Colors definitions and printing methods.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3 2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3import os 4import sys 5import time 6 7import numpy as np 8import vedo.vtkclasses as vtki 9import vedo 10 11__docformat__ = "google" 12 13__doc__ = """ 14Colors definitions and printing methods. 15 16![]( 17""" 18 19__all__ = [ 20 "printc", 21 "printd", 22 "get_color", 23 "get_color_name", 24 "color_map", 25 "build_palette", 26 "build_lut", 27] 28 29 30try: 31 import matplotlib 32 try: 33 matplotlib.colormaps # v3.4 will fail this 34 _has_matplotlib = True 35 cmaps = {} 36 except AttributeError: 37 _has_matplotlib = False 38except ModuleNotFoundError: 39 from vedo.cmaps import cmaps 40 _has_matplotlib = False 41 # see below, this is dealt with in color_map() 42# print(" _has_matplotlib", _has_matplotlib) 43 44######################################################### 45# handy global shortcuts for terminal printing 46# Ex.: print( + "hello" + colors.reset) 47######################################################### 48red = "\x1b[1m\x1b[31;1m" 49green = "\x1b[1m\x1b[32;1m" 50yellow = "\x1b[1m\x1b[33;1m" 51blue = "\x1b[1m\x1b[34;1m" 52reset = "\x1b[0m" 53 54 55######################################################### 56# basic color schemes 57######################################################### 58colors = { 59 # order kind of matters because of pyplot.plot() 60 "blue9": "#a8cbfe", # bootstrap5 colors 61 "blue8": "#81b4fe", 62 "blue7": "#5a9cfe", 63 "blue6": "#3485fd", 64 "blue5": "#0d6efd", 65 "blue4": "#0b5cd5", 66 "blue3": "#094bac", 67 "blue2": "#073984", 68 "blue1": "#05285b", 69 "indigo9": "#c8a9fa", 70 "indigo8": "#af83f8", 71 "indigo7": "#975cf6", 72 "indigo6": "#7e36f4", 73 "indigo5": "#6610f2", 74 "indigo4": "#560dcb", 75 "indigo3": "#450ba5", 76 "indigo2": "#35087e", 77 "indigo1": "#250657", 78 "purple9": "#cbbbe9", 79 "purple8": "#b49ddf", 80 "purple7": "#9d7ed5", 81 "purple6": "#8660cb", 82 "purple5": "#6f42c1", 83 "purple4": "#5d37a2", 84 "purple3": "#4b2d83", 85 "purple2": "#3a2264", 86 "purple1": "#281845", 87 "pink9": "#f0b6d3", 88 "pink8": "#ea95bf", 89 "pink7": "#e374ab", 90 "pink6": "#dd5498", 91 "pink5": "#d63384", 92 "pink4": "#b42b6f", 93 "pink3": "#92235a", 94 "pink2": "#6f1b45", 95 "pink1": "#4d1230", 96 "red9": "#f2b6bc", 97 "red8": "#ed969e", 98 "red7": "#e77681", 99 "red6": "#e25563", 100 "red5": "#dc3545", 101 "red4": "#b92d3a", 102 "red3": "#96242f", 103 "red2": "#721c24", 104 "red1": "#4f1319", 105 "orange9": "#fed1aa", 106 "orange8": "#febc85", 107 "orange7": "#fea75f", 108 "orange6": "#fd933a", 109 "orange5": "#fd7e14", 110 "orange4": "#d56a11", 111 "orange3": "#ac560e", 112 "orange2": "#84420a", 113 "orange1": "#5b2d07", 114 "yellow9": "#ffe9a6", 115 "yellow8": "#ffdf7e", 116 "yellow7": "#ffd556", 117 "yellow6": "#ffcb2f", 118 "yellow5": "#ffc107", 119 "yellow4": "#d6a206", 120 "yellow3": "#ad8305", 121 "yellow2": "#856404", 122 "yellow1": "#5c4503", 123 "green9": "#b2dfbc", 124 "green8": "#8fd19e", 125 "green7": "#6dc381", 126 "green6": "#4ab563", 127 "green5": "#28a745", 128 "green4": "#228c3a", 129 "green3": "#1b722f", 130 "green2": "#155724", 131 "green1": "#0e3c19", 132 "teal9": "#afecda", 133 "teal8": "#8be3c9", 134 "teal7": "#67dab8", 135 "teal6": "#44d2a8", 136 "teal5": "#20c997", 137 "teal4": "#1ba97f", 138 "teal3": "#168967", 139 "teal2": "#11694f", 140 "teal1": "#0c4836", 141 "cyan9": "#abdee5", 142 "cyan8": "#86cfda", 143 "cyan7": "#61c0cf", 144 "cyan6": "#3cb1c3", 145 "cyan5": "#17a2b8", 146 "cyan4": "#13889b", 147 "cyan3": "#106e7d", 148 "cyan2": "#0c5460", 149 "cyan1": "#083a42", 150 "gray9": "#f8f9fa", 151 "gray8": "#e9edef", 152 "gray7": "#dee2e6", 153 "gray6": "#ced4da", 154 "gray5": "#adb5bd", 155 "gray4": "#6c757d", 156 "gray3": "#495057", 157 "gray2": "#343a40", 158 "gray1": "#212529", 159 "aliceblue": "#F0F8FF", # matplotlib scheme 160 "antiquewhite": "#FAEBD7", 161 "aqua": "#00FFFF", 162 "aquamarine": "#7FFFD4", 163 "azure": "#F0FFFF", 164 "beige": "#F5F5DC", 165 "bisque": "#FFE4C4", 166 "black": "#000000", 167 "blanchedalmond": "#FFEBCD", 168 "blue": "#0f00fb", # "0000FF", 169 "blueviolet": "#8A2BE2", 170 "brown": "#A52A2A", 171 "burlywood": "#DEB887", 172 "cadetblue": "#5F9EA0", 173 "chartreuse": "#7FFF00", 174 "chocolate": "#D2691E", 175 "coral": "#FF7F50", 176 "cornflowerblue": "#6495ED", 177 "cornsilk": "#FFF8DC", 178 "crimson": "#DC143C", 179 "cyan": "#00FFFF", 180 "darkblue": "#00008B", 181 "darkcyan": "#008B8B", 182 "darkgoldenrod": "#B8860B", 183 "darkgray": "#A9A9A9", 184 "darkgreen": "#006400", 185 "darkkhaki": "#BDB76B", 186 "darkmagenta": "#8B008B", 187 "darkolivegreen": "#556B2F", 188 "darkorange": "#FF8C00", 189 "darkorchid": "#9932CC", 190 "darkred": "#8B0000", 191 "darksalmon": "#E9967A", 192 "darkseagreen": "#8FBC8F", 193 "darkslateblue": "#483D8B", 194 "darkslategray": "#2F4F4F", 195 "darkturquoise": "#00CED1", 196 "darkviolet": "#9400D3", 197 "deeppink": "#FF1493", 198 "deepskyblue": "#00BFFF", 199 "dimgray": "#696969", 200 "dodgerblue": "#1E90FF", 201 "firebrick": "#B22222", 202 "floralwhite": "#FFFAF0", 203 "forestgreen": "#228B22", 204 "fuchsia": "#FF00FF", 205 "gainsboro": "#DCDCDC", 206 "ghostwhite": "#F8F8FF", 207 "gold": "#FFD700", 208 "goldenrod": "#DAA520", 209 "gray": "#808080", 210 "green": "#047f10", # "#008000", 211 "greenyellow": "#ADFF2F", 212 "honeydew": "#F0FFF0", 213 "hotpink": "#FF69B4", 214 "indianred": "#CD5C5C", 215 "indigo": "#4B0082", 216 "ivory": "#FFFFF0", 217 "khaki": "#F0E68C", 218 "lavender": "#E6E6FA", 219 "lavenderblush": "#FFF0F5", 220 "lawngreen": "#7CFC00", 221 "lemonchiffon": "#FFFACD", 222 "lightblue": "#ADD8E6", 223 "lightcoral": "#F08080", 224 "lightcyan": "#E0FFFF", 225 "lightgray": "#D3D3D3", 226 "lightgreen": "#90EE90", 227 "lightpink": "#FFB6C1", 228 "lightsalmon": "#FFA07A", 229 "lightseagreen": "#20B2AA", 230 "lightskyblue": "#87CEFA", 231 "lightsteelblue": "#B0C4DE", 232 "lightyellow": "#FFFFE0", 233 "lime": "#00FF00", 234 "limegreen": "#32CD32", 235 "linen": "#FAF0E6", 236 "magenta": "#FF00FF", 237 "maroon": "#800000", 238 "mediumaquamarine": "#66CDAA", 239 "mediumblue": "#0000CD", 240 "mediumorchid": "#BA55D3", 241 "mediumpurple": "#9370DB", 242 "mediumseagreen": "#3CB371", 243 "mediumslateblue": "#7B68EE", 244 "mediumspringgreen": "#00FA9A", 245 "mediumturquoise": "#48D1CC", 246 "mediumvioletred": "#C71585", 247 "midnightblue": "#191970", 248 "mintcream": "#F5FFFA", 249 "mistyrose": "#FFE4E1", 250 "moccasin": "#FFE4B5", 251 "navajowhite": "#FFDEAD", 252 "navy": "#000080", 253 "oldlace": "#FDF5E6", 254 "olive": "#808000", 255 "olivedrab": "#6B8E23", 256 "orange": "#FFA500", 257 "orangered": "#FF4500", 258 "orchid": "#DA70D6", 259 "palegoldenrod": "#EEE8AA", 260 "palegreen": "#98FB98", 261 "paleturquoise": "#AFEEEE", 262 "palevioletred": "#DB7093", 263 "papayawhip": "#FFEFD5", 264 "peachpuff": "#FFDAB9", 265 "peru": "#CD853F", 266 "pink": "#FFC0CB", 267 "plum": "#DDA0DD", 268 "powderblue": "#B0E0E6", 269 "purple": "#800080", 270 "rebeccapurple": "#663399", 271 "red": "#fe1e1f", # "#FF0000", 272 "rosybrown": "#BC8F8F", 273 "royalblue": "#4169E1", 274 "saddlebrown": "#8B4513", 275 "salmon": "#FA8072", 276 "sandybrown": "#F4A460", 277 "seagreen": "#2E8B57", 278 "seashell": "#FFF5EE", 279 "sienna": "#A0522D", 280 "silver": "#C0C0C0", 281 "skyblue": "#87CEEB", 282 "slateblue": "#6A5ACD", 283 "slategray": "#708090", 284 "snow": "#FFFAFA", 285 "blackboard": "#393939", 286 "springgreen": "#00FF7F", 287 "steelblue": "#4682B4", 288 "tan": "#D2B48C", 289 "teal": "#008080", 290 "thistle": "#D8BFD8", 291 "tomato": "#FF6347", 292 "turquoise": "#40E0D0", 293 "violet": "#EE82EE", 294 "wheat": "#F5DEB3", 295 "white": "#FFFFFF", 296 "whitesmoke": "#F5F5F5", 297 "yellow": "#ffff36", # "#FFFF00", 298 "yellowgreen": "#9ACD32", 299} 300 301 302color_nicks = { # color nicknames 303 "bb": "blackboard", 304 "lb": "lightblue", # light 305 "lg": "lightgreen", 306 "lr": "orangered", 307 "lc": "lightcyan", 308 "ls": "lightsalmon", 309 "ly": "lightyellow", 310 "dr": "darkred", # dark 311 "db": "darkblue", 312 "dg": "darkgreen", 313 "dm": "darkmagenta", 314 "dc": "darkcyan", 315 "ds": "darksalmon", 316 "dv": "darkviolet", 317 "b1": "blue1", # bootstrap5 colors 318 "b2": "blue2", 319 "b3": "blue3", 320 "b4": "blue4", 321 "b5": "blue5", 322 "b6": "blue6", 323 "b7": "blue7", 324 "b8": "blue8", 325 "b9": "blue9", 326 "i1": "indigo1", 327 "i2": "indigo2", 328 "i3": "indigo3", 329 "i4": "indigo4", 330 "i5": "indigo5", 331 "i6": "indigo6", 332 "i7": "indigo7", 333 "i8": "indigo8", 334 "i9": "indigo9", 335 "p1": "purple1", 336 "p2": "purple2", 337 "p3": "purple3", 338 "p4": "purple4", 339 "p5": "purple5", 340 "p6": "purple6", 341 "p7": "purple7", 342 "p8": "purple8", 343 "p9": "purple9", 344 "r1": "red1", 345 "r2": "red2", 346 "r3": "red3", 347 "r4": "red4", 348 "r5": "red5", 349 "r6": "red6", 350 "r7": "red7", 351 "r8": "red8", 352 "r9": "red9", 353 "o1": "orange1", 354 "o2": "orange2", 355 "o3": "orange3", 356 "o4": "orange4", 357 "o5": "orange5", 358 "o6": "orange6", 359 "o7": "orange7", 360 "o8": "orange8", 361 "o9": "orange9", 362 "y1": "yellow1", 363 "y2": "yellow2", 364 "y3": "yellow3", 365 "y4": "yellow4", 366 "y5": "yellow5", 367 "y6": "yellow6", 368 "y7": "yellow7", 369 "y8": "yellow8", 370 "y9": "yellow9", 371 "g1": "green1", 372 "g2": "green2", 373 "g3": "green3", 374 "g4": "green4", 375 "g5": "green5", 376 "g6": "green6", 377 "g7": "green7", 378 "g8": "green8", 379 "g9": "green9", 380 "k1": "gray1", 381 "k2": "gray2", 382 "k3": "gray3", 383 "k4": "gray4", 384 "k5": "gray5", 385 "k6": "gray6", 386 "k7": "gray7", 387 "k8": "gray8", 388 "k9": "gray9", 389 "a": "aqua", 390 "b": "blue", 391 "c": "cyan", 392 "d": "gold", 393 "f": "fuchsia", 394 "g": "green", 395 "i": "indigo", 396 "k": "black", 397 "m": "magenta", 398 "n": "navy", 399 "l": "lavender", 400 "o": "orange", 401 "p": "purple", 402 "r": "red", 403 "s": "salmon", 404 "t": "tomato", 405 "v": "violet", 406 "y": "yellow", 407 "w": "white", 408} 409 410 411# available colormap names: 412cmaps_names = ( 413 "Accent", 414 "Accent_r", 415 "Blues", 416 "Blues_r", 417 "BrBG", 418 "BrBG_r", 419 "BuGn", 420 "BuGn_r", 421 "BuPu", 422 "BuPu_r", 423 "CMRmap", 424 "CMRmap_r", 425 "Dark2", 426 "Dark2_r", 427 "GnBu", 428 "GnBu_r", 429 "Greens", 430 "Greens_r", 431 "Greys", 432 "Greys_r", 433 "OrRd", 434 "OrRd_r", 435 "Oranges", 436 "Oranges_r", 437 "PRGn", 438 "PRGn_r", 439 "Paired", 440 "Paired_r", 441 "Pastel1", 442 "Pastel1_r", 443 "Pastel2", 444 "Pastel2_r", 445 "PiYG", 446 "PiYG_r", 447 "PuBu", 448 "PuBuGn", 449 "PuBuGn_r", 450 "PuBu_r", 451 "PuOr", 452 "PuOr_r", 453 "PuRd", 454 "PuRd_r", 455 "Purples", 456 "Purples_r", 457 "RdBu", 458 "RdBu_r", 459 "RdGy", 460 "RdGy_r", 461 "RdPu", 462 "RdPu_r", 463 "RdYlBu", 464 "RdYlBu_r", 465 "RdYlGn", 466 "RdYlGn_r", 467 "Reds", 468 "Reds_r", 469 "Set1", 470 "Set1_r", 471 "Set2", 472 "Set2_r", 473 "Set3", 474 "Set3_r", 475 "Spectral", 476 "Spectral_r", 477 "Wistia", 478 "Wistia_r", 479 "YlGn", 480 "YlGnBu", 481 "YlGnBu_r", 482 "YlGn_r", 483 "YlOrBr", 484 "YlOrBr_r", 485 "YlOrRd", 486 "YlOrRd_r", 487 "afmhot", 488 "afmhot_r", 489 "autumn", 490 "autumn_r", 491 "binary", 492 "binary_r", 493 "bone", 494 "bone_r", 495 "brg", 496 "brg_r", 497 "bwr", 498 "bwr_r", 499 "cividis", 500 "cividis_r", 501 "cool", 502 "cool_r", 503 "coolwarm", 504 "coolwarm_r", 505 "copper", 506 "copper_r", 507 "cubehelix", 508 "cubehelix_r", 509 "flag", 510 "flag_r", 511 "gist_earth", 512 "gist_earth_r", 513 "gist_gray", 514 "gist_gray_r", 515 "gist_heat", 516 "gist_heat_r", 517 "gist_ncar", 518 "gist_ncar_r", 519 "gist_rainbow", 520 "gist_rainbow_r", 521 "gist_stern", 522 "gist_stern_r", 523 "gist_yarg", 524 "gist_yarg_r", 525 "gnuplot", 526 "gnuplot2", 527 "gnuplot2_r", 528 "gnuplot_r", 529 "gray_r", 530 "hot", 531 "hot_r", 532 "hsv", 533 "hsv_r", 534 "inferno", 535 "inferno_r", 536 "jet", 537 "jet_r", 538 "magma", 539 "magma_r", 540 "nipy_spectral", 541 "nipy_spectral_r", 542 "ocean", 543 "ocean_r", 544 "pink_r", 545 "plasma", 546 "plasma_r", 547 "prism", 548 "prism_r", 549 "rainbow", 550 "rainbow_r", 551 "seismic", 552 "seismic_r", 553 "spring", 554 "spring_r", 555 "summer", 556 "summer_r", 557 "tab10", 558 "tab10_r", 559 "tab20", 560 "tab20_r", 561 "tab20b", 562 "tab20b_r", 563 "tab20c", 564 "tab20c_r", 565 "terrain", 566 "terrain_r", 567 "twilight", 568 "twilight_r", 569 "twilight_shifted", 570 "twilight_shifted_r", 571 "viridis", 572 "viridis_r", 573 "winter", 574 "winter_r", 575) 576 577 578# default color palettes when using an index 579palettes = ( 580 ( 581 [1. , 0.75686275, 0.02745098], # yellow5 582 [0.99215686, 0.49411765, 0.07843137], # orange5 583 [0.8627451 , 0.20784314, 0.27058824], # red5 584 [0.83921569, 0.2 , 0.51764706], # pink5 585 [0.1254902 , 0.78823529, 0.59215686], # teal5 586 [0.15686275, 0.65490196, 0.27058824], # green5 587 [0.09019608, 0.63529412, 0.72156863], # cyan5 588 [0.05098039, 0.43137255, 0.99215686], # blue5 589 [0.4 , 0.0627451 , 0.94901961], # indigo5 590 [0.67843137, 0.70980392, 0.74117647], # gray5 591 ), 592 ( 593 (1.0, 0.832, 0.000), # gold 594 (0.960, 0.509, 0.188), 595 (0.901, 0.098, 0.194), 596 (0.235, 0.85, 0.294), 597 (0.46, 0.48, 0.000), 598 (0.274, 0.941, 0.941), 599 (0.0, 0.509, 0.784), 600 (0.1, 0.1, 0.900), 601 (0.902, 0.7, 1.000), 602 (0.941, 0.196, 0.901), 603 ), 604 ( 605 (1.0, 0.832, 0), # gold 606 (0.59, 0.0, 0.09), # dark red 607 (0.5, 0.5, 0), # yellow-green 608 (0.0, 0.66, 0.42), # green blue 609 (0.5, 1.0, 0.0), # green 610 (0.0, 0.18, 0.65), # blue 611 (0.4, 0.0, 0.4), # plum 612 (0.4, 0.0, 0.6), 613 (0.2, 0.4, 0.6), 614 (0.1, 0.3, 0.2), 615 ), 616 ( 617 (0.010, 0.0706, 0.098), # -> black 618 (0.0196, 0.369, 0.447), 619 (0.0745, 0.573, 0.584), 620 (0.584, 0.820, 0.741), 621 (0.914, 0.847, 0.663), 622 (0.929, 0.616, 0.149), 623 (0.788, 0.412, 0.110), 624 (0.729, 0.259, 0.0902), 625 (0.678, 0.153, 0.110), 626 (0.604, 0.153, 0.165), # -> red3 627 ), 628 ( 629 (0.345, 0.188, 0.071), # -> orange1 630 (0.498, 0.314, 0.161), 631 (0.573, 0.404, 0.239), 632 (0.651, 0.545, 0.400), 633 (0.714, 0.678, 0.569), 634 (0.761, 0.773, 0.671), 635 (0.643, 0.675, 0.533), 636 (0.396, 0.427, 0.298), 637 (0.255, 0.282, 0.204), 638 (0.200, 0.239, 0.165), # -> blackboard 639 ), 640 ( 641 (0.937, 0.969, 0.820), # -> beige 642 (0.729, 0.851, 0.714), 643 (0.671, 0.639, 0.396), 644 (0.447, 0.180, 0.180), 645 (0.259, 0.055, 0.082), # -> red1 646 (0.937, 0.969, 0.820), # -> beige 647 (0.729, 0.851, 0.714), 648 (0.671, 0.639, 0.396), 649 (0.447, 0.180, 0.180), 650 (0.259, 0.055, 0.082), # -> red1 651 ), 652 ( 653 (0.933, 0.298, 0.443), # -> red6 654 (0.996, 0.824, 0.431), 655 (0.082, 0.835, 0.631), 656 (0.094, 0.537, 0.690), 657 (0.035, 0.231, 0.294), # -> cyan1 658 (0.933, 0.298, 0.443), # -> red6 659 (0.996, 0.824, 0.431), 660 (0.082, 0.835, 0.631), 661 (0.094, 0.537, 0.690), 662 (0.035, 0.231, 0.294), # -> cyan1 663 ), 664) 665 666 667emoji = { 668 ":bomb:": "\U0001F4A5", 669 ":sparks:": "\U00002728", 670 ":thumbup:": "\U0001F44D", 671 ":target:": "\U0001F3AF", 672 ":save:": "\U0001F4BE", 673 ":noentry:": "\U000026D4", 674 ":video:": "\U0001F4FD", 675 ":lightning:": "\U000026A1", 676 ":camera:": "\U0001F4F8", 677 ":times:": "\U0000274C", 678 ":world:": "\U0001F30D", 679 ":rainbow:": "\U0001F308", 680 ":idea:": "\U0001F4A1", 681 ":pin:": "\U0001F4CC", 682 ":construction:": "\U0001F6A7", 683 ":rocket:": "\U0001F680", 684 ":hourglass:": "\U000023F3", 685 ":prohibited:": "\U0001F6AB", 686 ":checked:": "\U00002705", 687 ":smile:": "\U0001F642", 688 ":sad:": "\U0001F612", 689 ":star:": "\U00002B50", 690 ":zzz:": "\U0001F4A4", 691 ":mu:": "\U000003BC", 692 ":pi:": "\U000003C0", 693 ":sigma:": "\U000003C3", 694 ":rightarrow:": "\U000027A1", 695} 696 697 698# terminal or notebook can do color print 699def _has_colors(stream): 700 try: 701 import IPython 702 return True 703 except: 704 pass 705 706 if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): 707 return False 708 if not stream.isatty(): 709 return False 710 return True 711_terminal_has_colors = _has_colors(sys.stdout) 712 713 714def _is_sequence(arg): 715 # Check if input is iterable. 716 if hasattr(arg, "strip"): 717 return False 718 if hasattr(arg, "__getslice__"): 719 return True 720 if hasattr(arg, "__iter__"): 721 return True 722 return False 723 724 725def get_color(rgb=None, hsv=None): 726 """ 727 Convert a color or list of colors to (r,g,b) format from many different input formats. 728 729 Set `hsv` to input as (hue, saturation, value). 730 731 Example: 732 - `RGB = (255, 255, 255)` corresponds to white 733 - `rgb = (1,1,1)` is again white 734 - `hex = #FFFF00` is yellow 735 - `string = 'white'` 736 - `string = 'w'` is white nickname 737 - `string = 'dr'` is darkred 738 - `string = 'red4'` is a shade of red 739 - `int = 7` picks color nr. 7 in a predefined color list 740 - `int = -7` picks color nr. 7 in a different predefined list 741 742 743 Examples: 744 - []( 745 746 ![]( 747 """ 748 # recursion, return a list if input is list of colors: 749 if _is_sequence(rgb) and (len(rgb) > 3 or _is_sequence(rgb[0])): 750 seqcol = [] 751 for sc in rgb: 752 seqcol.append(get_color(sc)) 753 return seqcol 754 755 # because they are most common: 756 if isinstance(rgb, str): 757 if rgb == "r": 758 return (0.9960784313725, 0.11764705882352, 0.121568627450980) 759 elif rgb == "g": 760 return (0.0156862745098, 0.49803921568627, 0.062745098039215) 761 elif rgb == "b": 762 return (0.0588235294117, 0.0, 0.984313725490196) 763 764 if str(rgb).isdigit(): 765 rgb = int(rgb) 766 767 if hsv: 768 c = hsv2rgb(hsv) 769 else: 770 c = rgb 771 772 if _is_sequence(c): 773 if c[0] <= 1 and c[1] <= 1 and c[2] <= 1: 774 return c # already rgb 775 if len(c) == 3: 776 return list(np.array(c) / 255.0) # RGB 777 return (c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0, c[3]) # RGBA 778 779 elif isinstance(c, str): # is string 780 c = c.replace("grey", "gray").replace(" ", "") 781 if 0 < len(c) < 3: # single/double letter color 782 if c.lower() in color_nicks: 783 c = color_nicks[c.lower()] 784 else: 785 # vedo.logger.warning( 786 # f"Unknown color nickname {c}\nAvailable abbreviations: {color_nicks}" 787 # ) 788 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 789 790 if c.lower() in colors: # matplotlib name color 791 c = colors[c.lower()] 792 # from now format is hex! 793 794 if c.startswith("#"): # hex to rgb 795 h = c.lstrip("#") 796 rgb255 = list(int(h[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) 797 rgbh = np.array(rgb255) / 255.0 798 if np.sum(rgbh) > 3: 799 vedo.logger.error(f"in get_color(): Wrong hex color {c}") 800 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 801 return tuple(rgbh) 802 803 else: # vtk name color 804 namedColors ="NamedColors") 805 rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] 806 namedColors.GetColor(c, rgba) 807 return (rgba[0] / 255.0, rgba[1] / 255.0, rgba[2] / 255.0) 808 809 elif isinstance(c, (int, float)): # color number 810 return palettes[vedo.settings.palette % len(palettes)][abs(int(c)) % 10] 811 812 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 813 814 815def get_color_name(c) -> str: 816 """Find the name of the closest color.""" 817 c = np.array(get_color(c)) # reformat to rgb 818 mdist = 99.0 819 kclosest = "" 820 for key in colors: 821 ci = np.array(get_color(key)) 822 d = np.linalg.norm(c - ci) 823 if d < mdist: 824 mdist = d 825 kclosest = str(key) 826 return kclosest 827 828 829def hsv2rgb(hsv: list) -> list: 830 """Convert HSV to RGB color.""" 831 ma ="Math") 832 rgb = [0, 0, 0] 833 ma.HSVToRGB(hsv, rgb) 834 return rgb 835 836 837def rgb2hsv(rgb: list) -> list: 838 """Convert RGB to HSV color.""" 839 ma ="Math") 840 hsv = [0, 0, 0] 841 ma.RGBToHSV(get_color(rgb), hsv) 842 return hsv 843 844 845def rgb2hex(rgb: list) -> str: 846 """Convert RGB to Hex color.""" 847 h = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(rgb[0] * 255), int(rgb[1] * 255), int(rgb[2] * 255)) 848 return h 849 850 851def hex2rgb(hx: str) -> list: 852 """Convert Hex to rgb color.""" 853 h = hx.lstrip("#") 854 rgb255 = [int(h[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)] 855 return (rgb255[0] / 255.0, rgb255[1] / 255.0, rgb255[2] / 255.0) 856 857 858def color_map(value, name="jet", vmin=None, vmax=None): 859 """ 860 Map a real value in range [vmin, vmax] to a (r,g,b) color scale. 861 862 Return the (r,g,b) color, or a list of (r,g,b) colors. 863 864 Arguments: 865 value : (float, list) 866 scalar value to transform into a color 867 name : (str, matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) 868 color map name 869 870 Very frequently used color maps are: 871 872 ![]( 873 874 A more complete color maps list: 875 876 ![]( 877 878 .. note:: Can also directly use and customize a matplotlib color map 879 880 Example: 881 ```python 882 import matplotlib 883 from vedo import color_map 884 rgb = color_map(0.2, matplotlib.colormaps["jet"], 0, 1) 885 print("rgb =", rgb) # [0.0, 0.3, 1.0] 886 ``` 887 888 Examples: 889 - []( 890 891 <img src="" width="400"/> 892 893 """ 894 cut = _is_sequence(value) # to speed up later 895 896 if cut: 897 values = np.asarray(value) 898 if vmin is None: 899 vmin = np.min(values) 900 if vmax is None: 901 vmax = np.max(values) 902 values = np.clip(values, vmin, vmax) 903 values = (values - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) 904 else: 905 if vmin is None: 906 vedo.logger.warning("in color_map() you must specify vmin! Assume 0.") 907 vmin = 0 908 if vmax is None: 909 vedo.logger.warning("in color_map() you must specify vmax! Assume 1.") 910 vmax = 1 911 if vmax == vmin: 912 values = [value - vmin] 913 else: 914 values = [(value - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)] 915 916 if _has_matplotlib: 917 # matplotlib is available, use it! ########################### 918 if isinstance(name, str): 919 mp = matplotlib.colormaps[name] 920 else: 921 mp = name # assume matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap 922 result = mp(values)[:, [0, 1, 2]] 923 924 else: 925 # matplotlib not available ################################### 926 invert = False 927 if name.endswith("_r"): 928 invert = True 929 name = name.replace("_r", "") 930 try: 931 cmap = cmaps[name] 932 except KeyError: 933 vedo.logger.error(f"in color_map(), no color map with name {name} or {name}_r") 934 vedo.logger.error(f"Available color maps are:\n{cmaps.keys()}") 935 return np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) 936 937 result = [] 938 n = len(cmap) - 1 939 for v in values: 940 iv = int(v * n) 941 if invert: 942 iv = n - iv 943 rgb = hex2rgb(cmap[iv]) 944 result.append(rgb) 945 result = np.array(result) 946 947 if cut: 948 return result 949 return result[0] 950 951 952def build_palette(color1, color2, n, hsv=True) -> np.ndarray: 953 """ 954 Generate N colors starting from `color1` to `color2` 955 by linear interpolation in HSV or RGB spaces. 956 957 Arguments: 958 N : (int) 959 number of output colors. 960 color1 : (color) 961 first color. 962 color2 : (color) 963 second color. 964 hsv : (bool) 965 if `False`, interpolation is calculated in RGB space. 966 967 Examples: 968 - []( 969 970 ![]( 971 """ 972 if hsv: 973 color1 = rgb2hsv(color1) 974 color2 = rgb2hsv(color2) 975 c1 = np.array(get_color(color1)) 976 c2 = np.array(get_color(color2)) 977 cols = [] 978 for f in np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True): 979 c = c1 * (1 - f) + c2 * f 980 if hsv: 981 c = np.array(hsv2rgb(c)) 982 cols.append(c) 983 return np.array(cols) 984 985 986def build_lut( 987 colorlist, 988 vmin=None, 989 vmax=None, 990 below_color=None, 991 above_color=None, 992 nan_color=None, 993 below_alpha=1, 994 above_alpha=1, 995 nan_alpha=1, 996 interpolate=False, 997) -> vtki.vtkLookupTable: 998 """ 999 Generate colors in a lookup table (LUT). 1000 1001 Return the `vtkLookupTable` object. This can be fed into `cmap()` method. 1002 1003 Arguments: 1004 colorlist : (list) 1005 a list in the form `[(scalar1, [r,g,b]), (scalar2, 'blue'), ...]`. 1006 vmin : (float) 1007 specify minimum value of scalar range 1008 vmax : (float) 1009 specify maximum value of scalar range 1010 below_color : (color) 1011 color for scalars below the minimum in range 1012 below_alpha : (float) 1013 opacity for scalars below the minimum in range 1014 above_color : (color) 1015 color for scalars above the maximum in range 1016 above_alpha : (float) 1017 alpha for scalars above the maximum in range 1018 nan_color : (color) 1019 color for invalid (nan) scalars 1020 nan_alpha : (float) 1021 alpha for invalid (nan) scalars 1022 interpolate : (bool) 1023 interpolate or not intermediate scalars 1024 1025 Examples: 1026 - []( 1027 1028 ![]( 1029 """ 1030 ctf ="ColorTransferFunction") 1031 ctf.SetColorSpaceToRGB() 1032 ctf.SetScaleToLinear() 1033 1034 alpha_x, alpha_vals = [], [] 1035 for sc in colorlist: 1036 if len(sc) >= 3: 1037 scalar, col, alf = sc[:3] 1038 else: 1039 alf = 1 1040 scalar, col = sc 1041 r, g, b = get_color(col) 1042 ctf.AddRGBPoint(scalar, r, g, b) 1043 alpha_x.append(scalar) 1044 alpha_vals.append(alf) 1045 1046 ncols = 8 * len(colorlist) 1047 if not interpolate: 1048 ncols = len(colorlist) 1049 1050 lut ="LookupTable") 1051 lut.SetNumberOfTableValues(ncols) 1052 1053 x0, x1 = ctf.GetRange() # range of the introduced values 1054 if vmin is not None: 1055 x0 = vmin 1056 if vmax is not None: 1057 x1 = vmax 1058 ctf.SetRange(x0, x1) 1059 lut.SetRange(x0, x1) 1060 1061 if below_color is not None: 1062 lut.SetBelowRangeColor(list(get_color(below_color)) + [below_alpha]) 1063 lut.SetUseBelowRangeColor(True) 1064 if above_color is not None: 1065 lut.SetAboveRangeColor(list(get_color(above_color)) + [above_alpha]) 1066 lut.SetUseAboveRangeColor(True) 1067 if nan_color is not None: 1068 lut.SetNanColor(list(get_color(nan_color)) + [nan_alpha]) 1069 1070 if interpolate: 1071 for i in range(ncols): 1072 p = i / (ncols-1) 1073 x = (1 - p) * x0 + p * x1 1074 alf = np.interp(x, alpha_x, alpha_vals) 1075 rgba = list(ctf.GetColor(x)) + [alf] 1076 lut.SetTableValue(i, rgba) 1077 else: 1078 for i in range(ncols): 1079 if len(colorlist[i]) > 2: 1080 alpha = colorlist[i][2] 1081 else: 1082 alpha = 1.0 1083 # print("colorlist entry:", colorlist[i]) 1084 rgba = list(get_color(colorlist[i][1])) + [alpha] 1085 lut.SetTableValue(i, rgba) 1086 1087 lut.Build() 1088 return lut 1089 1090 1091######################################################################### 1092def printc( 1093 *strings, 1094 c=None, 1095 bc=None, 1096 bold=True, 1097 italic=False, 1098 blink=False, 1099 underline=False, 1100 strike=False, 1101 dim=False, 1102 invert=False, 1103 box="", 1104 link="", 1105 end="\n", 1106 flush=True, 1107 return_string=False, 1108): 1109 """ 1110 Print to terminal in color (any color!). 1111 1112 Arguments: 1113 c : (color) 1114 foreground color name or (r,g,b) 1115 bc : (color) 1116 background color name or (r,g,b) 1117 bold : (bool) 1118 boldface [True] 1119 italic : (bool) 1120 italic [False] 1121 blink : (bool) 1122 blinking text [False] 1123 underline : (bool) 1124 underline text [False] 1125 strike : (bool) 1126 strike through text [False] 1127 dim : (bool) 1128 make text look dimmer [False] 1129 invert : (bool) 1130 invert background and forward colors [False] 1131 box : (bool) 1132 print a box with specified text character [''] 1133 link : (str) 1134 print a clickable url link (works on Linux) 1135 (must press Ctrl+click to open the link) 1136 flush : (bool) 1137 flush buffer after printing [True] 1138 return_string : (bool) 1139 return the string without printing it [False] 1140 end : (str) 1141 the end character to be printed [newline] 1142 1143 Example: 1144 ```python 1145 from vedo.colors import printc 1146 printc('anything', c='tomato', bold=False, end=' ') 1147 printc('anything', 455.5, c='lightblue') 1148 printc(299792.48, c=4) 1149 ``` 1150 1151 Examples: 1152 - []( 1153 1154 ![]( 1155 """ 1156 1157 if not vedo.settings.enable_print_color or not _terminal_has_colors: 1158 if return_string: 1159 return ''.join(strings) 1160 else: 1161 print(*strings, end=end, flush=flush) 1162 return 1163 1164 try: # ------------------------------------------------------------- 1165 1166 txt = str() 1167 ns = len(strings) - 1 1168 separator = " " 1169 offset = 0 1170 for i, s in enumerate(strings): 1171 if i == ns: 1172 separator = "" 1173 if ":" in repr(s): 1174 for k in emoji: 1175 if k in str(s): 1176 s = s.replace(k, emoji[k]) 1177 offset += 1 1178 for k, rp in vedo.shapes._reps: # check symbols in shapes._reps 1179 if k in str(s): 1180 s = s.replace(k, rp) 1181 offset += 1 1182 1183 txt += str(s) + separator 1184 1185 special, cseq = "", "" 1186 oneletter_colors = { 1187 "k": "\u001b[30m", # because these are supported by most terminals 1188 "r": "\u001b[31m", 1189 "g": "\u001b[32m", 1190 "y": "\u001b[33m", 1191 "b": "\u001b[34m", 1192 "m": "\u001b[35m", 1193 "c": "\u001b[36m", 1194 "w": "\u001b[37m", 1195 } 1196 1197 if c is not None: 1198 if c is True: 1199 c = "g" 1200 elif c is False: 1201 c = "r" 1202 1203 if isinstance(c, str) and c in oneletter_colors: 1204 cseq += oneletter_colors[c] 1205 else: 1206 r, g, b = get_color(c) # not all terms support this syntax 1207 cseq += f"\x1b[38;2;{int(r*255)};{int(g*255)};{int(b*255)}m" 1208 1209 if bc: 1210 if bc in oneletter_colors: 1211 cseq += oneletter_colors[bc] 1212 else: 1213 r, g, b = get_color(bc) 1214 cseq += f"\x1b[48;2;{int(r*255)};{int(g*255)};{int(b*255)}m" 1215 1216 if box is True: 1217 box = "-" 1218 if underline and not box: 1219 special += "\x1b[4m" 1220 if strike and not box: 1221 special += "\x1b[9m" 1222 if dim: 1223 special += "\x1b[2m" 1224 if invert: 1225 special += "\x1b[7m" 1226 if bold: 1227 special += "\x1b[1m" 1228 if italic: 1229 special += "\x1b[3m" 1230 if blink: 1231 special += "\x1b[5m" 1232 1233 if box and "\n" not in txt: 1234 box = box[0] 1235 boxv = box 1236 if box in ["_", "=", "-", "+", "~"]: 1237 boxv = "|" 1238 1239 if box in ("_", "."): 1240 outtxt = special + cseq + " " + box * (len(txt) + offset + 2) + " \n" 1241 outtxt += boxv + " " * (len(txt) + 2) + boxv + "\n" 1242 else: 1243 outtxt = special + cseq + box * (len(txt) + offset + 4) + "\n" 1244 1245 outtxt += boxv + " " + txt + " " + boxv + "\n" 1246 1247 if box == "_": 1248 outtxt += "|" + box * (len(txt) + offset + 2) + "|" + reset + end 1249 else: 1250 outtxt += box * (len(txt) + offset + 4) + reset + end 1251 1252 sys.stdout.write(outtxt) 1253 1254 else: 1255 1256 out = special + cseq + txt + reset 1257 1258 if link: 1259 # embed a link in the terminal 1260 out = f"\x1b]8;;{link}\x1b\\{out}\x1b]8;;\x1b\\" 1261 1262 if return_string: 1263 return out + end 1264 else: 1265 sys.stdout.write(out + end) 1266 1267 except: # --------------------------------------------------- fallback 1268 1269 if return_string: 1270 return ''.join(strings) 1271 1272 try: 1273 print(*strings, end=end) 1274 except UnicodeEncodeError as e: 1275 print(e, end=end) 1276 pass 1277 1278 if flush: 1279 sys.stdout.flush() 1280 1281 1282def printd(*strings, q=False): 1283 """ 1284 Print debug information about the environment where the printd() is called. 1285 Local variables are printed out with their current values. 1286 1287 Use `q` to quit (exit) the python session after the printd call. 1288 """ 1289 from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo 1290 1291 cf = currentframe().f_back 1292 cfi = getframeinfo(cf) 1293 1294 fname = os.path.basename(getframeinfo(cf).filename) 1295 print("\x1b[7m\x1b[3m\x1b[37m" + fname + " line:\x1b[1m" + str(cfi.lineno) + reset, end="") 1296 print("\x1b[3m\x1b[37m\x1b[2m", "\U00002501" * 30, time.ctime(), reset) 1297 if strings: 1298 print(" \x1b[37m\x1b[1mMessage : ", *strings) 1299 print(" \x1b[37m\x1b[1mFunction:\x1b[0m\x1b[37m " + str(cfi.function)) 1300 print(" \x1b[1mLocals :" + reset) 1301 for loc in cf.f_locals.keys(): 1302 obj = cf.f_locals[loc] 1303 var = repr(obj) 1304 if 'module ' in var: continue 1305 if 'function ' in var: continue 1306 if 'class ' in var: continue 1307 if loc.startswith('_'): continue 1308 if hasattr(obj, 'name'): 1309 if not 1310 oname = str(type(obj)) 1311 else: 1312 oname = 1313 var = oname + ", at " + vedo.utils.precision(obj.GetPosition(), 3) 1314 1315 var = var.replace("vtkmodules.", "") 1316 print(" \x1b[37m", loc, "\t\t=", var[:60].replace("\n", ""), reset) 1317 if vedo.utils.is_sequence(obj) and len(obj) > 4: 1318 print(' \x1b[37m\x1b[2m\x1b[3m len:', len(obj), 1319 ' min:', vedo.utils.precision(min(obj), 4), 1320 ' max:', vedo.utils.precision(max(obj), 4), 1321 reset) 1322 1323 if q: 1324 print(f" \x1b[1m\x1b[37mExiting python now (q={bool(q)}).\x1b[0m\x1b[37m") 1325 sys.exit(0) 1326 sys.stdout.flush()
1093def printc( 1094 *strings, 1095 c=None, 1096 bc=None, 1097 bold=True, 1098 italic=False, 1099 blink=False, 1100 underline=False, 1101 strike=False, 1102 dim=False, 1103 invert=False, 1104 box="", 1105 link="", 1106 end="\n", 1107 flush=True, 1108 return_string=False, 1109): 1110 """ 1111 Print to terminal in color (any color!). 1112 1113 Arguments: 1114 c : (color) 1115 foreground color name or (r,g,b) 1116 bc : (color) 1117 background color name or (r,g,b) 1118 bold : (bool) 1119 boldface [True] 1120 italic : (bool) 1121 italic [False] 1122 blink : (bool) 1123 blinking text [False] 1124 underline : (bool) 1125 underline text [False] 1126 strike : (bool) 1127 strike through text [False] 1128 dim : (bool) 1129 make text look dimmer [False] 1130 invert : (bool) 1131 invert background and forward colors [False] 1132 box : (bool) 1133 print a box with specified text character [''] 1134 link : (str) 1135 print a clickable url link (works on Linux) 1136 (must press Ctrl+click to open the link) 1137 flush : (bool) 1138 flush buffer after printing [True] 1139 return_string : (bool) 1140 return the string without printing it [False] 1141 end : (str) 1142 the end character to be printed [newline] 1143 1144 Example: 1145 ```python 1146 from vedo.colors import printc 1147 printc('anything', c='tomato', bold=False, end=' ') 1148 printc('anything', 455.5, c='lightblue') 1149 printc(299792.48, c=4) 1150 ``` 1151 1152 Examples: 1153 - []( 1154 1155 ![]( 1156 """ 1157 1158 if not vedo.settings.enable_print_color or not _terminal_has_colors: 1159 if return_string: 1160 return ''.join(strings) 1161 else: 1162 print(*strings, end=end, flush=flush) 1163 return 1164 1165 try: # ------------------------------------------------------------- 1166 1167 txt = str() 1168 ns = len(strings) - 1 1169 separator = " " 1170 offset = 0 1171 for i, s in enumerate(strings): 1172 if i == ns: 1173 separator = "" 1174 if ":" in repr(s): 1175 for k in emoji: 1176 if k in str(s): 1177 s = s.replace(k, emoji[k]) 1178 offset += 1 1179 for k, rp in vedo.shapes._reps: # check symbols in shapes._reps 1180 if k in str(s): 1181 s = s.replace(k, rp) 1182 offset += 1 1183 1184 txt += str(s) + separator 1185 1186 special, cseq = "", "" 1187 oneletter_colors = { 1188 "k": "\u001b[30m", # because these are supported by most terminals 1189 "r": "\u001b[31m", 1190 "g": "\u001b[32m", 1191 "y": "\u001b[33m", 1192 "b": "\u001b[34m", 1193 "m": "\u001b[35m", 1194 "c": "\u001b[36m", 1195 "w": "\u001b[37m", 1196 } 1197 1198 if c is not None: 1199 if c is True: 1200 c = "g" 1201 elif c is False: 1202 c = "r" 1203 1204 if isinstance(c, str) and c in oneletter_colors: 1205 cseq += oneletter_colors[c] 1206 else: 1207 r, g, b = get_color(c) # not all terms support this syntax 1208 cseq += f"\x1b[38;2;{int(r*255)};{int(g*255)};{int(b*255)}m" 1209 1210 if bc: 1211 if bc in oneletter_colors: 1212 cseq += oneletter_colors[bc] 1213 else: 1214 r, g, b = get_color(bc) 1215 cseq += f"\x1b[48;2;{int(r*255)};{int(g*255)};{int(b*255)}m" 1216 1217 if box is True: 1218 box = "-" 1219 if underline and not box: 1220 special += "\x1b[4m" 1221 if strike and not box: 1222 special += "\x1b[9m" 1223 if dim: 1224 special += "\x1b[2m" 1225 if invert: 1226 special += "\x1b[7m" 1227 if bold: 1228 special += "\x1b[1m" 1229 if italic: 1230 special += "\x1b[3m" 1231 if blink: 1232 special += "\x1b[5m" 1233 1234 if box and "\n" not in txt: 1235 box = box[0] 1236 boxv = box 1237 if box in ["_", "=", "-", "+", "~"]: 1238 boxv = "|" 1239 1240 if box in ("_", "."): 1241 outtxt = special + cseq + " " + box * (len(txt) + offset + 2) + " \n" 1242 outtxt += boxv + " " * (len(txt) + 2) + boxv + "\n" 1243 else: 1244 outtxt = special + cseq + box * (len(txt) + offset + 4) + "\n" 1245 1246 outtxt += boxv + " " + txt + " " + boxv + "\n" 1247 1248 if box == "_": 1249 outtxt += "|" + box * (len(txt) + offset + 2) + "|" + reset + end 1250 else: 1251 outtxt += box * (len(txt) + offset + 4) + reset + end 1252 1253 sys.stdout.write(outtxt) 1254 1255 else: 1256 1257 out = special + cseq + txt + reset 1258 1259 if link: 1260 # embed a link in the terminal 1261 out = f"\x1b]8;;{link}\x1b\\{out}\x1b]8;;\x1b\\" 1262 1263 if return_string: 1264 return out + end 1265 else: 1266 sys.stdout.write(out + end) 1267 1268 except: # --------------------------------------------------- fallback 1269 1270 if return_string: 1271 return ''.join(strings) 1272 1273 try: 1274 print(*strings, end=end) 1275 except UnicodeEncodeError as e: 1276 print(e, end=end) 1277 pass 1278 1279 if flush: 1280 sys.stdout.flush()
Print to terminal in color (any color!).
- c : (color) foreground color name or (r,g,b)
- bc : (color) background color name or (r,g,b)
- bold : (bool) boldface [True]
- italic : (bool) italic [False]
- blink : (bool) blinking text [False]
- underline : (bool) underline text [False]
- strike : (bool) strike through text [False]
- dim : (bool) make text look dimmer [False]
- invert : (bool) invert background and forward colors [False]
- box : (bool) print a box with specified text character ['']
- link : (str) print a clickable url link (works on Linux) (must press Ctrl+click to open the link)
- flush : (bool) flush buffer after printing [True]
- return_string : (bool) return the string without printing it [False]
- end : (str) the end character to be printed [newline]
from vedo.colors import printc printc('anything', c='tomato', bold=False, end=' ') printc('anything', 455.5, c='lightblue') printc(299792.48, c=4)
1283def printd(*strings, q=False): 1284 """ 1285 Print debug information about the environment where the printd() is called. 1286 Local variables are printed out with their current values. 1287 1288 Use `q` to quit (exit) the python session after the printd call. 1289 """ 1290 from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo 1291 1292 cf = currentframe().f_back 1293 cfi = getframeinfo(cf) 1294 1295 fname = os.path.basename(getframeinfo(cf).filename) 1296 print("\x1b[7m\x1b[3m\x1b[37m" + fname + " line:\x1b[1m" + str(cfi.lineno) + reset, end="") 1297 print("\x1b[3m\x1b[37m\x1b[2m", "\U00002501" * 30, time.ctime(), reset) 1298 if strings: 1299 print(" \x1b[37m\x1b[1mMessage : ", *strings) 1300 print(" \x1b[37m\x1b[1mFunction:\x1b[0m\x1b[37m " + str(cfi.function)) 1301 print(" \x1b[1mLocals :" + reset) 1302 for loc in cf.f_locals.keys(): 1303 obj = cf.f_locals[loc] 1304 var = repr(obj) 1305 if 'module ' in var: continue 1306 if 'function ' in var: continue 1307 if 'class ' in var: continue 1308 if loc.startswith('_'): continue 1309 if hasattr(obj, 'name'): 1310 if not 1311 oname = str(type(obj)) 1312 else: 1313 oname = 1314 var = oname + ", at " + vedo.utils.precision(obj.GetPosition(), 3) 1315 1316 var = var.replace("vtkmodules.", "") 1317 print(" \x1b[37m", loc, "\t\t=", var[:60].replace("\n", ""), reset) 1318 if vedo.utils.is_sequence(obj) and len(obj) > 4: 1319 print(' \x1b[37m\x1b[2m\x1b[3m len:', len(obj), 1320 ' min:', vedo.utils.precision(min(obj), 4), 1321 ' max:', vedo.utils.precision(max(obj), 4), 1322 reset) 1323 1324 if q: 1325 print(f" \x1b[1m\x1b[37mExiting python now (q={bool(q)}).\x1b[0m\x1b[37m") 1326 sys.exit(0) 1327 sys.stdout.flush()
Print debug information about the environment where the printd() is called. Local variables are printed out with their current values.
Use q
to quit (exit) the python session after the printd call.
726def get_color(rgb=None, hsv=None): 727 """ 728 Convert a color or list of colors to (r,g,b) format from many different input formats. 729 730 Set `hsv` to input as (hue, saturation, value). 731 732 Example: 733 - `RGB = (255, 255, 255)` corresponds to white 734 - `rgb = (1,1,1)` is again white 735 - `hex = #FFFF00` is yellow 736 - `string = 'white'` 737 - `string = 'w'` is white nickname 738 - `string = 'dr'` is darkred 739 - `string = 'red4'` is a shade of red 740 - `int = 7` picks color nr. 7 in a predefined color list 741 - `int = -7` picks color nr. 7 in a different predefined list 742 743 744 Examples: 745 - []( 746 747 ![]( 748 """ 749 # recursion, return a list if input is list of colors: 750 if _is_sequence(rgb) and (len(rgb) > 3 or _is_sequence(rgb[0])): 751 seqcol = [] 752 for sc in rgb: 753 seqcol.append(get_color(sc)) 754 return seqcol 755 756 # because they are most common: 757 if isinstance(rgb, str): 758 if rgb == "r": 759 return (0.9960784313725, 0.11764705882352, 0.121568627450980) 760 elif rgb == "g": 761 return (0.0156862745098, 0.49803921568627, 0.062745098039215) 762 elif rgb == "b": 763 return (0.0588235294117, 0.0, 0.984313725490196) 764 765 if str(rgb).isdigit(): 766 rgb = int(rgb) 767 768 if hsv: 769 c = hsv2rgb(hsv) 770 else: 771 c = rgb 772 773 if _is_sequence(c): 774 if c[0] <= 1 and c[1] <= 1 and c[2] <= 1: 775 return c # already rgb 776 if len(c) == 3: 777 return list(np.array(c) / 255.0) # RGB 778 return (c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0, c[3]) # RGBA 779 780 elif isinstance(c, str): # is string 781 c = c.replace("grey", "gray").replace(" ", "") 782 if 0 < len(c) < 3: # single/double letter color 783 if c.lower() in color_nicks: 784 c = color_nicks[c.lower()] 785 else: 786 # vedo.logger.warning( 787 # f"Unknown color nickname {c}\nAvailable abbreviations: {color_nicks}" 788 # ) 789 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 790 791 if c.lower() in colors: # matplotlib name color 792 c = colors[c.lower()] 793 # from now format is hex! 794 795 if c.startswith("#"): # hex to rgb 796 h = c.lstrip("#") 797 rgb255 = list(int(h[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) 798 rgbh = np.array(rgb255) / 255.0 799 if np.sum(rgbh) > 3: 800 vedo.logger.error(f"in get_color(): Wrong hex color {c}") 801 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 802 return tuple(rgbh) 803 804 else: # vtk name color 805 namedColors ="NamedColors") 806 rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] 807 namedColors.GetColor(c, rgba) 808 return (rgba[0] / 255.0, rgba[1] / 255.0, rgba[2] / 255.0) 809 810 elif isinstance(c, (int, float)): # color number 811 return palettes[vedo.settings.palette % len(palettes)][abs(int(c)) % 10] 812 813 return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
Convert a color or list of colors to (r,g,b) format from many different input formats.
Set hsv
to input as (hue, saturation, value).
RGB = (255, 255, 255)
corresponds to whitergb = (1,1,1)
is again whitehex = #FFFF00
is yellowstring = 'white'
string = 'w'
is white nicknamestring = 'dr'
is darkredstring = 'red4'
is a shade of redint = 7
picks color nr. 7 in a predefined color listint = -7
picks color nr. 7 in a different predefined list
816def get_color_name(c) -> str: 817 """Find the name of the closest color.""" 818 c = np.array(get_color(c)) # reformat to rgb 819 mdist = 99.0 820 kclosest = "" 821 for key in colors: 822 ci = np.array(get_color(key)) 823 d = np.linalg.norm(c - ci) 824 if d < mdist: 825 mdist = d 826 kclosest = str(key) 827 return kclosest
Find the name of the closest color.
859def color_map(value, name="jet", vmin=None, vmax=None): 860 """ 861 Map a real value in range [vmin, vmax] to a (r,g,b) color scale. 862 863 Return the (r,g,b) color, or a list of (r,g,b) colors. 864 865 Arguments: 866 value : (float, list) 867 scalar value to transform into a color 868 name : (str, matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) 869 color map name 870 871 Very frequently used color maps are: 872 873 ![]( 874 875 A more complete color maps list: 876 877 ![]( 878 879 .. note:: Can also directly use and customize a matplotlib color map 880 881 Example: 882 ```python 883 import matplotlib 884 from vedo import color_map 885 rgb = color_map(0.2, matplotlib.colormaps["jet"], 0, 1) 886 print("rgb =", rgb) # [0.0, 0.3, 1.0] 887 ``` 888 889 Examples: 890 - []( 891 892 <img src="" width="400"/> 893 894 """ 895 cut = _is_sequence(value) # to speed up later 896 897 if cut: 898 values = np.asarray(value) 899 if vmin is None: 900 vmin = np.min(values) 901 if vmax is None: 902 vmax = np.max(values) 903 values = np.clip(values, vmin, vmax) 904 values = (values - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) 905 else: 906 if vmin is None: 907 vedo.logger.warning("in color_map() you must specify vmin! Assume 0.") 908 vmin = 0 909 if vmax is None: 910 vedo.logger.warning("in color_map() you must specify vmax! Assume 1.") 911 vmax = 1 912 if vmax == vmin: 913 values = [value - vmin] 914 else: 915 values = [(value - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)] 916 917 if _has_matplotlib: 918 # matplotlib is available, use it! ########################### 919 if isinstance(name, str): 920 mp = matplotlib.colormaps[name] 921 else: 922 mp = name # assume matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap 923 result = mp(values)[:, [0, 1, 2]] 924 925 else: 926 # matplotlib not available ################################### 927 invert = False 928 if name.endswith("_r"): 929 invert = True 930 name = name.replace("_r", "") 931 try: 932 cmap = cmaps[name] 933 except KeyError: 934 vedo.logger.error(f"in color_map(), no color map with name {name} or {name}_r") 935 vedo.logger.error(f"Available color maps are:\n{cmaps.keys()}") 936 return np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) 937 938 result = [] 939 n = len(cmap) - 1 940 for v in values: 941 iv = int(v * n) 942 if invert: 943 iv = n - iv 944 rgb = hex2rgb(cmap[iv]) 945 result.append(rgb) 946 result = np.array(result) 947 948 if cut: 949 return result 950 return result[0]
Map a real value in range [vmin, vmax] to a (r,g,b) color scale.
Return the (r,g,b) color, or a list of (r,g,b) colors.
- value : (float, list) scalar value to transform into a color
- name : (str, matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) color map name
Very frequently used color maps are:
A more complete color maps list:
Can also directly use and customize a matplotlib color map
import matplotlib from vedo import color_map rgb = color_map(0.2, matplotlib.colormaps["jet"], 0, 1) print("rgb =", rgb) # [0.0, 0.3, 1.0]
953def build_palette(color1, color2, n, hsv=True) -> np.ndarray: 954 """ 955 Generate N colors starting from `color1` to `color2` 956 by linear interpolation in HSV or RGB spaces. 957 958 Arguments: 959 N : (int) 960 number of output colors. 961 color1 : (color) 962 first color. 963 color2 : (color) 964 second color. 965 hsv : (bool) 966 if `False`, interpolation is calculated in RGB space. 967 968 Examples: 969 - []( 970 971 ![]( 972 """ 973 if hsv: 974 color1 = rgb2hsv(color1) 975 color2 = rgb2hsv(color2) 976 c1 = np.array(get_color(color1)) 977 c2 = np.array(get_color(color2)) 978 cols = [] 979 for f in np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=True): 980 c = c1 * (1 - f) + c2 * f 981 if hsv: 982 c = np.array(hsv2rgb(c)) 983 cols.append(c) 984 return np.array(cols)
Generate N colors starting from color1
to color2
by linear interpolation in HSV or RGB spaces.
- N : (int) number of output colors.
- color1 : (color) first color.
- color2 : (color) second color.
- hsv : (bool)
, interpolation is calculated in RGB space.
987def build_lut( 988 colorlist, 989 vmin=None, 990 vmax=None, 991 below_color=None, 992 above_color=None, 993 nan_color=None, 994 below_alpha=1, 995 above_alpha=1, 996 nan_alpha=1, 997 interpolate=False, 998) -> vtki.vtkLookupTable: 999 """ 1000 Generate colors in a lookup table (LUT). 1001 1002 Return the `vtkLookupTable` object. This can be fed into `cmap()` method. 1003 1004 Arguments: 1005 colorlist : (list) 1006 a list in the form `[(scalar1, [r,g,b]), (scalar2, 'blue'), ...]`. 1007 vmin : (float) 1008 specify minimum value of scalar range 1009 vmax : (float) 1010 specify maximum value of scalar range 1011 below_color : (color) 1012 color for scalars below the minimum in range 1013 below_alpha : (float) 1014 opacity for scalars below the minimum in range 1015 above_color : (color) 1016 color for scalars above the maximum in range 1017 above_alpha : (float) 1018 alpha for scalars above the maximum in range 1019 nan_color : (color) 1020 color for invalid (nan) scalars 1021 nan_alpha : (float) 1022 alpha for invalid (nan) scalars 1023 interpolate : (bool) 1024 interpolate or not intermediate scalars 1025 1026 Examples: 1027 - []( 1028 1029 ![]( 1030 """ 1031 ctf ="ColorTransferFunction") 1032 ctf.SetColorSpaceToRGB() 1033 ctf.SetScaleToLinear() 1034 1035 alpha_x, alpha_vals = [], [] 1036 for sc in colorlist: 1037 if len(sc) >= 3: 1038 scalar, col, alf = sc[:3] 1039 else: 1040 alf = 1 1041 scalar, col = sc 1042 r, g, b = get_color(col) 1043 ctf.AddRGBPoint(scalar, r, g, b) 1044 alpha_x.append(scalar) 1045 alpha_vals.append(alf) 1046 1047 ncols = 8 * len(colorlist) 1048 if not interpolate: 1049 ncols = len(colorlist) 1050 1051 lut ="LookupTable") 1052 lut.SetNumberOfTableValues(ncols) 1053 1054 x0, x1 = ctf.GetRange() # range of the introduced values 1055 if vmin is not None: 1056 x0 = vmin 1057 if vmax is not None: 1058 x1 = vmax 1059 ctf.SetRange(x0, x1) 1060 lut.SetRange(x0, x1) 1061 1062 if below_color is not None: 1063 lut.SetBelowRangeColor(list(get_color(below_color)) + [below_alpha]) 1064 lut.SetUseBelowRangeColor(True) 1065 if above_color is not None: 1066 lut.SetAboveRangeColor(list(get_color(above_color)) + [above_alpha]) 1067 lut.SetUseAboveRangeColor(True) 1068 if nan_color is not None: 1069 lut.SetNanColor(list(get_color(nan_color)) + [nan_alpha]) 1070 1071 if interpolate: 1072 for i in range(ncols): 1073 p = i / (ncols-1) 1074 x = (1 - p) * x0 + p * x1 1075 alf = np.interp(x, alpha_x, alpha_vals) 1076 rgba = list(ctf.GetColor(x)) + [alf] 1077 lut.SetTableValue(i, rgba) 1078 else: 1079 for i in range(ncols): 1080 if len(colorlist[i]) > 2: 1081 alpha = colorlist[i][2] 1082 else: 1083 alpha = 1.0 1084 # print("colorlist entry:", colorlist[i]) 1085 rgba = list(get_color(colorlist[i][1])) + [alpha] 1086 lut.SetTableValue(i, rgba) 1087 1088 lut.Build() 1089 return lut
Generate colors in a lookup table (LUT).
Return the vtkLookupTable
object. This can be fed into cmap()
- colorlist : (list)
a list in the form
[(scalar1, [r,g,b]), (scalar2, 'blue'), ...]
. - vmin : (float) specify minimum value of scalar range
- vmax : (float) specify maximum value of scalar range
- below_color : (color) color for scalars below the minimum in range
- below_alpha : (float) opacity for scalars below the minimum in range
- above_color : (color) color for scalars above the maximum in range
- above_alpha : (float) alpha for scalars above the maximum in range
- nan_color : (color) color for invalid (nan) scalars
- nan_alpha : (float) alpha for invalid (nan) scalars
- interpolate : (bool) interpolate or not intermediate scalars