                mono=True,
373                fscale=0.8,
374                hspacing=1,
375                lspacing=0.1,
376                dotsep="×",
377                islocal=False,
378            ),
379            Glasgo=dict(
380                mono=True,
381                fscale=0.75,
382                lspacing=0.1,
383                hspacing=1,
384                dotsep="~×",
385                islocal=True,
386            ),
387            Kanopus=dict(
388                mono=False,
389                fscale=0.75,
390                lspacing=0.15,
391                hspacing=0.75,
392                dotsep="~×",
393                islocal=True,
394            ),
395            LogoType=dict(
396                mono=False,
397                fscale=0.75,
398                hspacing=1,
399                lspacing=0.2,
400                dotsep="~×",
401                islocal=False,
402            ),
403            Quikhand=dict(
404                mono=False,
405                fscale=0.8,
406                hspacing=0.6,
407                lspacing=0.15,
408                dotsep="~~×~",
409                islocal=True,
410            ),
411            SmartCouric=dict(
412                mono=True,
413                fscale=0.8,
414                hspacing=1.05,
415                lspacing=0.1,
416                dotsep="×",
417                islocal=True,
418            ),
419            Spears=dict(
420                mono=False,
421                fscale=0.8,
422                hspacing=0.5,
423                lspacing=0.2,
424                dotsep="~×",
425                islocal=False,
426            ),
427            Theemim=dict(
428                mono=False,
429                fscale=0.825,
430                hspacing=0.52,
431                lspacing=0.3,
432                dotsep="~~×",
433                islocal=True,
434            ),
435            VictorMono=dict(
436                mono=True,
437                fscale=0.725,
438                hspacing=1,
439                lspacing=0.1,
440                dotsep="×",
441                islocal=True,
442            ),
443            Justino1=dict(
444                mono=True,
445                fscale=0.725,
446                hspacing=1,
447                lspacing=0.1,
448                dotsep="×",
449                islocal=False,
450            ),
451            Justino2=dict(
452                mono=True,
453                fscale=0.725,
454                hspacing=1,
455                lspacing=0.1,
456                dotsep="×",
457                islocal=False,
458            ),
459            Justino3=dict(
460                mono=True,
461                fscale=0.725,
462                hspacing=1,
463                lspacing=0.1,
464                dotsep="×",
465                islocal=False,
466            ),
467            Calibri=dict(
468                mono=False,
469                fscale=0.75,
470                hspacing=1,
471                lspacing=0.2,
472                dotsep="~×",
473                islocal=False,
474            ),
475            Capsmall=dict(
476                mono=False,
477                fscale=0.8,
478                hspacing=0.75,
479                lspacing=0.15,
480                dotsep="~×",
481                islocal=False,
482            ),
483            Cartoons123=dict(
484                mono=False,
485                fscale=0.8,
486                hspacing=0.75,
487                lspacing=0.15,
488                dotsep="x",
489                islocal=False,
490            ),
491            Darwin=dict(
492                mono=False,
493                fscale=0.8,
494                hspacing=0.75,
495                lspacing=0.15,
496                dotsep="x",
497                islocal=False,
498            ),
499            Vega=dict(
500                mono=False,
501                fscale=0.8,
502                hspacing=0.75,
503                lspacing=0.15,
504                dotsep="×",
505                islocal=False,
506            ),
507            Meson=dict(
508                mono=False,
509                fscale=0.8,
510                hspacing=0.9,
511                lspacing=0.225,
512                dotsep="~×",
513                islocal=False,
514            ),
515            Komika=dict(
516                mono=False,
517                fscale=0.7,
518                hspacing=0.75,
519                lspacing=0.225,
520                dotsep="~×",
521                islocal=False,
522            ),
523            Brachium=dict(
524                mono=True,
525                fscale=0.8,
526                hspacing=1,
527                lspacing=0.1,
528                dotsep="x",
529                islocal=False,
530            ),
531            Dalim=dict(
532                mono=False,
533                fscale=0.75,
534                lspacing=0.2,
535                hspacing=1,
536                dotsep="~×",
537                islocal=False,
538            ),
539            Miro=dict(
540                mono=False,
541                fscale=0.75,
542                lspacing=0.2,
543                hspacing=1,
544                dotsep="~×",
545                islocal=False,
546            ),
547            Ubuntu=dict(
548                mono=False,
549                fscale=0.75,
550                lspacing=0.2,
551                hspacing=1,
552                dotsep="~×",
553                islocal=False,
554            ),
555            Mizar=dict(
556                mono=False,
557                fscale=0.75,
558                lspacing=0.2,
559                hspacing=0.75,
560                dotsep="~×",
561                islocal=False,
562            ),
563            LiberationSans=dict(
564                mono=False,
565                fscale=0.75,
566                lspacing=0.2,
567                hspacing=1,
568                dotsep="~×",
569                islocal=False,
570            ),
571            DejavuSansMono=dict(
572                mono=True,
573                fscale=0.725,
574                hspacing=1,
575                lspacing=0.1,
576                dotsep="~×",
577                islocal=False,
578            ),
579            SunflowerHighway=dict(
580                mono=False,
581                fscale=0.75,
582                lspacing=0.2,
583                hspacing=1,
584                dotsep="~×",
585                islocal=False,
586            ),
587            Swansea=dict(
588                mono=False,
589                fscale=0.75,
590                lspacing=0.2,
591                hspacing=1,
592                dotsep="~×",
593                islocal=False,
594            ),
595            Housekeeper=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
596                mono=False,
597                fscale=0.75,
598                hspacing=1,
599                lspacing=0.2,
600                dotsep="~×",
601                islocal=False,
602            ),
603            Wananti=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
604                mono=False,
605                fscale=0.75,
606                hspacing=1,
607                lspacing=0.2,
608                dotsep="~x",
609                islocal=False,
610            ),
611            AnimeAce=dict(
612                mono=False,
613                fscale=0.75,
614                hspacing=1,
615                lspacing=0.2,
616                dotsep="~x",
617                islocal=False,
618            ),
619            Antares=dict(
620                mono=True,
621                fscale=0.8,
622                hspacing=1,
623                lspacing=0.1,
624                dotsep="×",
625                islocal=False,
626            ),
627            Archistico=dict(
628                mono=False,
629                fscale=0.75,
630                lspacing=0.2,
631                hspacing=0.75,
632                dotsep="~×",
633                islocal=False,
634            ),
635            KazyCase=dict(
636                mono=True,
637                fscale=0.8,
638                hspacing=1.2,
639                lspacing=0.1,
640                dotsep="×",
641                islocal=False,
642            ),
643            Roboto=dict(
644                mono=True,
645                fscale=0.8,
646                hspacing=1,
647                lspacing=0.1,
648                dotsep="×",
649                islocal=False,
650            ),
651        )
653    ####################################################################################
654    def __getitem__(self, key):
655        """Make the class work like a dictionary too"""
656        return getattr(self, key)
658    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
659        """Make the class work like a dictionary too"""
660        setattr(self, key, value)
662    def __str__(self) -> str:
663        """Return a string representation of the object"""
664        s = Settings.__doc__.replace("   ", "")
665        s = s.replace(".. code-block:: python\n", "")
666        s = s.replace("```python\n", "")
667        s = s.replace("```\n", "")
668        s = s.replace("\n\n", "\n #------------------------------------------------------\n")
669        s = s.replace("\n  ", "\n")
670        s = s.replace("\n ", "\n")
671        s = s.replace(" from", "from")
672        try:
673            from pygments import highlight
674            from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer
675            from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter
676            s = highlight(s, Python3Lexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style="zenburn"))
677        except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
678            pass
680        module = self.__class__.__module__
681        name = self.__class__.__name__
682        header = f"{module}.{name} at ({hex(id(self))})".ljust(75)
683        s = f"\x1b[1m\x1b[7m{header}\x1b[0m\n" + s
684        return s.strip()
686    ############################################################
687    def keys(self) -> list:
688        """Return all keys"""
689        return self.__slots__
691    def values(self) -> list:
692        """Return all values"""
693        return [getattr(self, key) for key in self.__slots__]
695    def items(self) -> list:
696        """Return all items"""
697        return [(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.__slots__]
699    def reset(self) -> None:
700        """Reset all settings to their default status."""
701        self.__init__()
703    ############################################################
704    def init_colab(self, enable_k3d=True) -> None:
705        """
706        Initialize colab environment
707        """
708        print("setting up colab environment (can take a minute) ...", end="")
710        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
711        if res:
712            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
714        os.system("pip install pyvirtualdisplay")
716        from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
717        Display(visible=0).start()
719        if enable_k3d:
720            os.system("pip install k3d")
722        from google.colab import output
723        output.enable_custom_widget_manager()
725        if enable_k3d:
726            import k3d
727            try:
728                print("installing k3d...", end="")
729                os.system("jupyter nbextension install --py --user k3d")
730                os.system("jupyter nbextension enable  --py --user k3d")
731                k3d.switch_to_text_protocol()
732                self.default_backend = "k3d"
733                self.backend_autoclose = False
734            except:
735                print("(FAILED) ... ", end="")
737        print(" setup completed.")
739    ############################################################
740    def start_xvfb(self) -> None:
741        """
742        Start xvfb.
744        Xvfb or X virtual framebuffer is a display server implementing
745        the X11 display server protocol. In contrast to other display servers,
746        Xvfb performs all graphical operations in virtual memory
747        without showing any screen output.
748        """
749        print("starting xvfb (can take a minute) ...", end="")
750        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
751        if res:
752            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
753        os.system("set -x")
754        os.system("export DISPLAY=:99.0")
755        os.system("Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
756        os.system("sleep 3")
757        os.system("set +x")
758        os.system('exec "$@"')
759        print(" xvfb started.")

General settings to modify the global behavior and style.

from vedo import settings, Cube
settings.use_parallel_projection = True
# settings["use_parallel_projection"] = True  # this is equivalent!

List of available properties:

# Set the default font to be used for axes, comments etc.
# Check out the available fonts at
# For example:
default_font = 'Normografo'
# To customize the font parameters use:
settings.font_parameters["Normografo"] = dict(
# Where
# mono    : if True all letters occupy the same space slot horizontally
# fscale  : sets the general scaling factor for the size of the font
# hspacing: horizontal stretching factor (affects both letters and words)
# lspacing: horizontal spacing inbetween letters (not words)
# dotsep  : a string of characters to be interpreted as dot separator
# islocal : if locally stored in /fonts, otherwise it's on
# To run a demo try:
# vedo --run fonts

# Use this local folder to store downloaded files (default is ~/.cache/vedo)
cache_directory = ".cache"

# Palette number when using an integer to choose a color
palette = 0

# Options for saving window screenshots:
screenshot_transparent_background = False
screeshot_large_image = False # sometimes setting this to True gives better results

# Enable tracking pipeline functionality:
# allows to show a graph with the pipeline of action which let to a final object
# this is achieved by calling "" (a new window will pop up)
self.enable_pipeline = True

# Remember the last format used when creating new figures in vedo.pyplot
# this is useful when creating multiple figures of the same kind
# and avoid to specify the format each time in plot(..., like=...)
remember_last_figure_format = False

# Set up default mouse and keyboard callbacks
enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True

# Progress bar delay before showing up [sec]
self.progressbar_delay = 0.5

# If False, when multiple renderers are present, render only once at the end
immediate_rendering = True

# In multirendering mode, show a grey frame margin (set width=0 to disable)
renderer_frame_color = None
renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
renderer_frame_width = 0.5
renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001

# In multirendering mode, set the position of the horizontal of vertical splitting [0,1]
window_splitting_position = None

# Gradient orientation mode for background window color
# 0 = Vertical
# 1 = Horizontal
# 2 = Radial viewport farthest side
# 3 = Radial viewport farthest corner
background_gradient_orientation = 0

# Enable / disable color printing by printc()
enable_print_color = True

# Smoothing options for points, lines and polygons
point_smoothing = False
line_smoothing = False
polygon_smoothing = False

# Turn on/off the automatic repositioning of lights as the camera moves
light_follows_camera = False
two_sided_lighting = True

# Turn on/off rendering of translucent material with depth peeling technique
use_depth_peeling = False
alpha_bit_planes  = True   # options only active if useDepthPeeling=True
multi_samples     = 8      # antialiasing multisample buffer
max_number_of_peels= 4     # maximum number of rendering passes
occlusion_ratio   = 0.0    # occlusion ratio, 0 = exact image.

# Turn on/off nvidia FXAA post-process anti-aliasing, if supported
use_fxaa = False           # either True or False

# By default, the depth buffer is reset for each renderer
#  If True, use the existing depth buffer
preserve_depth_buffer = False

# Use a polygon/edges offset to possibly resolve conflicts in rendering
use_polygon_offset    = False
polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
polygon_offset_units  = 0.1

# Interpolate scalars to render them smoothly
interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True

# Set parallel projection On or Off (place camera to infinity, no perspective effects)
use_parallel_projection = False

# Set orientation type when reading TIFF files:
# TOPLEFT  1 (row 0 top,    col 0 lhs)    TOPRIGHT 2 (row 0 top,    col 0 rhs)
# BOTRIGHT 3 (row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs)    BOTLEFT  4 (row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs)
# LEFTTOP  5 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 top)    RIGHTTOP 6 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 top)
# RIGHTBOT 7 (row 0 rhs,    col 0 bottom) LEFTBOT  8 (row 0 lhs,    col 0 bottom)
tiff_orientation_type = 1

# Annotated cube axis type nr. 5 options:
annotated_cube_color      = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
annotated_cube_text_color = None # use default, otherwise specify a single color
annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
annotated_cube_texts      = ["right","left ", "front","back ", " top ", "bttom"]

# Set the default backend for plotting in jupyter notebooks.
# If a jupyter environment is detected, the default is automatically switched to "2d"
default_backend = "vtk"

# Automatically close the Plotter instance after show() in jupyter sessions
# setting it to False will keep the current Plotter instance active
backend_autoclose = True

# Settings specific to the K3D backend in jupyter notebooks
k3d_menu_visibility = True
k3d_plot_height   = 512
k3d_antialias     = True
k3d_lighting      = 1.5
k3d_camera_autofit= True
k3d_grid_autofit  = True
k3d_axes_color    = "gray4"
k3d_axes_helper   = 1.0     # size of the small triad of axes on the bottom right
k3d_point_shader  = "mesh"  # others are '3d', '3dSpecular', 'dot', 'flat'
k3d_line_shader   = "thick" # others are 'flat', 'mesh'
231    def __init__(self) -> None:
233        self.default_backend = "vtk"
234        try:
235            # adapted from:
236            shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
237            if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
238                self.default_backend = "2d"
239        except NameError:
240            pass
242        self.default_font = "Normografo"
244        self.enable_pipeline = True
245        self.progressbar_delay = 0.5
246        self.palette = 0
247        self.remember_last_figure_format = False
249        self.cache_directory = ".cache"  # "/vedo" is added automatically
251        self.screenshot_transparent_background = False
252        self.screeshot_large_image = False
254        self.enable_default_mouse_callbacks = True
255        self.enable_default_keyboard_callbacks = True
256        self.immediate_rendering = True
258        self.renderer_frame_color = None
259        self.renderer_frame_alpha = 0.5
260        self.renderer_frame_width = 0.5
261        self.renderer_frame_padding = 0.0001
262        self.background_gradient_orientation = 0
264        self.point_smoothing = False
265        self.line_smoothing = False
266        self.polygon_smoothing = False
268        self.light_follows_camera = False
269        self.two_sided_lighting = True
271        self.use_depth_peeling = False
272        self.multi_samples = 8
273        self.alpha_bit_planes = 1
274        self.max_number_of_peels = 4
275        self.occlusion_ratio = 0.1
277        self.use_fxaa = False
279        self.preserve_depth_buffer = False
281        self.use_polygon_offset = True
282        self.polygon_offset_factor = 0.1
283        self.polygon_offset_units = 0.1
285        self.interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
287        self.use_parallel_projection = False
289        self.window_splitting_position = None
291        self.tiff_orientation_type = 1
293        self.annotated_cube_color = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
294        self.annotated_cube_text_color = None
295        self.annotated_cube_text_scale = 0.2
296        self.annotated_cube_texts = ["right", "left ", "front", "back ", " top ", "bttom"]
298        self.enable_print_color = True
300        self.backend_autoclose = True
302        self.k3d_menu_visibility = True
303        self.k3d_plot_height = 512
304        self.k3d_antialias   = True
305        self.k3d_lighting    = 1.5
306        self.k3d_camera_autofit = True
307        self.k3d_grid_autofit= True
308        self.k3d_axes_color  = "k4"
309        self.k3d_axes_helper = 1.0
310        self.k3d_point_shader= "mesh"
311        self.k3d_line_shader = "thick"
313        self.font_parameters = dict(
315            Normografo=dict(
316                mono=False,
317                fscale=0.75,
318                hspacing=1,
319                lspacing=0.2,
320                dotsep="~×",
321                islocal=True,
322            ),
323            Bongas=dict(
324                mono=False,
325                fscale=0.875,
326                hspacing=0.52,
327                lspacing=0.25,
328                dotsep="·",
329                islocal=True,
330            ),
331            Calco=dict(
332                mono=True,
333                fscale=0.8,
334                hspacing=1,
335                lspacing=0.1,
336                dotsep="×",
337                islocal=True,
338            ),
339            Comae=dict(
340                mono=False,
341                fscale=0.75,
342                lspacing=0.2,
343                hspacing=1,
344                dotsep="~×",
345                islocal=True,
346            ),
347            ComicMono=dict(
348                mono=True,
349                fscale=0.8,
350                hspacing=1,
351                lspacing=0.1,
352                dotsep="x",
353                islocal=False,
354            ),
355            Edo=dict(
356                mono=False,
357                fscale=0.75,
358                hspacing=1,
359                lspacing=0.2,
360                dotsep="~x ",
361                islocal=False,
362            ),
363            FiraMonoMedium=dict(
364                mono=True,
365                fscale=0.8,
366                hspacing=1,
367                lspacing=0.1,
368                dotsep="×",
369                islocal=False,
370            ),
371            FiraMonoBold=dict(
372                mono=True,
373                fscale=0.8,
374                hspacing=1,
375                lspacing=0.1,
376                dotsep="×",
377                islocal=False,
378            ),
379            Glasgo=dict(
380                mono=True,
381                fscale=0.75,
382                lspacing=0.1,
383                hspacing=1,
384                dotsep="~×",
385                islocal=True,
386            ),
387            Kanopus=dict(
388                mono=False,
389                fscale=0.75,
390                lspacing=0.15,
391                hspacing=0.75,
392                dotsep="~×",
393                islocal=True,
394            ),
395            LogoType=dict(
396                mono=False,
397                fscale=0.75,
398                hspacing=1,
399                lspacing=0.2,
400                dotsep="~×",
401                islocal=False,
402            ),
403            Quikhand=dict(
404                mono=False,
405                fscale=0.8,
406                hspacing=0.6,
407                lspacing=0.15,
408                dotsep="~~×~",
409                islocal=True,
410            ),
411            SmartCouric=dict(
412                mono=True,
413                fscale=0.8,
414                hspacing=1.05,
415                lspacing=0.1,
416                dotsep="×",
417                islocal=True,
418            ),
419            Spears=dict(
420                mono=False,
421                fscale=0.8,
422                hspacing=0.5,
423                lspacing=0.2,
424                dotsep="~×",
425                islocal=False,
426            ),
427            Theemim=dict(
428                mono=False,
429                fscale=0.825,
430                hspacing=0.52,
431                lspacing=0.3,
432                dotsep="~~×",
433                islocal=True,
434            ),
435            VictorMono=dict(
436                mono=True,
437                fscale=0.725,
438                hspacing=1,
439                lspacing=0.1,
440                dotsep="×",
441                islocal=True,
442            ),
443            Justino1=dict(
444                mono=True,
445                fscale=0.725,
446                hspacing=1,
447                lspacing=0.1,
448                dotsep="×",
449                islocal=False,
450            ),
451            Justino2=dict(
452                mono=True,
453                fscale=0.725,
454                hspacing=1,
455                lspacing=0.1,
456                dotsep="×",
457                islocal=False,
458            ),
459            Justino3=dict(
460                mono=True,
461                fscale=0.725,
462                hspacing=1,
463                lspacing=0.1,
464                dotsep="×",
465                islocal=False,
466            ),
467            Calibri=dict(
468                mono=False,
469                fscale=0.75,
470                hspacing=1,
471                lspacing=0.2,
472                dotsep="~×",
473                islocal=False,
474            ),
475            Capsmall=dict(
476                mono=False,
477                fscale=0.8,
478                hspacing=0.75,
479                lspacing=0.15,
480                dotsep="~×",
481                islocal=False,
482            ),
483            Cartoons123=dict(
484                mono=False,
485                fscale=0.8,
486                hspacing=0.75,
487                lspacing=0.15,
488                dotsep="x",
489                islocal=False,
490            ),
491            Darwin=dict(
492                mono=False,
493                fscale=0.8,
494                hspacing=0.75,
495                lspacing=0.15,
496                dotsep="x",
497                islocal=False,
498            ),
499            Vega=dict(
500                mono=False,
501                fscale=0.8,
502                hspacing=0.75,
503                lspacing=0.15,
504                dotsep="×",
505                islocal=False,
506            ),
507            Meson=dict(
508                mono=False,
509                fscale=0.8,
510                hspacing=0.9,
511                lspacing=0.225,
512                dotsep="~×",
513                islocal=False,
514            ),
515            Komika=dict(
516                mono=False,
517                fscale=0.7,
518                hspacing=0.75,
519                lspacing=0.225,
520                dotsep="~×",
521                islocal=False,
522            ),
523            Brachium=dict(
524                mono=True,
525                fscale=0.8,
526                hspacing=1,
527                lspacing=0.1,
528                dotsep="x",
529                islocal=False,
530            ),
531            Dalim=dict(
532                mono=False,
533                fscale=0.75,
534                lspacing=0.2,
535                hspacing=1,
536                dotsep="~×",
537                islocal=False,
538            ),
539            Miro=dict(
540                mono=False,
541                fscale=0.75,
542                lspacing=0.2,
543                hspacing=1,
544                dotsep="~×",
545                islocal=False,
546            ),
547            Ubuntu=dict(
548                mono=False,
549                fscale=0.75,
550                lspacing=0.2,
551                hspacing=1,
552                dotsep="~×",
553                islocal=False,
554            ),
555            Mizar=dict(
556                mono=False,
557                fscale=0.75,
558                lspacing=0.2,
559                hspacing=0.75,
560                dotsep="~×",
561                islocal=False,
562            ),
563            LiberationSans=dict(
564                mono=False,
565                fscale=0.75,
566                lspacing=0.2,
567                hspacing=1,
568                dotsep="~×",
569                islocal=False,
570            ),
571            DejavuSansMono=dict(
572                mono=True,
573                fscale=0.725,
574                hspacing=1,
575                lspacing=0.1,
576                dotsep="~×",
577                islocal=False,
578            ),
579            SunflowerHighway=dict(
580                mono=False,
581                fscale=0.75,
582                lspacing=0.2,
583                hspacing=1,
584                dotsep="~×",
585                islocal=False,
586            ),
587            Swansea=dict(
588                mono=False,
589                fscale=0.75,
590                lspacing=0.2,
591                hspacing=1,
592                dotsep="~×",
593                islocal=False,
594            ),
595            Housekeeper=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
596                mono=False,
597                fscale=0.75,
598                hspacing=1,
599                lspacing=0.2,
600                dotsep="~×",
601                islocal=False,
602            ),
603            Wananti=dict(  # supports chinese glyphs
604                mono=False,
605                fscale=0.75,
606                hspacing=1,
607                lspacing=0.2,
608                dotsep="~x",
609                islocal=False,
610            ),
611            AnimeAce=dict(
612                mono=False,
613                fscale=0.75,
614                hspacing=1,
615                lspacing=0.2,
616                dotsep="~x",
617                islocal=False,
618            ),
619            Antares=dict(
620                mono=True,
621                fscale=0.8,
622                hspacing=1,
623                lspacing=0.1,
624                dotsep="×",
625                islocal=False,
626            ),
627            Archistico=dict(
628                mono=False,
629                fscale=0.75,
630                lspacing=0.2,
631                hspacing=0.75,
632                dotsep="~×",
633                islocal=False,
634            ),
635            KazyCase=dict(
636                mono=True,
637                fscale=0.8,
638                hspacing=1.2,
639                lspacing=0.1,
640                dotsep="×",
641                islocal=False,
642            ),
643            Roboto=dict(
644                mono=True,
645                fscale=0.8,
646                hspacing=1,
647                lspacing=0.1,
648                dotsep="×",
649                islocal=False,
650            ),
651        )
def keys(self) -> list:
687    def keys(self) -> list:
688        """Return all keys"""
689        return self.__slots__

Return all keys

def values(self) -> list:
691    def values(self) -> list:
692        """Return all values"""
693        return [getattr(self, key) for key in self.__slots__]

Return all values

def items(self) -> list:
695    def items(self) -> list:
696        """Return all items"""
697        return [(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.__slots__]

Return all items

def reset(self) -> None:
699    def reset(self) -> None:
700        """Reset all settings to their default status."""
701        self.__init__()

Reset all settings to their default status.

def init_colab(self, enable_k3d=True) -> None:
704    def init_colab(self, enable_k3d=True) -> None:
705        """
706        Initialize colab environment
707        """
708        print("setting up colab environment (can take a minute) ...", end="")
710        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
711        if res:
712            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
714        os.system("pip install pyvirtualdisplay")
716        from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
717        Display(visible=0).start()
719        if enable_k3d:
720            os.system("pip install k3d")
722        from google.colab import output
723        output.enable_custom_widget_manager()
725        if enable_k3d:
726            import k3d
727            try:
728                print("installing k3d...", end="")
729                os.system("jupyter nbextension install --py --user k3d")
730                os.system("jupyter nbextension enable  --py --user k3d")
731                k3d.switch_to_text_protocol()
732                self.default_backend = "k3d"
733                self.backend_autoclose = False
734            except:
735                print("(FAILED) ... ", end="")
737        print(" setup completed.")

Initialize colab environment

def start_xvfb(self) -> None:
740    def start_xvfb(self) -> None:
741        """
742        Start xvfb.
744        Xvfb or X virtual framebuffer is a display server implementing
745        the X11 display server protocol. In contrast to other display servers,
746        Xvfb performs all graphical operations in virtual memory
747        without showing any screen output.
748        """
749        print("starting xvfb (can take a minute) ...", end="")
750        res = os.system("which Xvfb")
751        if res:
752            os.system("apt-get install xvfb")
753        os.system("set -x")
754        os.system("export DISPLAY=:99.0")
755        os.system("Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
756        os.system("sleep 3")
757        os.system("set +x")
758        os.system('exec "$@"')
759        print(" xvfb started.")

Start xvfb.

Xvfb or X virtual framebuffer is a display server implementing the X11 display server protocol. In contrast to other display servers, Xvfb performs all graphical operations in virtual memory without showing any screen output.