
Utilities submodule.

   1#!/usr/bin/env python3
   2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   3import os
   4import time
   5from typing import Union, Tuple, MutableSequence, List
   6import numpy as np
   8from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk, vtk_to_numpy
   9from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray
  10import vedo.vtkclasses as vtki
  12import vedo
  15__docformat__ = "google"
  17__doc__ = "Utilities submodule."
  19__all__ = [
  20    "OperationNode",
  21    "ProgressBar",
  22    "progressbar",
  23    "Minimizer",
  24    "geometry",
  25    "is_sequence",
  26    "lin_interpolate",
  27    "vector",
  28    "mag",
  29    "mag2",
  30    "versor",
  31    "precision",
  32    "round_to_digit",
  33    "point_in_triangle",
  34    "point_line_distance",
  35    "closest",
  36    "grep",
  37    "make_bands",
  38    "pack_spheres",
  39    "humansort",
  40    "print_histogram",
  41    "print_inheritance_tree",
  42    "camera_from_quaternion",
  43    "camera_from_neuroglancer",
  44    "camera_from_dict",
  45    "camera_to_dict",
  46    "oriented_camera",
  47    "vedo2trimesh",
  48    "trimesh2vedo",
  49    "vedo2meshlab",
  50    "meshlab2vedo",
  51    "vedo2open3d",
  52    "open3d2vedo",
  53    "vtk2numpy",
  54    "numpy2vtk",
  55    "get_uv",
  56    "andrews_curves",
  60class OperationNode:
  61    """
  62    Keep track of the operations which led to a final state.
  63    """
  64    #
  65    # Mesh     #e9c46a
  66    # Follower #d9ed92
  67    # Volume, UnstructuredGrid #4cc9f0
  68    # TetMesh  #9e2a2b
  69    # File     #8a817c
  70    # Image  #f28482
  71    # Assembly #f08080
  73    def __init__(
  74        self, operation, parents=(), comment="", shape="none", c="#e9c46a", style="filled"
  75    ) -> None:
  76        """
  77        Keep track of the operations which led to a final object.
  78        This allows to show the `pipeline` tree for any `vedo` object with e.g.:
  80        ```python
  81        from vedo import *
  82        sp = Sphere()
  83        sp.clean().subdivide()
  85        ```
  87        Arguments:
  88            operation : (str, class)
  89                descriptor label, if a class is passed then grab its name
  90            parents : (list)
  91                list of the parent classes the object comes from
  92            comment : (str)
  93                a second-line text description
  94            shape : (str)
  95                shape of the frame, check out [this link.](
  96            c : (hex)
  97                hex color
  98            style : (str)
  99                comma-separated list of styles
 101        Example:
 102            ```python
 103            from vedo.utils import OperationNode
 105            op_node1 = OperationNode("Operation1", c="lightblue")
 106            op_node2 = OperationNode("Operation2")
 107            op_node3 = OperationNode("Operation3", shape='diamond')
 108            op_node4 = OperationNode("Operation4")
 109            op_node5 = OperationNode("Operation5")
 110            op_node6 = OperationNode("Result", c="lightgreen")
 112            op_node3.add_parent(op_node1)
 113            op_node4.add_parent(op_node1)
 114            op_node3.add_parent(op_node2)
 115            op_node5.add_parent(op_node2)
 116            op_node6.add_parent(op_node3)
 117            op_node6.add_parent(op_node5)
 118            op_node6.add_parent(op_node1)
 120  "TB")
 121            ```
 122            ![](
 123        """
 124        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
 125            return
 127        if isinstance(operation, str):
 128            self.operation = operation
 129        else:
 130            self.operation = operation.__class__.__name__
 131        self.operation_plain = str(self.operation)
 133        pp = []  # filter out invalid stuff
 134        for p in parents:
 135            if hasattr(p, "pipeline"):
 136                pp.append(p.pipeline)
 137        self.parents = pp
 139        if comment:
 140            self.operation = f"<{self.operation}<BR/><SUB><I>{comment}</I></SUB>>"
 142 = None
 143        self.time = time.time()
 144        self.shape = shape
 145 = style
 146        self.color = c
 147        self.counts = 0
 149    def add_parent(self, parent) -> None:
 150        self.parents.append(parent)
 152    def _build_tree(self, dot):
 153        dot.node(
 154            str(id(self)),
 155            label=self.operation,
 156            shape=self.shape,
 157            color=self.color,
 158  ,
 159        )
 160        for parent in self.parents:
 161            if parent:
 162                t = f"{self.time - parent.time: .1f}s"
 163                dot.edge(str(id(parent)), str(id(self)), label=t)
 164                parent._build_tree(dot)
 166    def __repr__(self):
 167        try:
 168            from treelib import Tree
 169        except ImportError:
 170            vedo.logger.error(
 171                "To use this functionality please install treelib:"
 172                "\n pip install treelib"
 173            )
 174            return ""
 176        def _build_tree(parent):
 177            for par in parent.parents:
 178                if par:
 179                    op = par.operation_plain
 180                    tree.create_node(
 181                        op, op + str(par.time), parent=parent.operation_plain + str(parent.time)
 182                    )
 183                    _build_tree(par)
 184        try:
 185            tree = Tree()
 186            tree.create_node(self.operation_plain, self.operation_plain + str(self.time))
 187            _build_tree(self)
 188            out =
 189        except:
 190            out = f"Sorry treelib failed to build the tree for '{self.operation_plain}()'."
 191        return out
 193    def print(self) -> None:
 194        """Print the tree of operations."""
 195        print(self.__str__())
 197    def show(self, orientation="LR", popup=True) -> None:
 198        """Show the graphviz output for the pipeline of this object"""
 199        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
 200            return
 202        try:
 203            from graphviz import Digraph
 204        except ImportError:
 205            vedo.logger.error("please install graphviz with command\n pip install graphviz")
 206            return
 208        # visualize the entire tree
 209        dot = Digraph(
 210            node_attr={"fontcolor": "#201010", "fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "12"},
 211            edge_attr={"fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "6", "arrowsize": "0.4"},
 212        )
 213        dot.attr(rankdir=orientation)
 215        self.counts = 0
 216        self._build_tree(dot)
 217 = dot
 219        home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
 220        gpath = os.path.join(
 221            home_dir, vedo.settings.cache_directory, "vedo", "pipeline_graphviz")
 223        dot.render(gpath, view=popup)
 227class ProgressBar:
 228    """
 229    Class to print a progress bar.
 230    """
 232    def __init__(
 233        self,
 234        start,
 235        stop,
 236        step=1,
 237        c=None,
 238        bold=True,
 239        italic=False,
 240        title="",
 241        eta=True,
 242        delay=-1,
 243        width=25,
 244        char="\U00002501",
 245        char_back="\U00002500",
 246    ) -> None:
 247        """
 248        Class to print a progress bar with optional text message.
 250        Check out also function `progressbar()`.
 252        Arguments:
 253            start : (int)
 254                starting value
 255            stop : (int)
 256                stopping value
 257            step : (int)
 258                step value
 259            c : (str)
 260                color in hex format
 261            title : (str)
 262                title text
 263            eta : (bool)
 264                estimate time of arrival
 265            delay : (float)
 266                minimum time before printing anything,
 267                if negative use the default value
 268                as set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`
 269            width : (int)
 270                width of the progress bar
 271            char : (str)
 272                character to use for the progress bar
 273            char_back : (str)
 274                character to use for the background of the progress bar
 276        Example:
 277            ```python
 278            import time
 279            from vedo import ProgressBar
 280            pb = ProgressBar(0,40, c='r')
 281            for i in pb.range():
 282                time.sleep(0.1)
 283                pb.print()
 284            ```
 285            ![](
 286        """
 287        self.char = char
 288        self.char_back = char_back
 290        self.title = title + " "
 291        if title:
 292            self.title = " " + self.title
 294        if delay < 0:
 295            delay = vedo.settings.progressbar_delay
 297        self.start = start
 298        self.stop = stop
 299        self.step = step
 301        self.color = c
 302        self.bold = bold
 303        self.italic = italic
 304        self.width = width
 305        self.pbar = ""
 306        self.percent = 0.0
 307        self.percent_int = 0
 308        self.eta = eta
 309        self.delay = delay
 311        self.t0 = time.time()
 312        self._remaining = 1e10
 314        self._update(0)
 316        self._counts = 0
 317        self._oldbar = ""
 318        self._lentxt = 0
 319        self._range = np.arange(start, stop, step)
 321    def print(self, txt="", c=None) -> None:
 322        """Print the progress bar with an optional message."""
 323        if not c:
 324            c = self.color
 326        self._update(self._counts + self.step)
 328        if self.delay:
 329            if time.time() - self.t0 < self.delay:
 330                return
 332        if self.pbar != self._oldbar:
 333            self._oldbar = self.pbar
 335            if self.eta and self._counts > 1:
 337                tdenom = time.time() - self.t0
 338                if tdenom:
 339                    vel = self._counts / tdenom
 340                    self._remaining = (self.stop - self._counts) / vel
 341                else:
 342                    vel = 1
 343                    self._remaining = 0.0
 345                if self._remaining > 60:
 346                    _mins = int(self._remaining / 60)
 347                    _secs = self._remaining - 60 * _mins
 348                    mins = f"{_mins}m"
 349                    secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
 350                else:
 351                    mins = ""
 352                    secs = f"{int(self._remaining + 0.5)}s "
 354                vel = round(vel, 1)
 355                eta = f"eta: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s) "
 356                if self._remaining < 0.5:
 357                    dt = time.time() - self.t0
 358                    if dt > 60:
 359                        _mins = int(dt / 60)
 360                        _secs = dt - 60 * _mins
 361                        mins = f"{_mins}m"
 362                        secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
 363                    else:
 364                        mins = ""
 365                        secs = f"{int(dt + 0.5)}s "
 366                    eta = f"elapsed: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s)        "
 367                    txt = ""
 368            else:
 369                eta = ""
 371            eraser = " " * self._lentxt + "\b" * self._lentxt
 373            s = f"{self.pbar} {eraser}{eta}{txt}\r"
 374            vedo.printc(s, c=c, bold=self.bold, italic=self.italic, end="")
 375            if self.percent > 99.999:
 376                print("")
 378            self._lentxt = len(txt)
 380    def range(self) -> np.ndarray:
 381        """Return the range iterator."""
 382        return self._range
 384    def _update(self, counts):
 385        if counts < self.start:
 386            counts = self.start
 387        elif counts > self.stop:
 388            counts = self.stop
 389        self._counts = counts
 391        self.percent = (self._counts - self.start) * 100.0
 393        delta = self.stop - self.start
 394        if delta:
 395            self.percent /= delta
 396        else:
 397            self.percent = 0.0
 399        self.percent_int = int(round(self.percent))
 400        af = self.width - 2
 401        nh = int(round(self.percent_int / 100 * af))
 402        pbar_background = "\x1b[2m" + self.char_back * (af - nh)
 403        self.pbar = f"{self.title}{self.char * (nh-1)}{pbar_background}"
 404        if self.percent < 100.0:
 405            ps = f" {self.percent_int}%"
 406        else:
 407            ps = ""
 408        self.pbar += ps
 412def progressbar(
 413        iterable,
 414        c=None, bold=True, italic=False, title="",
 415        eta=True, width=25, delay=-1,
 416    ):
 417    """
 418    Function to print a progress bar with optional text message.
 420    Use delay to set a minimum time before printing anything.
 421    If delay is negative, then use the default value
 422    as set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`.
 424    Arguments:
 425        start : (int)
 426            starting value
 427        stop : (int)
 428            stopping value
 429        step : (int)
 430            step value
 431        c : (str)
 432            color in hex format
 433        title : (str)
 434            title text
 435        eta : (bool)
 436            estimate time of arrival
 437        delay : (float)
 438            minimum time before printing anything,
 439            if negative use the default value
 440            set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`
 441        width : (int)
 442            width of the progress bar
 443        char : (str)
 444            character to use for the progress bar
 445        char_back : (str)
 446            character to use for the background of the progress bar
 448    Example:
 449        ```python
 450        import time
 451        for i in progressbar(range(100), c='r'):
 452            time.sleep(0.1)
 453        ```
 454        ![](
 455    """
 456    try:
 457        if is_number(iterable):
 458            total = int(iterable)
 459            iterable = range(total)
 460        else:
 461            total = len(iterable)
 462    except TypeError:
 463        iterable = list(iterable)
 464        total = len(iterable)
 466    pb = ProgressBar(
 467        0, total, c=c, bold=bold, italic=italic, title=title,
 468        eta=eta, delay=delay, width=width,
 469    )
 470    for item in iterable:
 471        pb.print()
 472        yield item
 476class Minimizer:
 477    """
 478    A function minimizer that uses the Nelder-Mead method.
 480    The algorithm constructs an n-dimensional simplex in parameter
 481    space (i.e. a tetrahedron if the number or parameters is 3)
 482    and moves the vertices around parameter space until
 483    a local minimum is found. The amoeba method is robust,
 484    reasonably efficient, but is not guaranteed to find
 485    the global minimum if several local minima exist.
 487    Arguments:
 488        function : (callable)
 489            the function to minimize
 490        max_iterations : (int)
 491            the maximum number of iterations
 492        contraction_ratio : (float)
 493            The contraction ratio.
 494            The default value of 0.5 gives fast convergence,
 495            but larger values such as 0.6 or 0.7 provide greater stability.
 496        expansion_ratio : (float)
 497            The expansion ratio.
 498            The default value is 2.0, which provides rapid expansion.
 499            Values between 1.1 and 2.0 are valid.
 500        tol : (float)
 501            the tolerance for convergence
 503    Example:
 504        - [](
 505    """
 506    def __init__(
 507            self,
 508            function=None,
 509            max_iterations=10000,
 510            contraction_ratio=0.5,
 511            expansion_ratio=2.0,
 512            tol=1e-5,
 513        ) -> None:
 514        self.function = function
 515        self.tolerance = tol
 516        self.contraction_ratio = contraction_ratio
 517        self.expansion_ratio = expansion_ratio
 518        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
 519        self.minimizer ="AmoebaMinimizer")
 520        self.minimizer.SetFunction(self._vtkfunc)
 521        self.results = {}
 522        self.parameters_path = []
 523        self.function_path = []
 525    def _vtkfunc(self):
 526        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
 527        ain = [self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i) for i in range(n)]
 528        r = self.function(ain)
 529        self.minimizer.SetFunctionValue(r)
 530        self.parameters_path.append(ain)
 531        self.function_path.append(r)
 532        return r
 534    def eval(self, parameters=()) -> float:
 535        """
 536        Evaluate the function at the current or given parameters.
 537        """
 538        if len(parameters) == 0:
 539            return self.minimizer.EvaluateFunction()
 540        self.set_parameters(parameters)
 541        return self.function(parameters)
 543    def set_parameter(self, name, value, scale=1.0) -> None:
 544        """
 545        Set the parameter value.
 546        The initial amount by which the parameter
 547        will be modified during the search for the minimum. 
 548        """
 549        self.minimizer.SetParameterValue(name, value)
 550        self.minimizer.SetParameterScale(name, scale)
 552    def set_parameters(self, parameters) -> None:
 553        """
 554        Set the parameters names and values from a dictionary.
 555        """
 556        for name, value in parameters.items():
 557            if len(value) == 2:
 558                self.set_parameter(name, value[0], value[1])
 559            else:
 560                self.set_parameter(name, value)
 562    def minimize(self) -> dict:
 563        """
 564        Minimize the input function.
 566        Returns:
 567            dict : 
 568                the minimization results
 569            init_parameters : (dict)
 570                the initial parameters
 571            parameters : (dict)
 572                the final parameters
 573            min_value : (float)
 574                the minimum value
 575            iterations : (int)
 576                the number of iterations
 577            max_iterations : (int)
 578                the maximum number of iterations
 579            tolerance : (float)
 580                the tolerance for convergence
 581            convergence_flag : (int)
 582                zero if the tolerance stopping
 583                criterion has been met.
 584            parameters_path : (np.array)
 585                the path of the minimization
 586                algorithm in parameter space
 587            function_path : (np.array)
 588                the path of the minimization
 589                algorithm in function space
 590            hessian : (np.array)
 591                the Hessian matrix of the
 592                function at the minimum
 593            parameter_errors : (np.array)
 594                the errors on the parameters
 595        """
 596        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
 597        out = [(
 598            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
 599            (self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
 600             self.minimizer.GetParameterScale(i))
 601        ) for i in range(n)]
 602        self.results["init_parameters"] = dict(out)
 604        self.minimizer.SetTolerance(self.tolerance)
 605        self.minimizer.SetContractionRatio(self.contraction_ratio)
 606        self.minimizer.SetExpansionRatio(self.expansion_ratio)
 607        self.minimizer.SetMaxIterations(self.max_iterations)
 609        self.minimizer.Minimize()
 610        self.results["convergence_flag"] = not bool(self.minimizer.Iterate())
 612        out = [(
 613            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
 614            self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
 615        ) for i in range(n)]
 617        self.results["parameters"] = dict(out)
 618        self.results["min_value"] = self.minimizer.GetFunctionValue()
 619        self.results["iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetIterations()
 620        self.results["max_iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetMaxIterations()
 621        self.results["tolerance"] = self.minimizer.GetTolerance()
 622        self.results["expansion_ratio"] = self.expansion_ratio
 623        self.results["contraction_ratio"] = self.contraction_ratio
 624        self.results["parameters_path"] = np.array(self.parameters_path)
 625        self.results["function_path"] = np.array(self.function_path)
 626        self.results["hessian"] = np.zeros((n,n))
 627        self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
 628        return self.results
 630    def compute_hessian(self, epsilon=0) -> np.array:
 631        """
 632        Compute the Hessian matrix of `function` at the
 633        minimum numerically.
 635        Arguments:
 636            epsilon : (float)
 637                Step size used for numerical approximation.
 639        Returns:
 640            array: Hessian matrix of `function` at minimum.
 641        """
 642        if not epsilon:
 643            epsilon = self.tolerance * 10
 644        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
 645        x0 = [self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i) for i in range(n)]
 646        hessian = np.zeros((n, n))
 647        for i in vedo.progressbar(n, title="Computing Hessian", delay=2):
 648            for j in range(n):
 649                xijp = np.copy(x0)
 650                xijp[i] += epsilon
 651                xijp[j] += epsilon
 652                xijm = np.copy(x0)
 653                xijm[i] += epsilon
 654                xijm[j] -= epsilon
 655                xjip = np.copy(x0)
 656                xjip[i] -= epsilon
 657                xjip[j] += epsilon
 658                xjim = np.copy(x0)
 659                xjim[i] -= epsilon
 660                xjim[j] -= epsilon
 661                # Second derivative approximation
 662                fijp = self.function(xijp)
 663                fijm = self.function(xijm)
 664                fjip = self.function(xjip)
 665                fjim = self.function(xjim)
 666                hessian[i, j] = (fijp - fijm - fjip + fjim) / (2 * epsilon**2)
 667        self.results["hessian"] = hessian
 668        try:
 669            ihess = np.linalg.inv(hessian)
 670            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.sqrt(np.diag(ihess))
 671        except:
 672            vedo.logger.warning("Cannot compute hessian for parameter errors")
 673            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
 674        return hessian
 676    def __str__(self) -> str:
 677        out = vedo.printc(
 678            f"vedo.utils.Minimizer at ({hex(id(self))})".ljust(75),
 679            bold=True, invert=True, return_string=True,
 680        )
 681        out += "Function name".ljust(20) + self.function.__name__ + "()\n"
 682        out += "-------- parameters initial value -----------\n"
 683        out += "Name".ljust(20) + "Value".ljust(20) + "Scale\n"
 684        for name, value in self.results["init_parameters"].items():
 685            out += name.ljust(20) + str(value[0]).ljust(20) + str(value[1]) + "\n"
 686        out += "-------- parameters final value --------------\n"
 687        for name, value in self.results["parameters"].items():
 688            out += name.ljust(20) + f"{value:.6f}"
 689            ierr = list(self.results["parameters"]).index(name)
 690            err = self.results["parameter_errors"][ierr]
 691            if err:
 692                out += f" ± {err:.4f}"
 693            out += "\n"
 694        out += "Value at minimum".ljust(20)+ f'{self.results["min_value"]}\n'
 695        out += "Iterations".ljust(20)      + f'{self.results["iterations"]}\n'
 696        out += "Max iterations".ljust(20)  + f'{self.results["max_iterations"]}\n'
 697        out += "Convergence flag".ljust(20)+ f'{self.results["convergence_flag"]}\n'
 698        out += "Tolerance".ljust(20)       + f'{self.results["tolerance"]}\n'
 699        try:
 700            arr = np.array2string(
 701                self.compute_hessian(),
 702                separator=', ', precision=6, suppress_small=True,
 703            )
 704            out += "Hessian Matrix:\n" + arr
 705        except:
 706            out += "Hessian Matrix: (not available)"
 707        return out
 711def andrews_curves(M, res=100) -> np.ndarray:
 712    """
 713    Computes the [Andrews curves](
 714    for the provided data.
 716    The input array is an array of shape (n,m) where n is the number of
 717    features and m is the number of observations.
 719    Arguments:
 720        M : (ndarray)
 721            the data matrix (or data vector).
 722        res : (int)
 723            the resolution (n. of points) of the output curve.
 725    Example:
 726        - [](
 728        ![](
 729    """
 730    # Credits:
 731    #
 732    M = np.asarray(M)
 733    m = int(res + 0.5)
 735    # getting data vectors
 736    X = np.reshape(M, (1, -1)) if len(M.shape) == 1 else M.copy()
 737    _rows, n = X.shape
 739    # andrews curve dimension (n. theta angles)
 740    t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, m)
 742    # m: range of values for angle theta
 743    # n: amount of components of the Fourier expansion
 744    A = np.empty((m, n))
 746    # setting first column of A
 747    A[:, 0] = [1/np.sqrt(2)] * m
 749    # filling columns of A
 750    for i in range(1, n):
 751        # computing the scaling coefficient for angle theta
 752        c = np.ceil(i / 2)
 753        # computing i-th column of matrix A
 754        col = np.sin(c * t) if i % 2 == 1 else np.cos(c * t)
 755        # setting column in matrix A
 756        A[:, i] = col[:]
 758    # computing Andrews curves for provided data
 759    andrew_curves =, X.T).T
 761    # returning the Andrews Curves (raveling if needed)
 762    return np.ravel(andrew_curves) if andrew_curves.shape[0] == 1 else andrew_curves
 766def numpy2vtk(arr, dtype=None, deep=True, name=""):
 767    """
 768    Convert a numpy array into a `vtkDataArray`.
 769    Use `dtype='id'` for `vtkIdTypeArray` objects.
 770    """
 771    #
 772    if arr is None:
 773        return None
 775    arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)
 777    if dtype == "id":
 778        if vtki.vtkIdTypeArray().GetDataTypeSize() != 4:
 779            ast = np.int64
 780        else:
 781            ast = np.int32
 782        varr = numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(arr.astype(ast), deep=deep)
 783    elif dtype:
 784        varr = numpy_to_vtk(arr.astype(dtype), deep=deep)
 785    else:
 786        # let numpy_to_vtk() decide what is best type based on arr type
 787        if arr.dtype == np.bool_:
 788            arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
 789        varr = numpy_to_vtk(arr, deep=deep)
 791    if name:
 792        varr.SetName(name)
 793    return varr
 795def vtk2numpy(varr):
 796    """Convert a `vtkDataArray`, `vtkIdList` or `vtTransform` into a numpy array."""
 797    if varr is None:
 798        return np.array([])
 799    if isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkIdList):
 800        return np.array([varr.GetId(i) for i in range(varr.GetNumberOfIds())])
 801    elif isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkBitArray):
 802        carr = vtki.vtkCharArray()
 803        carr.DeepCopy(varr)
 804        varr = carr
 805    elif isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkHomogeneousTransform):
 806        try:
 807            varr = varr.GetMatrix()
 808        except AttributeError:
 809            pass
 810        M = [[varr.GetElement(i, j) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)]
 811        return np.array(M)
 812    return vtk_to_numpy(varr)
 815def make3d(pts) -> np.ndarray:
 816    """
 817    Make an array which might be 2D to 3D.
 819    Array can also be in the form `[allx, ally, allz]`.
 820    """
 821    if pts is None:
 822        return np.array([])
 823    pts = np.asarray(pts)
 825    if pts.dtype == "object":
 826        raise ValueError("Cannot form a valid numpy array, input may be non-homogenous")
 828    if pts.size == 0:  # empty list
 829        return pts
 831    if pts.ndim == 1:
 832        if pts.shape[0] == 2:
 833            return np.hstack([pts, [0]]).astype(pts.dtype)
 834        elif pts.shape[0] == 3:
 835            return pts
 836        else:
 837            raise ValueError
 839    if pts.shape[1] == 3:
 840        return pts
 842    # if 2 <= pts.shape[0] <= 3 and pts.shape[1] > 3:
 843    #     pts = pts.T
 845    if pts.shape[1] == 2:
 846        return np.c_[pts, np.zeros(pts.shape[0], dtype=pts.dtype)]
 848    if pts.shape[1] != 3:
 849        raise ValueError(f"input shape is not supported: {pts.shape}")
 850    return pts
 853def geometry(obj, extent=None) -> "vedo.Mesh":
 854    """
 855    Apply the `vtkGeometryFilter` to the input object.
 856    This is a general-purpose filter to extract geometry (and associated data)
 857    from any type of dataset.
 858    This filter also may be used to convert any type of data to polygonal type.
 859    The conversion process may be less than satisfactory for some 3D datasets.
 860    For example, this filter will extract the outer surface of a volume
 861    or structured grid dataset.
 863    Returns a `vedo.Mesh` object.
 865    Set `extent` as the `[xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax]` bounding box to clip data.
 866    """
 867    gf ="GeometryFilter")
 868    gf.SetInputData(obj)
 869    if extent is not None:
 870        gf.SetExtent(extent)
 871    gf.Update()
 872    return vedo.Mesh(gf.GetOutput())
 875def buildPolyData(vertices, faces=None, lines=None, strips=None, index_offset=0) -> vtki.vtkPolyData:
 876    """
 877    Build a `vtkPolyData` object from a list of vertices
 878    where faces represents the connectivity of the polygonal mesh.
 879    Lines and triangle strips can also be specified.
 881    E.g. :
 882        - `vertices=[[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2], ...]`
 883        - `faces=[[0,1,2], [1,2,3], ...]`
 884        - `lines=[[0,1], [1,2,3,4], ...]`
 885        - `strips=[[0,1,2,3,4,5], [2,3,9,7,4], ...]`
 887    A flat list of faces can be passed as `faces=[3, 0,1,2, 4, 1,2,3,4, ...]`.
 888    For lines use `lines=[2, 0,1, 4, 1,2,3,4, ...]`.
 890    Use `index_offset=1` if face numbering starts from 1 instead of 0.
 891    """
 892    if is_sequence(faces) and len(faces) == 0:
 893        faces=None
 894    if is_sequence(lines) and len(lines) == 0:
 895        lines=None
 896    if is_sequence(strips) and len(strips) == 0:
 897        strips=None
 899    poly = vtki.vtkPolyData()
 901    if len(vertices) == 0:
 902        return poly
 904    vertices = make3d(vertices)
 905    source_points = vtki.vtkPoints()
 906    if vedo.settings.force_single_precision_points:
 907        source_points.SetData(numpy2vtk(vertices, dtype=np.float32))
 908    else:
 909        source_points.SetData(numpy2vtk(vertices))
 910    poly.SetPoints(source_points)
 912    if lines is not None:
 913        # Create a cell array to store the lines in and add the lines to it
 914        linesarr = vtki.vtkCellArray()
 915        if is_sequence(lines[0]):  # assume format [(id0,id1),..]
 916            for iline in lines:
 917                for i in range(0, len(iline) - 1):
 918                    i1, i2 = iline[i], iline[i + 1]
 919                    if i1 != i2:
 920                        vline = vtki.vtkLine()
 921                        vline.GetPointIds().SetId(0, i1)
 922                        vline.GetPointIds().SetId(1, i2)
 923                        linesarr.InsertNextCell(vline)
 924        else:  # assume format [id0,id1,...]
 925            # print("buildPolyData: assuming lines format [id0,id1,...]", lines)
 926            # TODO CORRECT THIS CASE, MUST BE [2, id0,id1,...]
 927            for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
 928                vline = vtki.vtkLine()
 929                vline.GetPointIds().SetId(0, lines[i])
 930                vline.GetPointIds().SetId(1, lines[i + 1])
 931                linesarr.InsertNextCell(vline)
 932        poly.SetLines(linesarr)
 934    if faces is not None:
 936        source_polygons = vtki.vtkCellArray()
 938        if isinstance(faces, np.ndarray) or not is_ragged(faces):
 939            ##### all faces are composed of equal nr of vtxs, FAST
 940            faces = np.asarray(faces)
 941            if vtki.vtkIdTypeArray().GetDataTypeSize() != 4:
 942                ast = np.int64
 943            else:
 944                ast = np.int32
 946            if faces.ndim > 1:
 947                nf, nc = faces.shape
 948                hs = np.hstack((np.zeros(nf)[:, None] + nc, faces))
 949            else:
 950                nf = faces.shape[0]
 951                hs = faces
 952            arr = numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(hs.astype(ast).ravel(), deep=True)
 953            source_polygons.SetCells(nf, arr)
 955        else:
 956            ############################# manually add faces, SLOW
 957            for f in faces:
 958                n = len(f)
 960                if n == 3:
 961                    tri = vtki.vtkTriangle()
 962                    pids = tri.GetPointIds()
 963                    for i in range(3):
 964                        pids.SetId(i, f[i] - index_offset)
 965                    source_polygons.InsertNextCell(tri)
 967                else:
 968                    ele = vtki.vtkPolygon()
 969                    pids = ele.GetPointIds()
 970                    pids.SetNumberOfIds(n)
 971                    for i in range(n):
 972                        pids.SetId(i, f[i] - index_offset)
 973                    source_polygons.InsertNextCell(ele)
 975        poly.SetPolys(source_polygons)
 977    if strips is not None:
 978        tscells = vtki.vtkCellArray()
 979        for strip in strips:
 980            # create a triangle strip
 981            #
 982            n = len(strip)
 983            tstrip = vtki.vtkTriangleStrip()
 984            tstrip_ids = tstrip.GetPointIds()
 985            tstrip_ids.SetNumberOfIds(n)
 986            for i in range(n):
 987                tstrip_ids.SetId(i, strip[i] - index_offset)
 988            tscells.InsertNextCell(tstrip)
 989        poly.SetStrips(tscells)
 991    if faces is None and lines is None and strips is None:
 992        source_vertices = vtki.vtkCellArray()
 993        for i in range(len(vertices)):
 994            source_vertices.InsertNextCell(1)
 995            source_vertices.InsertCellPoint(i)
 996        poly.SetVerts(source_vertices)
 998    # print("buildPolyData \n",
 999    #     poly.GetNumberOfPoints(),
1000    #     poly.GetNumberOfCells(), # grand total
1001    #     poly.GetNumberOfLines(),
1002    #     poly.GetNumberOfPolys(),
1003    #     poly.GetNumberOfStrips(),
1004    #     poly.GetNumberOfVerts(),
1005    # )
1006    return poly
1010def get_font_path(font: str) -> str:
1011    """Internal use."""
1012    if font in vedo.settings.font_parameters.keys():
1013        if vedo.settings.font_parameters[font]["islocal"]:
1014            fl = os.path.join(vedo.fonts_path, f"{font}.ttf")
1015        else:
1016            try:
1017                fl ="{font}.ttf", verbose=False)
1018            except:
1019                vedo.logger.warning(f"Could not download{font}.ttf")
1020                fl = os.path.join(vedo.fonts_path, "Normografo.ttf")
1021    else:
1022        if font.startswith("https://"):
1023            fl =, verbose=False)
1024        elif os.path.isfile(font):
1025            fl = font  # assume user is passing a valid file
1026        else:
1027            if font.endswith(".ttf"):
1028                vedo.logger.error(
1029                    f"Could not set font file {font}"
1030                    f"-> using default: {vedo.settings.default_font}"
1031                )
1032            else:
1033                vedo.settings.default_font = "Normografo"
1034                vedo.logger.error(
1035                    f"Could not set font name {font}"
1036                    f" -> using default: Normografo\n"
1037                    f"Check out for additional fonts\n"
1038                    f"Type 'vedo -r fonts' to see available fonts"
1039                )
1040            fl = get_font_path(vedo.settings.default_font)
1041    return fl
1044def is_sequence(arg) -> bool:
1045    """Check if the input is iterable."""
1046    if hasattr(arg, "strip"):
1047        return False
1048    if hasattr(arg, "__getslice__"):
1049        return True
1050    if hasattr(arg, "__iter__"):
1051        return True
1052    return False
1055def is_ragged(arr, deep=False) -> bool:
1056    """
1057    A ragged or inhomogeneous array in Python is an array
1058    with arrays of different lengths as its elements.
1059    To check if an array is ragged, we iterate through the elements
1060    and check if their lengths are the same.
1062    Example:
1063    ```python
1064    arr = [[1, 2, 3], [[4, 5], [6], 1], [7, 8, 9]]
1065    print(is_ragged(arr, deep=True))  # output: True
1066    ```
1067    """
1068    n = len(arr)
1069    if n == 0:
1070        return False
1071    if is_sequence(arr[0]):
1072        length = len(arr[0])
1073        for i in range(1, n):
1074            if len(arr[i]) != length or (deep and is_ragged(arr[i])):
1075                return True
1076        return False
1077    return False
1080def flatten(list_to_flatten) -> list:
1081    """Flatten out a list."""
1083    def _genflatten(lst):
1084        for elem in lst:
1085            if isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)):
1086                for x in flatten(elem):
1087                    yield x
1088            else:
1089                yield elem
1091    return list(_genflatten(list_to_flatten))
1094def humansort(alist) -> list:
1095    """
1096    Sort in place a given list the way humans expect.
1098    E.g. `['file11', 'file1'] -> ['file1', 'file11']`
1100    .. warning:: input list is modified in-place by this function.
1101    """
1102    import re
1104    def alphanum_key(s):
1105        # Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks.
1106        # e.g. "z23a" -> ["z", 23, "a"]
1107        def tryint(s):
1108            if s.isdigit():
1109                return int(s)
1110            return s
1112        return [tryint(c) for c in re.split("([0-9]+)", s)]
1114    alist.sort(key=alphanum_key)
1115    return alist  # NB: input list is modified
1118def sort_by_column(arr, nth, invert=False) -> np.ndarray:
1119    """Sort a numpy array by its `n-th` column."""
1120    arr = np.asarray(arr)
1121    arr = arr[arr[:, nth].argsort()]
1122    if invert:
1123        return np.flip(arr, axis=0)
1124    return arr
1127def point_in_triangle(p, p1, p2, p3) -> Union[bool, None]:
1128    """
1129    Return True if a point is inside (or above/below)
1130    a triangle defined by 3 points in space.
1131    """
1132    p1 = np.array(p1)
1133    u = p2 - p1
1134    v = p3 - p1
1135    n = np.cross(u, v)
1136    w = p - p1
1137    ln =, n)
1138    if not ln:
1139        return None  # degenerate triangle
1140    gamma = (, w), n)) / ln
1141    if 0 < gamma < 1:
1142        beta = (, v), n)) / ln
1143        if 0 < beta < 1:
1144            alpha = 1 - gamma - beta
1145            if 0 < alpha < 1:
1146                return True
1147    return False
1150def intersection_ray_triangle(P0, P1, V0, V1, V2) -> Union[bool, None, np.ndarray]:
1151    """
1152    Fast intersection between a directional ray defined by `P0,P1`
1153    and triangle `V0, V1, V2`.
1155    Returns the intersection point or
1156    - `None` if triangle is degenerate, or ray is  parallel to triangle plane.
1157    - `False` if no intersection, or ray direction points away from triangle.
1158    """
1159    # Credits:
1160    # Get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
1161    # todo : this is slow should check
1162    #
1163    V0 = np.asarray(V0, dtype=float)
1164    P0 = np.asarray(P0, dtype=float)
1165    u = V1 - V0
1166    v = V2 - V0
1167    n = np.cross(u, v)
1168    if not np.abs(v).sum():  # triangle is degenerate
1169        return None  # do not deal with this case
1171    rd = P1 - P0  # ray direction vector
1172    w0 = P0 - V0
1173    a =, w0)
1174    b =, rd)
1175    if not b:  # ray is  parallel to triangle plane
1176        return None
1178    # Get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
1179    r = a / b
1180    if r < 0.0:  # ray goes away from triangle
1181        return False  #  => no intersect
1183    # Gor a segment, also test if (r > 1.0) => no intersect
1184    I = P0 + r * rd  # intersect point of ray and plane
1186    # is I inside T?
1187    uu =, u)
1188    uv =, v)
1189    vv =, v)
1190    w = I - V0
1191    wu =, u)
1192    wv =, v)
1193    D = uv * uv - uu * vv
1195    # Get and test parametric coords
1196    s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D
1197    if s < 0.0 or s > 1.0:  # I is outside T
1198        return False
1199    t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D
1200    if t < 0.0 or (s + t) > 1.0:  # I is outside T
1201        return False
1202    return I  # I is in T
1205def triangle_solver(**input_dict):
1206    """
1207    Solve a triangle from any 3 known elements.
1208    (Note that there might be more than one solution or none).
1209    Angles are in radians.
1211    Example:
1212    ```python
1213    print(triangle_solver(a=3, b=4, c=5))
1214    print(triangle_solver(a=3, ac=0.9273, ab=1.5716))
1215    print(triangle_solver(a=3, b=4, ab=1.5716))
1216    print(triangle_solver(b=4, bc=.64, ab=1.5716))
1217    print(triangle_solver(c=5, ac=.9273, bc=0.6435))
1218    print(triangle_solver(a=3, c=5, bc=0.6435))
1219    print(triangle_solver(b=4, c=5, ac=0.927))
1220    ```
1221    """
1222    a = input_dict.get("a")
1223    b = input_dict.get("b")
1224    c = input_dict.get("c")
1225    ab = input_dict.get("ab")
1226    bc = input_dict.get("bc")
1227    ac = input_dict.get("ac")
1229    if ab and bc:
1230        ac = np.pi - bc - ab
1231    elif bc and ac:
1232        ab = np.pi - bc - ac
1233    elif ab and ac:
1234        bc = np.pi - ab - ac
1236    if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None:
1237        ab = np.arccos((a ** 2 + b ** 2 - c ** 2) / (2 * a * b))
1238        sinab = np.sin(ab)
1239        ac = np.arcsin(a / c * sinab)
1240        bc = np.arcsin(b / c * sinab)
1242    elif a is not None and b is not None and ab is not None:
1243        c = np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2 - 2 * a * b * np.cos(ab))
1244        sinab = np.sin(ab)
1245        ac = np.arcsin(a / c * sinab)
1246        bc = np.arcsin(b / c * sinab)
1248    elif a is not None and ac is not None and ab is not None:
1249        h = a * np.sin(ac)
1250        b = h / np.sin(bc)
1251        c = b * np.cos(bc) + a * np.cos(ac)
1253    elif b is not None and bc is not None and ab is not None:
1254        h = b * np.sin(bc)
1255        a = h / np.sin(ac)
1256        c = np.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
1258    elif c is not None and ac is not None and bc is not None:
1259        h = c * np.sin(bc)
1260        b1 = c * np.cos(bc)
1261        b2 = h / np.tan(ab)
1262        b = b1 + b2
1263        a = np.sqrt(b2 * b2 + h * h)
1265    elif a is not None and c is not None and bc is not None:
1266        # double solution
1267        h = c * np.sin(bc)
1268        k = np.sqrt(a * a - h * h)
1269        omega = np.arcsin(k / a)
1270        cosbc = np.cos(bc)
1271        b = c * cosbc - k
1272        phi = np.pi / 2 - bc - omega
1273        ac = phi
1274        ab = np.pi - ac - bc
1275        if k:
1276            b2 = c * cosbc + k
1277            ac2 = phi + 2 * omega
1278            ab2 = np.pi - ac2 - bc
1279            return [
1280                {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "ab": ab, "bc": bc, "ac": ac},
1281                {"a": a, "b": b2, "c": c, "ab": ab2, "bc": bc, "ac": ac2},
1282            ]
1284    elif b is not None and c is not None and ac is not None:
1285        # double solution
1286        h = c * np.sin(ac)
1287        k = np.sqrt(b * b - h * h)
1288        omega = np.arcsin(k / b)
1289        cosac = np.cos(ac)
1290        a = c * cosac - k
1291        phi = np.pi / 2 - ac - omega
1292        bc = phi
1293        ab = np.pi - bc - ac
1294        if k:
1295            a2 = c * cosac + k
1296            bc2 = phi + 2 * omega
1297            ab2 = np.pi - ac - bc2
1298            return [
1299                {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "ab": ab, "bc": bc, "ac": ac},
1300                {"a": a2, "b": b, "c": c, "ab": ab2, "bc": bc2, "ac": ac},
1301            ]
1303    else:
1304        vedo.logger.error(f"Case {input_dict} is not supported.")
1305        return []
1307    return [{"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "ab": ab, "bc": bc, "ac": ac}]
1311def circle_from_3points(p1, p2, p3) -> np.ndarray:
1312    """
1313    Find the center and radius of a circle given 3 points in 3D space.
1315    Returns the center of the circle.
1317    Example:
1318    ```python
1319    from vedo.utils import mag, circle_from_3points
1320    p1 = [0,1,1]
1321    p2 = [3,0,1]
1322    p3 = [1,2,0]
1323    c = circle_from_3points(p1, p2, p3)
1324    print(mag(c-p1), mag(c-p2), mag(c-p3))
1325    ```
1326    """
1327    p1 = np.asarray(p1)
1328    p2 = np.asarray(p2)
1329    p3 = np.asarray(p3)
1330    v1 = p2 - p1
1331    v2 = p3 - p1
1332    v11 =, v1)
1333    v22 =, v2)
1334    v12 =, v2)
1335    f = 1.0 / (2 * (v11 * v22 - v12 * v12))
1336    k1 = f * v22 * (v11-v12)
1337    k2 = f * v11 * (v22-v12)
1338    return p1 + k1 * v1 + k2 * v2
1340def point_line_distance(p, p1, p2) -> float:
1341    """
1342    Compute the distance of a point to a line (not the segment)
1343    defined by `p1` and `p2`.
1344    """
1345    return np.sqrt(vtki.vtkLine.DistanceToLine(p, p1, p2))
1347def line_line_distance(p1, p2, q1, q2) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, float]:
1348    """
1349    Compute the distance of a line to a line (not the segment)
1350    defined by `p1` and `p2` and `q1` and `q2`.
1352    Returns the distance,
1353    the closest point on line 1, the closest point on line 2.
1354    Their parametric coords (-inf <= t0, t1 <= inf) are also returned.
1355    """
1356    closest_pt1: MutableSequence[float] = [0,0,0]
1357    closest_pt2: MutableSequence[float] = [0,0,0]
1358    t1, t2 = 0.0, 0.0
1359    d = vtki.vtkLine.DistanceBetweenLines(
1360        p1, p2, q1, q2, closest_pt1, closest_pt2, t1, t2)
1361    return np.sqrt(d), closest_pt1, closest_pt2, t1, t2
1363def segment_segment_distance(p1, p2, q1, q2):
1364    """
1365    Compute the distance of a segment to a segment
1366    defined by `p1` and `p2` and `q1` and `q2`.
1368    Returns the distance,
1369    the closest point on line 1, the closest point on line 2.
1370    Their parametric coords (-inf <= t0, t1 <= inf) are also returned.
1371    """
1372    closest_pt1 = [0,0,0]
1373    closest_pt2 = [0,0,0]
1374    t1, t2 = 0.0, 0.0
1375    d = vtki.vtkLine.DistanceBetweenLineSegments(
1376        p1, p2, q1, q2, closest_pt1, closest_pt2, t1, t2)
1377    return np.sqrt(d), closest_pt1, closest_pt2, t1, t2
1380def closest(point, points, n=1, return_ids=False, use_tree=False):
1381    """
1382    Returns the distances and the closest point(s) to the given set of points.
1383    Needs `scipy.spatial` library.
1385    Arguments:
1386        n : (int)
1387            the nr of closest points to return
1388        return_ids : (bool)
1389            return the ids instead of the points coordinates
1390        use_tree : (bool)
1391            build a `scipy.spatial.KDTree`.
1392            An already existing one can be passed to avoid rebuilding.
1393    """
1394    from scipy.spatial import distance, KDTree
1396    points = np.asarray(points)
1397    if n == 1:
1398        dists = distance.cdist([point], points)
1399        closest_idx = np.argmin(dists)
1400    else:
1401        if use_tree:
1402            if isinstance(use_tree, KDTree):  # reuse
1403                tree = use_tree
1404            else:
1405                tree = KDTree(points)
1406            dists, closest_idx = tree.query([point], k=n)
1407            closest_idx = closest_idx[0]
1408        else:
1409            dists = distance.cdist([point], points)
1410            closest_idx = np.argsort(dists)[0][:n]
1411    if return_ids:
1412        return dists, closest_idx
1413    else:
1414        return dists, points[closest_idx]
1418def lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY):
1419    """
1420    Interpolate linearly the variable `x` in `rangeX` onto the new `rangeY`.
1421    If `x` is a 3D vector the linear weight is the distance to the two 3D `rangeX` vectors.
1423    E.g. if `x` runs in `rangeX=[x0,x1]` and I want it to run in `rangeY=[y0,y1]` then
1425    `y = lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY)` will interpolate `x` onto `rangeY`.
1427    Examples:
1428        - [](
1430            ![](
1431    """
1432    if is_sequence(x):
1433        x = np.asarray(x)
1434        x0, x1 = np.asarray(rangeX)
1435        y0, y1 = np.asarray(rangeY)
1436        dx = x1 - x0
1437        dxn = np.linalg.norm(dx)
1438        if not dxn:
1439            return y0
1440        s = np.linalg.norm(x - x0) / dxn
1441        t = np.linalg.norm(x - x1) / dxn
1442        st = s + t
1443        out = y0 * (t / st) + y1 * (s / st)
1445    else:  # faster
1447        x0 = rangeX[0]
1448        dx = rangeX[1] - x0
1449        if not dx:
1450            return rangeY[0]
1451        s = (x - x0) / dx
1452        out = rangeY[0] * (1 - s) + rangeY[1] * s
1453    return out
1456def get_uv(p, x, v):
1457    """
1458    Obtain the texture uv-coords of a point p belonging to a face that has point
1459    coordinates (x0, x1, x2) with the corresponding uv-coordinates v=(v0, v1, v2).
1460    All p and x0,x1,x2 are 3D-vectors, while v are their 2D uv-coordinates.
1462    Example:
1463        ```python
1464        from vedo import *
1466        pic = Image(dataurl+"coloured_cube_faces.jpg")
1467        cb = Mesh(dataurl+"coloured_cube.obj").lighting("off").texture(pic)
1469        cbpts = cb.points
1470        faces = cb.cells
1471        uv = cb.pointdata["Material"]
1473        pt = [-0.2, 0.75, 2]
1474        pr = cb.closest_point(pt)
1476        idface = cb.closest_point(pt, return_cell_id=True)
1477        idpts = faces[idface]
1478        uv_face = uv[idpts]
1480        uv_pr = utils.get_uv(pr, cbpts[idpts], uv_face)
1481        print("interpolated uv =", uv_pr)
1483        sx, sy = pic.dimensions()
1484        i_interp_uv = uv_pr * [sy, sx]
1485        ix, iy = i_interp_uv.astype(int)
1486        mpic = pic.tomesh()
1487        rgba = mpic.pointdata["RGBA"].reshape(sy, sx, 3)
1488        print("color =", rgba[ix, iy])
1490        show(
1491            [[cb, Point(pr), cb.labels("Material")],
1492                [pic, Point(i_interp_uv)]],
1493            N=2, axes=1, sharecam=False,
1494        ).close()
1495        ```
1496        ![](
1497    """
1498    # Vector vp=p-x0 is representable as alpha*s + beta*t,
1499    # where s = x1-x0 and t = x2-x0, in matrix form
1500    # vp = [alpha, beta] . matrix(s,t)
1501    # M = matrix(s,t) is 2x3 matrix, so (alpha, beta) can be found by
1502    # inverting any of its minor A with non-zero determinant.
1503    # Once found, uv-coords of p are vt0 + alpha (vt1-v0) + beta (vt2-v0)
1505    p = np.asarray(p)
1506    x0, x1, x2 = np.asarray(x)[:3]
1507    vt0, vt1, vt2 = np.asarray(v)[:3]
1509    s = x1 - x0
1510    t = x2 - x0
1511    vs = vt1 - vt0
1512    vt = vt2 - vt0
1513    vp = p - x0
1515    # finding a minor with independent rows
1516    M = np.matrix([s, t])
1517    mnr = [0, 1]
1518    A = M[:, mnr]
1519    if np.abs(np.linalg.det(A)) < 0.000001:
1520        mnr = [0, 2]
1521        A = M[:, mnr]
1522        if np.abs(np.linalg.det(A)) < 0.000001:
1523            mnr = [1, 2]
1524            A = M[:, mnr]
1525    Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
1526    alpha_beta = vp[mnr].dot(Ainv)  # [alpha, beta]
1527    return np.asarray(vt0 +[vs, vt])))[0]
1530def vector(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
1531    """
1532    Return a 3D numpy array representing a vector.
1534    If `y` is `None`, assume input is already in the form `[x,y,z]`.
1535    """
1536    if y is None:  # assume x is already [x,y,z]
1537        return np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)
1538    return np.array([x, y, z], dtype=dtype)
1541def versor(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
1542    """Return the unit vector. Input can be a list of vectors."""
1543    v = vector(x, y, z, dtype)
1544    if isinstance(v[0], np.ndarray):
1545        return np.divide(v, mag(v)[:, None])
1546    return v / mag(v)
1549def mag(v):
1550    """Get the magnitude of a vector or array of vectors."""
1551    v = np.asarray(v)
1552    if v.ndim == 1:
1553        return np.linalg.norm(v)
1554    return np.linalg.norm(v, axis=1)
1557def mag2(v) -> np.ndarray:
1558    """Get the squared magnitude of a vector or array of vectors."""
1559    v = np.asarray(v)
1560    if v.ndim == 1:
1561        return np.square(v).sum()
1562    return np.square(v).sum(axis=1)
1565def is_integer(n) -> bool:
1566    """Check if input is an integer."""
1567    try:
1568        float(n)
1569    except (ValueError, TypeError):
1570        return False
1571    else:
1572        return float(n).is_integer()
1575def is_number(n) -> bool:
1576    """Check if input is a number"""
1577    try:
1578        float(n)
1579        return True
1580    except (ValueError, TypeError):
1581        return False
1584def round_to_digit(x, p) -> float:
1585    """Round a real number to the specified number of significant digits."""
1586    if not x:
1587        return 0
1588    r = np.round(x, p - int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(x)))) - 1)
1589    if int(r) == r:
1590        return int(r)
1591    return r
1594def pack_spheres(bounds, radius) -> np.ndarray:
1595    """
1596    Packing spheres into a bounding box.
1597    Returns a numpy array of sphere centers.
1598    """
1599    h = 0.8164965 / 2
1600    d = 0.8660254
1601    a = 0.288675135
1603    if is_sequence(bounds):
1604        x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = bounds
1605    else:
1606        x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = bounds.bounds()
1608    x = np.arange(x0, x1, radius)
1609    nul = np.zeros_like(x)
1610    nz = int((z1 - z0) / radius / h / 2 + 1.5)
1611    ny = int((y1 - y0) / radius / d + 1.5)
1613    pts = []
1614    for iz in range(nz):
1615        z = z0 + nul + iz * h * radius
1616        dx, dy, dz = [radius * 0.5, radius * a, iz * h * radius]
1617        for iy in range(ny):
1618            y = y0 + nul + iy * d * radius
1619            if iy % 2:
1620                xs = x
1621            else:
1622                xs = x + radius * 0.5
1623            if iz % 2:
1624                p = np.c_[xs, y, z] + [dx, dy, dz]
1625            else:
1626                p = np.c_[xs, y, z] + [0, 0, dz]
1627            pts += p.tolist()
1628    return np.array(pts)
1631def precision(x, p: int, vrange=None, delimiter="e") -> str:
1632    """
1633    Returns a string representation of `x` formatted to precision `p`.
1635    Set `vrange` to the range in which x exists (to snap x to '0' if below precision).
1636    """
1637    # Based on the webkit javascript implementation
1638    # `from here <>`_,
1639    # and implemented by `randlet <>`_.
1640    # Modified for vedo by M.Musy 2020
1642    if isinstance(x, str):  # do nothing
1643        return x
1645    if is_sequence(x):
1646        out = "("
1647        nn = len(x) - 1
1648        for i, ix in enumerate(x):
1650            try:
1651                if np.isnan(ix):
1652                    return "NaN"
1653            except:
1654                # cannot handle list of list
1655                continue
1657            out += precision(ix, p)
1658            if i < nn:
1659                out += ", "
1660        return out + ")"  ############ <--
1662    try:
1663        if np.isnan(x):
1664            return "NaN"
1665    except TypeError:
1666        return "NaN"
1668    x = float(x)
1670    if x == 0.0 or (vrange is not None and abs(x) < vrange / pow(10, p)):
1671        return "0"
1673    out = []
1674    if x < 0:
1675        out.append("-")
1676        x = -x
1678    e = int(np.log10(x))
1679    # tens = np.power(10, e - p + 1)
1680    tens = 10 ** (e - p + 1)
1681    n = np.floor(x / tens)
1683    # if n < np.power(10, p - 1):
1684    if n < 10 ** (p - 1):
1685        e = e - 1
1686        # tens = np.power(10, e - p + 1)
1687        tens = 10 ** (e - p + 1)
1688        n = np.floor(x / tens)
1690    if abs((n + 1.0) * tens - x) <= abs(n * tens - x):
1691        n = n + 1
1693    # if n >= np.power(10, p):
1694    if n >= 10 ** p:
1695        n = n / 10.0
1696        e = e + 1
1698    m = "%.*g" % (p, n)
1699    if e < -2 or e >= p:
1700        out.append(m[0])
1701        if p > 1:
1702            out.append(".")
1703            out.extend(m[1:p])
1704        out.append(delimiter)
1705        if e > 0:
1706            out.append("+")
1707        out.append(str(e))
1708    elif e == (p - 1):
1709        out.append(m)
1710    elif e >= 0:
1711        out.append(m[: e + 1])
1712        if e + 1 < len(m):
1713            out.append(".")
1714            out.extend(m[e + 1 :])
1715    else:
1716        out.append("0.")
1717        out.extend(["0"] * -(e + 1))
1718        out.append(m)
1719    return "".join(out)
1723def grep(filename: str, tag: str, column=None, first_occurrence_only=False) -> list:
1724    """Greps the line in a file that starts with a specific `tag` string inside the file."""
1725    import re
1727    with open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as afile:
1728        content = []
1729        for line in afile:
1730            if, line):
1731                c = line.split()
1732                c[-1] = c[-1].replace("\n", "")
1733                if column is not None:
1734                    c = c[column]
1735                content.append(c)
1736                if first_occurrence_only:
1737                    break
1738    return content
1740def parse_pattern(query, strings_to_parse) -> list:
1741    """
1742    Parse a pattern query to a list of strings.
1743    The query string can contain wildcards like * and ?.
1745    Arguments:
1746        query : (str)
1747            the query to parse
1748        strings_to_parse : (str/list)
1749            the string or list of strings to parse
1751    Returns:
1752        a list of booleans, one for each string in strings_to_parse
1754    Example:
1755        >>> query = r'*Sphere 1?3*'
1756        >>> strings = ["Sphere 143 red", "Sphere 13 red", "Sphere 123", "ASphere 173"]
1757        >>> parse_pattern(query, strings)
1758        [True, True, False, False]
1759    """
1760    from re import findall as re_findall
1761    if not isinstance(query, str):
1762        return [False]
1764    if not is_sequence(strings_to_parse):
1765        strings_to_parse = [strings_to_parse]
1767    outs = []
1768    for sp in strings_to_parse:
1769        if not isinstance(sp, str):
1770            outs.append(False)
1771            continue
1773        s = query
1774        if s.startswith("*"):
1775            s = s[1:]
1776        else:
1777            s = "^" + s
1779        t = ""
1780        if not s.endswith("*"):
1781            t = "$"
1782        else:
1783            s = s[:-1]
1785        pattern = s.replace('?', r'\w').replace(' ', r'\s').replace("*", r"\w+") + t
1787        # Search for the pattern in the input string
1788        match = re_findall(pattern, sp)
1789        out = bool(match)
1790        outs.append(out)
1791        # Print the matches for debugging
1792        print("pattern", pattern, "in:", strings_to_parse)
1793        print("matches", match, "result:", out)
1794    return outs
1796def print_histogram(
1797    data,
1798    bins=10,
1799    height=10,
1800    logscale=False,
1801    minbin=0,
1802    horizontal=True,
1803    char="\U00002589",
1804    c=None,
1805    bold=True,
1806    title="histogram",
1807    spacer="",
1808) -> np.ndarray:
1809    """
1810    Ascii histogram printing.
1812    Input can be a `vedo.Volume` or `vedo.Mesh`.
1813    Returns the raw data before binning (useful when passing vtk objects).
1815    Arguments:
1816        bins : (int)
1817            number of histogram bins
1818        height : (int)
1819            height of the histogram in character units
1820        logscale : (bool)
1821            use logscale for frequencies
1822        minbin : (int)
1823            ignore bins before minbin
1824        horizontal : (bool)
1825            show histogram horizontally
1826        char : (str)
1827            character to be used
1828        bold : (bool)
1829            use boldface
1830        title : (str)
1831            histogram title
1832        spacer : (str)
1833            horizontal spacer
1835    Example:
1836        ```python
1837        from vedo import print_histogram
1838        import numpy as np
1839        d = np.random.normal(size=1000)
1840        data = print_histogram(d, c='b', logscale=True, title='my scalars')
1841        data = print_histogram(d, c='o')
1842        print(np.mean(data)) # data here is same as d
1843        ```
1844        ![](
1845    """
1846    # credits:
1847    # adapted for vedo by M.Musy, 2019
1849    if not horizontal:  # better aspect ratio
1850        bins *= 2
1852    try:
1853        data = vtk2numpy(data.dataset.GetPointData().GetScalars())
1854    except AttributeError:
1855        # already an array
1856        data = np.asarray(data)
1858    if isinstance(data, vtki.vtkImageData):
1859        dims = data.GetDimensions()
1860        nvx = min(100000, dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2])
1861        idxs = np.random.randint(0, min(dims), size=(nvx, 3))
1862        data = []
1863        for ix, iy, iz in idxs:
1864            d = data.GetScalarComponentAsFloat(ix, iy, iz, 0)
1865            data.append(d)
1866        data = np.array(data)
1868    elif isinstance(data, vtki.vtkPolyData):
1869        arr = data.GetPointData().GetScalars()
1870        if not arr:
1871            arr = data.GetCellData().GetScalars()
1872            if not arr:
1873                return np.array([])
1874        data = vtk2numpy(arr)
1876    try:
1877        h = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)
1878    except TypeError as e:
1879        vedo.logger.error(f"cannot compute histogram: {e}")
1880        return np.array([])
1882    if minbin:
1883        hi = h[0][minbin:-1]
1884    else:
1885        hi = h[0]
1887    if char == "\U00002589" and horizontal:
1888        char = "\U00002586"
1890    title = title.ljust(14) + ":"
1891    entrs = " entries=" + str(len(data))
1892    if logscale:
1893        h0 = np.log10(hi + 1)
1894        maxh0 = int(max(h0) * 100) / 100
1895        title = title + entrs + " (logscale)"
1896    else:
1897        h0 = hi
1898        maxh0 = max(h0)
1899        title = title + entrs
1901    def _v():
1902        his = ""
1903        if title:
1904            his += title + "\n"
1905        bars = h0 / maxh0 * height
1906        for l in reversed(range(1, height + 1)):
1907            line = ""
1908            if l == height:
1909                line = "%s " % maxh0
1910            else:
1911                line = "   |" + " " * (len(str(maxh0)) - 3)
1912            for c in bars:
1913                if c >= np.ceil(l):
1914                    line += char
1915                else:
1916                    line += " "
1917            line += "\n"
1918            his += line
1919        his += "%.2f" % h[1][0] + "." * (bins) + "%.2f" % h[1][-1] + "\n"
1920        return his
1922    def _h():
1923        his = ""
1924        if title:
1925            his += title + "\n"
1926        xl = ["%.2f" % n for n in h[1]]
1927        lxl = [len(l) for l in xl]
1928        bars = h0 / maxh0 * height
1929        his += spacer + " " * int(max(bars) + 2 + max(lxl)) + "%s\n" % maxh0
1930        for i, c in enumerate(bars):
1931            line = xl[i] + " " * int(max(lxl) - lxl[i]) + "| " + char * int(c) + "\n"
1932            his += spacer + line
1933        return his
1935    if horizontal:
1936        height *= 2
1937        vedo.printc(_h(), c=c, bold=bold)
1938    else:
1939        vedo.printc(_v(), c=c, bold=bold)
1940    return data
1943def print_table(*columns, headers=None, c="g") -> None:
1944    """
1945    Print lists as tables.
1947    Example:
1948        ```python
1949        from vedo.utils import print_table
1950        list1 = ["A", "B", "C"]
1951        list2 = [142, 220, 330]
1952        list3 = [True, False, True]
1953        headers = ["First Column", "Second Column", "Third Column"]
1954        print_table(list1, list2, list3, headers=headers)
1955        ```
1957        ![](
1958    """
1959    # If headers is not provided, use default header names
1960    corner = "─"
1961    if headers is None:
1962        headers = [f"Column {i}" for i in range(1, len(columns) + 1)]
1963    assert len(headers) == len(columns)
1965    # Find the maximum length of the elements in each column and header
1966    max_lens = [max(len(str(x)) for x in column) for column in columns]
1967    max_len_headers = [max(len(str(header)), max_len) for header, max_len in zip(headers, max_lens)]
1969    # Construct the table header
1970    header = (
1971        "│ "
1972        + " │ ".join(header.ljust(max_len) for header, max_len in zip(headers, max_len_headers))
1973        + " │"
1974    )
1976    # Construct the line separator
1977    line1 = "┌" + corner.join("─" * (max_len + 2) for max_len in max_len_headers) + "┐"
1978    line2 = "└" + corner.join("─" * (max_len + 2) for max_len in max_len_headers) + "┘"
1980    # Print the table header
1981    vedo.printc(line1, c=c)
1982    vedo.printc(header, c=c)
1983    vedo.printc(line2, c=c)
1985    # Print the data rows
1986    for row in zip(*columns):
1987        row = (
1988            "│ "
1989            + " │ ".join(str(col).ljust(max_len) for col, max_len in zip(row, max_len_headers))
1990            + " │"
1991        )
1992        vedo.printc(row, bold=False, c=c)
1994    # Print the line separator again to close the table
1995    vedo.printc(line2, c=c)
1997def print_inheritance_tree(C) -> None:
1998    """Prints the inheritance tree of class C."""
1999    # Adapted from:
2000    def class_tree(cls):
2001        subc = [class_tree(sub_class) for sub_class in cls.__subclasses__()]
2002        return {cls.__name__: subc}
2004    def print_tree(tree, indent=8, current_ind=0):
2005        for k, v in tree.items():
2006            if current_ind:
2007                before_dashes = current_ind - indent
2008                m = " " * before_dashes + "└" + "─" * (indent - 1) + " " + k
2009                vedo.printc(m)
2010            else:
2011                vedo.printc(k)
2012            for sub_tree in v:
2013                print_tree(sub_tree, indent=indent, current_ind=current_ind + indent)
2015    if str(C.__class__) != "<class 'type'>":
2016        C = C.__class__
2017    ct = class_tree(C)
2018    print_tree(ct)
2021def make_bands(inputlist, n):
2022    """
2023    Group values of a list into bands of equal value, where
2024    `n` is the number of bands, a positive integer > 2.
2026    Returns a binned list of the same length as the input.
2027    """
2028    if n < 2:
2029        return inputlist
2030    vmin = np.min(inputlist)
2031    vmax = np.max(inputlist)
2032    bb = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n, endpoint=0)
2033    dr = bb[1] - bb[0]
2034    bb += dr / 2
2035    tol = dr / 2 * 1.001
2036    newlist = []
2037    for s in inputlist:
2038        for b in bb:
2039            if abs(s - b) < tol:
2040                newlist.append(b)
2041                break
2042    return np.array(newlist)
2046# Functions adapted from:
2048def camera_from_quaternion(pos, quaternion, distance=10000, ngl_correct=True) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2049    """
2050    Define a `vtkCamera` with a particular orientation.
2052    Arguments:
2053        pos: (np.array, list, tuple)
2054            an iterator of length 3 containing the focus point of the camera
2055        quaternion: (np.array, list, tuple)
2056            a len(4) quaternion `(x,y,z,w)` describing the rotation of the camera
2057            such as returned by neuroglancer `x,y,z,w` all in `[0,1]` range
2058        distance: (float)
2059            the desired distance from pos to the camera (default = 10000 nm)
2061    Returns:
2062        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup according to these rules.
2063    """
2064    camera = vtki.vtkCamera()
2065    # define the quaternion in vtk, note the swapped order
2066    # w,x,y,z instead of x,y,z,w
2067    quat_vtk = vtki.get_class("Quaternion")(
2068        quaternion[3], quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2])
2069    # use this to define a rotation matrix in x,y,z
2070    # right handed units
2071    M = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
2072    quat_vtk.ToMatrix3x3(M)
2073    # the default camera orientation is y up
2074    up = [0, 1, 0]
2075    # calculate default camera position is backed off in positive z
2076    pos = [0, 0, distance]
2078    # set the camera rototation by applying the rotation matrix
2079    camera.SetViewUp(*, up))
2080    # set the camera position by applying the rotation matrix
2081    camera.SetPosition(*, pos))
2082    if ngl_correct:
2083        # neuroglancer has positive y going down
2084        # so apply these azimuth and roll corrections
2085        # to fix orientatins
2086        camera.Azimuth(-180)
2087        camera.Roll(180)
2089    # shift the camera posiiton and focal position
2090    # to be centered on the desired location
2091    p = camera.GetPosition()
2092    p_new = np.array(p) + pos
2093    camera.SetPosition(*p_new)
2094    camera.SetFocalPoint(*pos)
2095    return camera
2098def camera_from_neuroglancer(state, zoom) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2099    """
2100    Define a `vtkCamera` from a neuroglancer state dictionary.
2102    Arguments:
2103        state: (dict)
2104            an neuroglancer state dictionary.
2105        zoom: (float)
2106            how much to multiply zoom by to get camera backoff distance
2108    Returns:
2109        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.
2110    """
2111    orient = state.get("perspectiveOrientation", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
2112    pzoom = state.get("perspectiveZoom", 10.0)
2113    position = state["navigation"]["pose"]["position"]
2114    pos_nm = np.array(position["voxelCoordinates"]) * position["voxelSize"]
2115    return camera_from_quaternion(pos_nm, orient, pzoom * zoom, ngl_correct=True)
2118def oriented_camera(center, up_vector, backoff_vector, backoff) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2119    """
2120    Generate a `vtkCamera` pointed at a specific location,
2121    oriented with a given up direction, set to a backoff.
2122    """
2123    vup = np.array(up_vector)
2124    vup = vup / np.linalg.norm(vup)
2125    pt_backoff = center - backoff * np.array(backoff_vector)
2126    camera = vtki.vtkCamera()
2127    camera.SetFocalPoint(center[0], center[1], center[2])
2128    camera.SetViewUp(vup[0], vup[1], vup[2])
2129    camera.SetPosition(pt_backoff[0], pt_backoff[1], pt_backoff[2])
2130    return camera
2133def camera_from_dict(camera, modify_inplace=None) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2134    """
2135    Generate a `vtkCamera` object from a python dictionary.
2137    Parameters of the camera are:
2138        - `position` or `pos` (3-tuple)
2139        - `focal_point` (3-tuple)
2140        - `viewup` (3-tuple)
2141        - `distance` (float)
2142        - `clipping_range` (2-tuple)
2143        - `parallel_scale` (float)
2144        - `thickness` (float)
2145        - `view_angle` (float)
2146        - `roll` (float)
2148    Exaplanation of the parameters can be found in the
2149    [vtkCamera documentation](
2151    Arguments:
2152        camera: (dict)
2153            a python dictionary containing camera parameters.
2154        modify_inplace: (vtkCamera)
2155            an existing `vtkCamera` object to modify in place.
2157    Returns:
2158        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.
2159    """
2160    if modify_inplace:
2161        vcam = modify_inplace
2162    else:
2163        vcam = vtki.vtkCamera()
2165    camera = dict(camera)  # make a copy so input is not emptied by pop()
2167    cm_pos         = camera.pop("position", camera.pop("pos", None))
2168    cm_focal_point = camera.pop("focal_point", camera.pop("focalPoint", None))
2169    cm_viewup      = camera.pop("viewup", None)
2170    cm_distance    = camera.pop("distance", None)
2171    cm_clipping_range = camera.pop("clipping_range", camera.pop("clippingRange", None))
2172    cm_parallel_scale = camera.pop("parallel_scale", camera.pop("parallelScale", None))
2173    cm_thickness   = camera.pop("thickness", None)
2174    cm_view_angle  = camera.pop("view_angle", camera.pop("viewAngle", None))
2175    cm_roll        = camera.pop("roll", None)
2177    if len(camera.keys()) > 0:
2178        vedo.logger.warning(f"in camera_from_dict, key(s) not recognized: {camera.keys()}")
2179    if cm_pos is not None:            vcam.SetPosition(cm_pos)
2180    if cm_focal_point is not None:    vcam.SetFocalPoint(cm_focal_point)
2181    if cm_viewup is not None:         vcam.SetViewUp(cm_viewup)
2182    if cm_distance is not None:       vcam.SetDistance(cm_distance)
2183    if cm_clipping_range is not None: vcam.SetClippingRange(cm_clipping_range)
2184    if cm_parallel_scale is not None: vcam.SetParallelScale(cm_parallel_scale)
2185    if cm_thickness is not None:      vcam.SetThickness(cm_thickness)
2186    if cm_view_angle is not None:     vcam.SetViewAngle(cm_view_angle)
2187    if cm_roll is not None:           vcam.SetRoll(cm_roll)
2188    return vcam
2190def camera_to_dict(vtkcam) -> dict:
2191    """
2192    Convert a [vtkCamera](
2193    object into a python dictionary.
2195    Parameters of the camera are:
2196        - `position` (3-tuple)
2197        - `focal_point` (3-tuple)
2198        - `viewup` (3-tuple)
2199        - `distance` (float)
2200        - `clipping_range` (2-tuple)
2201        - `parallel_scale` (float)
2202        - `thickness` (float)
2203        - `view_angle` (float)
2204        - `roll` (float)
2206    Arguments:
2207        vtkcam: (vtkCamera)
2208            a `vtkCamera` object to convert.
2209    """
2210    cam = dict()
2211    cam["position"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetPosition())
2212    cam["focal_point"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetFocalPoint())
2213    cam["viewup"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetViewUp())
2214    cam["distance"] = vtkcam.GetDistance()
2215    cam["clipping_range"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetClippingRange())
2216    cam["parallel_scale"] = vtkcam.GetParallelScale()
2217    cam["thickness"] = vtkcam.GetThickness()
2218    cam["view_angle"] = vtkcam.GetViewAngle()
2219    cam["roll"] = vtkcam.GetRoll()
2220    return cam
2223def vtkCameraToK3D(vtkcam) -> np.ndarray:
2224    """
2225    Convert a `vtkCamera` object into a 9-element list to be used by the K3D backend.
2227    Output format is:
2228        `[posx,posy,posz, targetx,targety,targetz, upx,upy,upz]`.
2229    """
2230    cpos = np.array(vtkcam.GetPosition())
2231    kam = [cpos.tolist()]
2232    kam.append(vtkcam.GetFocalPoint())
2233    kam.append(vtkcam.GetViewUp())
2234    return np.array(kam).ravel()
2237def make_ticks(
2238        x0: float,
2239        x1: float,
2240        n=None,
2241        labels=None,
2242        digits=None,
2243        logscale=False,
2244        useformat="",
2245    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]:
2246    """
2247    Generate numeric labels for the `[x0, x1]` range.
2249    The format specifier could be expressed in the format:
2250        `:[[fill]align][sign][#][0][width][,][.precision][type]`
2252    where, the options are:
2253    ```
2254    fill        =  any character
2255    align       =  < | > | = | ^
2256    sign        =  + | - | " "
2257    width       =  integer
2258    precision   =  integer
2259    type        =  b | c | d | e | E | f | F | g | G | n | o | s | x | X | %
2260    ```
2262    E.g.: useformat=":.2f"
2263    """
2264    # Copyright M. Musy, 2021, license: MIT.
2265    #
2266    # useformat eg: ":.2f", check out:
2267    #
2268    #
2270    if x1 <= x0:
2271        # vedo.printc("Error in make_ticks(): x0 >= x1", x0,x1, c='r')
2272        return np.array([0.0, 1.0]), ["", ""]
2274    ticks_str, ticks_float = [], []
2275    baseline = (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50)
2277    if logscale:
2278        if x0 <= 0 or x1 <= 0:
2279            vedo.logger.error("make_ticks: zero or negative range with log scale.")
2280            raise RuntimeError
2281        if n is None:
2282            n = int(abs(np.log10(x1) - np.log10(x0))) + 1
2283        x0, x1 = np.log10([x0, x1])
2285    if not n:
2286        n = 5
2288    if labels is not None:
2289        # user is passing custom labels
2291        ticks_float.append(0)
2292        ticks_str.append("")
2293        for tp, ts in labels:
2294            if tp == x1:
2295                continue
2296            ticks_str.append(str(ts))
2297            tickn = lin_interpolate(tp, [x0, x1], [0, 1])
2298            ticks_float.append(tickn)
2300    else:
2301        # comes one of the shortest and most painful pieces of code:
2302        # automatically choose the best natural axis subdivision based on multiples of 1,2,5
2303        dstep = (x1 - x0) / n  # desired step size, begin of the nightmare
2305        basestep = pow(10, np.floor(np.log10(dstep)))
2306        steps = np.array([basestep * i for i in baseline])
2307        idx = (np.abs(steps - dstep)).argmin()
2308        s = steps[idx]  # chosen step size
2310        low_bound, up_bound = 0, 0
2311        if x0 < 0:
2312            low_bound = -pow(10, np.ceil(np.log10(-x0)))
2313        if x1 > 0:
2314            up_bound = pow(10, np.ceil(np.log10(x1)))
2316        if low_bound < 0:
2317            if up_bound < 0:
2318                negaxis = np.arange(low_bound, int(up_bound / s) * s)
2319            else:
2320                if -low_bound / s > 1.0e06:
2321                    return np.array([0.0, 1.0]), ["", ""]
2322                negaxis = np.arange(low_bound, 0, s)
2323        else:
2324            negaxis = np.array([])
2326        if up_bound > 0:
2327            if low_bound > 0:
2328                posaxis = np.arange(int(low_bound / s) * s, up_bound, s)
2329            else:
2330                if up_bound / s > 1.0e06:
2331                    return np.array([0.0, 1.0]), ["", ""]
2332                posaxis = np.arange(0, up_bound, s)
2333        else:
2334            posaxis = np.array([])
2336        fulaxis = np.unique(np.clip(np.concatenate([negaxis, posaxis]), x0, x1))
2337        # end of the nightmare
2339        if useformat:
2340            sf = "{" + f"{useformat}" + "}"
2341            sas = ""
2342            for x in fulaxis:
2343                sas += sf.format(x) + " "
2344        elif digits is None:
2345            np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)  # avoid zero precision
2346            sas = str(fulaxis).replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
2347            sas = sas.replace(".e", "e").replace("e+0", "e+").replace("e-0", "e-")
2348            np.set_printoptions(suppress=None)  # set back to default
2349        else:
2350            sas = precision(fulaxis, digits, vrange=(x0, x1))
2351            sas = sas.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(")", "").replace(",", "")
2353        sas2 = []
2354        for s in sas.split():
2355            if s.endswith("."):
2356                s = s[:-1]
2357            if s == "-0":
2358                s = "0"
2359            if digits is not None and "e" in s:
2360                s += " "  # add space to terminate modifiers
2361            sas2.append(s)
2363        for ts, tp in zip(sas2, fulaxis):
2364            if tp == x1:
2365                continue
2366            tickn = lin_interpolate(tp, [x0, x1], [0, 1])
2367            ticks_float.append(tickn)
2368            if logscale:
2369                val = np.power(10, tp)
2370                if useformat:
2371                    sf = "{" + f"{useformat}" + "}"
2372                    ticks_str.append(sf.format(val))
2373                else:
2374                    if val >= 10:
2375                        val = int(val + 0.5)
2376                    else:
2377                        val = round_to_digit(val, 2)
2378                    ticks_str.append(str(val))
2379            else:
2380                ticks_str.append(ts)
2382    ticks_str.append("")
2383    ticks_float.append(1)
2384    return np.array(ticks_float), ticks_str
2387def grid_corners(i: int, nm: list, size: list, margin=0, yflip=True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
2388    """
2389    Compute the 2 corners coordinates of the i-th box in a grid of shape n*m.
2390    The top-left square is square number 1.
2392    Arguments:
2393        i : (int)
2394            input index of the desired grid square (to be used in `show(..., at=...)`).
2395        nm : (list)
2396            grid shape as (n,m).
2397        size : (list)
2398            total size of the grid along x and y.
2399        margin : (float)
2400            keep a small margin between boxes.
2401        yflip : (bool)
2402            y-coordinate points downwards
2404    Returns:
2405        Two 2D points representing the bottom-left corner and the top-right corner
2406        of the `i`-nth box in the grid.
2408    Example:
2409        ```python
2410        from vedo import *
2411        acts=[]
2412        n,m = 5,7
2413        for i in range(1, n*m + 1):
2414            c1,c2 = utils.grid_corners(i, [n,m], [1,1], 0.01)
2415            t = Text3D(i, (c1+c2)/2, c='k', s=0.02, justify='center').z(0.01)
2416            r = Rectangle(c1, c2, c=i)
2417            acts += [t,r]
2418        show(acts, axes=1).close()
2419        ```
2420        ![](
2421    """
2422    i -= 1
2423    n, m = nm
2424    sx, sy = size
2425    dx, dy = sx / n, sy / m
2426    nx = i % n
2427    ny = int((i - nx) / n)
2428    if yflip:
2429        ny = n - ny
2430    c1 = (dx * nx + margin, dy * ny + margin)
2431    c2 = (dx * (nx + 1) - margin, dy * (ny + 1) - margin)
2432    return np.array(c1), np.array(c2)
2436# Trimesh support
2438# Install trimesh with:
2440#    sudo apt install python3-rtree
2441#    pip install rtree shapely
2442#    conda install trimesh
2444# Check the example gallery in: examples/other/trimesh>
2446def vedo2trimesh(mesh):
2447    """
2448    Convert `vedo.mesh.Mesh` to `Trimesh.Mesh` object.
2449    """
2450    if is_sequence(mesh):
2451        tms = []
2452        for a in mesh:
2453            tms.append(vedo2trimesh(a))
2454        return tms
2456    try:
2457        from trimesh import Trimesh
2458    except ModuleNotFoundError:
2459        vedo.logger.error("Need trimesh to run:\npip install trimesh")
2460        return None
2462    tris = mesh.cells
2463    carr = mesh.celldata["CellIndividualColors"]
2464    ccols = carr
2466    points = mesh.coordinates
2467    varr = mesh.pointdata["VertexColors"]
2468    vcols = varr
2470    if len(tris) == 0:
2471        tris = None
2473    return Trimesh(vertices=points, faces=tris, face_colors=ccols, vertex_colors=vcols, process=False)
2476def trimesh2vedo(inputobj):
2477    """
2478    Convert a `Trimesh` object to `vedo.Mesh` or `vedo.Assembly` object.
2479    """
2480    if is_sequence(inputobj):
2481        vms = []
2482        for ob in inputobj:
2483            vms.append(trimesh2vedo(ob))
2484        return vms
2486    inputobj_type = str(type(inputobj))
2488    if "Trimesh" in inputobj_type or "primitives" in inputobj_type:
2489        faces = inputobj.faces
2490        poly = buildPolyData(inputobj.vertices, faces)
2491        tact = vedo.Mesh(poly)
2492        if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
2493            trim_c = inputobj.visual.face_colors
2494        elif inputobj.visual.kind == "texture":
2495            trim_c = inputobj.visual.to_color().vertex_colors
2496        else:
2497            trim_c = inputobj.visual.vertex_colors
2499        if is_sequence(trim_c):
2500            if is_sequence(trim_c[0]):
2501                same_color = len(np.unique(trim_c, axis=0)) < 2  # all vtxs have same color
2503                if same_color:
2504                    tact.c(trim_c[0, [0, 1, 2]]).alpha(trim_c[0, 3])
2505                else:
2506                    if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
2507                        tact.cellcolors = trim_c
2508        return tact
2510    if "PointCloud" in inputobj_type:
2512        vdpts = vedo.shapes.Points(inputobj.vertices, r=8, c='k')
2513        if hasattr(inputobj, "vertices_color"):
2514            vcols = (inputobj.vertices_color * 1).astype(np.uint8)
2515            vdpts.pointcolors = vcols
2516        return vdpts
2518    if "path" in inputobj_type:
2520        lines = []
2521        for e in inputobj.entities:
2522            # print('trimesh entity', e.to_dict())
2523            l = vedo.shapes.Line(inputobj.vertices[e.points], c="k", lw=2)
2524            lines.append(l)
2525        return vedo.Assembly(lines)
2527    return None
2530def vedo2meshlab(vmesh):
2531    """Convert a `vedo.Mesh` to a Meshlab object."""
2532    try:
2533        import pymeshlab as mlab
2534    except ModuleNotFoundError:
2535        vedo.logger.error("Need pymeshlab to run:\npip install pymeshlab")
2537    vertex_matrix = vmesh.vertices.astype(np.float64)
2539    try:
2540        face_matrix = np.asarray(vmesh.cells, dtype=np.float64)
2541    except:
2542        print("WARNING: in vedo2meshlab(), need to triangulate mesh first!")
2543        face_matrix = np.array(vmesh.clone().triangulate().cells, dtype=np.float64)
2545    # v_normals_matrix = vmesh.normals(cells=False, recompute=False)
2546    v_normals_matrix = vmesh.vertex_normals
2547    if not v_normals_matrix.shape[0]:
2548        v_normals_matrix = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
2550    # f_normals_matrix = vmesh.normals(cells=True, recompute=False)
2551    f_normals_matrix = vmesh.cell_normals
2552    if not f_normals_matrix.shape[0]:
2553        f_normals_matrix = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
2555    v_color_matrix = vmesh.pointdata["RGBA"]
2556    if v_color_matrix is None:
2557        v_color_matrix = np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float64)
2558    else:
2559        v_color_matrix = v_color_matrix.astype(np.float64) / 255
2560        if v_color_matrix.shape[1] == 3:
2561            v_color_matrix = np.c_[
2562                v_color_matrix, np.ones(v_color_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
2563            ]
2565    f_color_matrix = vmesh.celldata["RGBA"]
2566    if f_color_matrix is None:
2567        f_color_matrix = np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float64)
2568    else:
2569        f_color_matrix = f_color_matrix.astype(np.float64) / 255
2570        if f_color_matrix.shape[1] == 3:
2571            f_color_matrix = np.c_[
2572                f_color_matrix, np.ones(f_color_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
2573            ]
2575    m = mlab.Mesh(
2576        vertex_matrix=vertex_matrix,
2577        face_matrix=face_matrix,
2578        v_normals_matrix=v_normals_matrix,
2579        f_normals_matrix=f_normals_matrix,
2580        v_color_matrix=v_color_matrix,
2581        f_color_matrix=f_color_matrix,
2582    )
2584    for k in vmesh.pointdata.keys():
2585        data = vmesh.pointdata[k]
2586        if data is not None:
2587            if data.ndim == 1:  # scalar
2588                m.add_vertex_custom_scalar_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2589            elif data.ndim == 2:  # vectorial data
2590                if "tcoord" not in k.lower() and k not in ["Normals", "TextureCoordinates"]:
2591                    m.add_vertex_custom_point_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2593    for k in vmesh.celldata.keys():
2594        data = vmesh.celldata[k]
2595        if data is not None:
2596            if data.ndim == 1:  # scalar
2597                m.add_face_custom_scalar_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2598            elif data.ndim == 2 and k != "Normals":  # vectorial data
2599                m.add_face_custom_point_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2601    m.update_bounding_box()
2602    return m
2605def meshlab2vedo(mmesh, pointdata_keys=(), celldata_keys=()):
2606    """Convert a Meshlab object to `vedo.Mesh`."""
2607    inputtype = str(type(mmesh))
2609    if "MeshSet" in inputtype:
2610        mmesh = mmesh.current_mesh()
2612    mpoints, mcells = mmesh.vertex_matrix(), mmesh.face_matrix()
2613    if len(mcells) > 0:
2614        polydata = buildPolyData(mpoints, mcells)
2615    else:
2616        polydata = buildPolyData(mpoints, None)
2618    if mmesh.has_vertex_scalar():
2619        parr = mmesh.vertex_scalar_array()
2620        parr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(parr)
2621        parr_vtk.SetName("MeshLabScalars")
2622        polydata.GetPointData().AddArray(parr_vtk)
2623        polydata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars("MeshLabScalars")
2625    if mmesh.has_face_scalar():
2626        carr = mmesh.face_scalar_array()
2627        carr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(carr)
2628        carr_vtk.SetName("MeshLabScalars")
2629        x0, x1 = carr_vtk.GetRange()
2630        polydata.GetCellData().AddArray(carr_vtk)
2631        polydata.GetCellData().SetActiveScalars("MeshLabScalars")
2633    for k in pointdata_keys:
2634        parr = mmesh.vertex_custom_scalar_attribute_array(k)
2635        parr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(parr)
2636        parr_vtk.SetName(k)
2637        polydata.GetPointData().AddArray(parr_vtk)
2638        polydata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(k)
2640    for k in celldata_keys:
2641        carr = mmesh.face_custom_scalar_attribute_array(k)
2642        carr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(carr)
2643        carr_vtk.SetName(k)
2644        polydata.GetCellData().AddArray(carr_vtk)
2645        polydata.GetCellData().SetActiveScalars(k)
2647    pnorms = mmesh.vertex_normal_matrix()
2648    if len(pnorms) > 0:
2649        polydata.GetPointData().SetNormals(numpy2vtk(pnorms, name="Normals"))
2651    cnorms = mmesh.face_normal_matrix()
2652    if len(cnorms) > 0:
2653        polydata.GetCellData().SetNormals(numpy2vtk(cnorms, name="Normals"))
2654    return vedo.Mesh(polydata)
2657def open3d2vedo(o3d_mesh):
2658    """Convert `open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` to a `vedo.Mesh`."""
2659    m = vedo.Mesh([np.array(o3d_mesh.vertices), np.array(o3d_mesh.triangles)])
2660    # TODO: could also check whether normals and color are present in
2661    # order to port with the above vertices/faces
2662    return m
2665def vedo2open3d(vedo_mesh):
2666    """
2667    Return an `open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` version of the current mesh.
2668    """
2669    try:
2670        import open3d as o3d
2671    except RuntimeError:
2672        vedo.logger.error("Need open3d to run:\npip install open3d")
2674    # create from numpy arrays
2675    o3d_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(
2676        vertices=o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.vertices),
2677        triangles=o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(vedo_mesh.cells),
2678    )
2679    # TODO: need to add some if check here in case color and normals
2680    #  info are not existing
2681    # o3d_mesh.vertex_colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.pointdata["RGB"]/255)
2682    # o3d_mesh.vertex_normals= o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.pointdata["Normals"])
2683    return o3d_mesh
2685def vedo2madcad(vedo_mesh):
2686    """
2687    Convert a `vedo.Mesh` to a `madcad.Mesh`.
2688    """
2689    try:
2690        import madcad
2691        import numbers
2692    except ModuleNotFoundError:
2693        vedo.logger.error("Need madcad to run:\npip install pymadcad")
2695    points = [madcad.vec3(*pt) for pt in vedo_mesh.vertices]
2696    faces = [madcad.vec3(*fc) for fc in vedo_mesh.cells]
2698    options = {}
2699    for key, val in vedo_mesh.pointdata.items():
2700        vec_type = f"vec{val.shape[-1]}"
2701        is_float = np.issubdtype(val.dtype, np.floating)
2702        madcad_dtype = getattr(madcad, f"f{vec_type}" if is_float else vec_type)
2703        options[key] = [madcad_dtype(v) for v in val]
2705    madcad_mesh = madcad.Mesh(points=points, faces=faces, options=options)
2707    return madcad_mesh
2710def madcad2vedo(madcad_mesh):
2711    """
2712    Convert a `madcad.Mesh` to a `vedo.Mesh`.
2714    A pointdata or celldata array named "tracks" is added to the output mesh, indicating
2715    the mesh region each point belongs to.
2717    A metadata array named "madcad_groups" is added to the output mesh, indicating
2718    the mesh groups.
2720    See [pymadcad website](
2721    for more info.
2722    """
2723    try:
2724        madcad_mesh = madcad_mesh["part"]
2725    except:
2726        pass
2728    madp = []
2729    for p in madcad_mesh.points:
2730        madp.append([float(p[0]), float(p[1]), float(p[2])])
2731    madp = np.array(madp)
2733    madf = []
2734    try:
2735        for f in madcad_mesh.faces:
2736            madf.append([int(f[0]), int(f[1]), int(f[2])])
2737        madf = np.array(madf).astype(np.uint16)
2738    except AttributeError:
2739        # print("no faces")
2740        pass
2742    made = []
2743    try:
2744        edges = madcad_mesh.edges
2745        for e in edges:
2746            made.append([int(e[0]), int(e[1])])
2747        made = np.array(made).astype(np.uint16)
2748    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
2749        # print("no edges")
2750        pass
2752    try:
2753        line = np.array(madcad_mesh.indices).astype(np.uint16)
2754        made.append(line)
2755    except AttributeError:
2756        # print("no indices")
2757        pass
2759    madt = []
2760    try:
2761        for t in madcad_mesh.tracks:
2762            madt.append(int(t))
2763        madt = np.array(madt).astype(np.uint16)
2764    except AttributeError:
2765        # print("no tracks")
2766        pass
2768    ###############################
2769    poly = vedo.utils.buildPolyData(madp, madf, made)
2770    if len(madf) == 0 and len(made) == 0:
2771        m = vedo.Points(poly)
2772    else:
2773        m = vedo.Mesh(poly)
2775    if len(madt) == len(madf):
2776        m.celldata["tracks"] = madt
2777        maxt = np.max(madt)
2778        m.mapper.SetScalarRange(0, np.max(madt))
2779        if maxt==0: m.mapper.SetScalarVisibility(0)
2780    elif len(madt) == len(madp):
2781        m.pointdata["tracks"] = madt
2782        maxt = np.max(madt)
2783        m.mapper.SetScalarRange(0, maxt)
2784        if maxt==0: m.mapper.SetScalarVisibility(0)
2786    try:
2787["madcad_groups"] = madcad_mesh.groups
2788    except AttributeError:
2789        # print("no groups")
2790        pass
2792    try:
2793        options = dict(madcad_mesh.options)
2794        if "display_wire" in options and options["display_wire"]:
2795            m.lw(1).lc(madcad_mesh.c())
2796        if "display_faces" in options and not options["display_faces"]:
2797            m.alpha(0.2)
2798        if "color" in options:
2799            m.c(options["color"])
2801        for key, val in options.items():
2802            m.pointdata[key] = val
2804    except AttributeError:
2805        # print("no options")
2806        pass
2808    return m
2811def vtk_version_at_least(major, minor=0, build=0) -> bool:
2812    """
2813    Check the installed VTK version.
2815    Return `True` if the requested VTK version is greater or equal to the actual VTK version.
2817    Arguments:
2818        major : (int)
2819            Major version.
2820        minor : (int)
2821            Minor version.
2822        build : (int)
2823            Build version.
2824    """
2825    needed_version = 10000000000 * int(major) + 100000000 * int(minor) + int(build)
2826    try:
2827        vtk_version_number = vtki.VTK_VERSION_NUMBER
2828    except AttributeError:  # as error:
2829        ver = vtki.vtkVersion()
2830        vtk_version_number = (
2831            10000000000 * ver.GetVTKMajorVersion()
2832            + 100000000 * ver.GetVTKMinorVersion()
2833            + ver.GetVTKBuildVersion()
2834        )
2835    return vtk_version_number >= needed_version
2838def ctf2lut(vol, logscale=False):
2839    """Internal use."""
2840    # build LUT from a color transfer function for tmesh or volume
2842    ctf =
2843    otf =
2844    x0, x1 = vol.dataset.GetScalarRange()
2845    cols, alphas = [], []
2846    for x in np.linspace(x0, x1, 256):
2847        cols.append(ctf.GetColor(x))
2848        alphas.append(otf.GetValue(x))
2850    if logscale:
2851        lut = vtki.vtkLogLookupTable()
2852    else:
2853        lut = vtki.vtkLookupTable()
2855    lut.SetRange(x0, x1)
2856    lut.SetNumberOfTableValues(len(cols))
2857    for i, col in enumerate(cols):
2858        r, g, b = col
2859        lut.SetTableValue(i, r, g, b, alphas[i])
2860    lut.Build()
2861    return lut
2864def get_vtk_name_event(name: str) -> str:
2865    """
2866    Return the name of a VTK event.
2868    Frequently used events are:
2869    - KeyPress, KeyRelease: listen to keyboard events
2870    - LeftButtonPress, LeftButtonRelease: listen to mouse clicks
2871    - MiddleButtonPress, MiddleButtonRelease
2872    - RightButtonPress, RightButtonRelease
2873    - MouseMove: listen to mouse pointer changing position
2874    - MouseWheelForward, MouseWheelBackward
2875    - Enter, Leave: listen to mouse entering or leaving the window
2876    - Pick, StartPick, EndPick: listen to object picking
2877    - ResetCamera, ResetCameraClippingRange
2878    - Error, Warning, Char, Timer
2880    Check the complete list of events here:
2882    """
2883    # as vtk names are ugly and difficult to remember:
2884    ln = name.lower()
2885    if "click" in ln or "button" in ln:
2886        event_name = "LeftButtonPress"
2887        if "right" in ln:
2888            event_name = "RightButtonPress"
2889        elif "mid" in ln:
2890            event_name = "MiddleButtonPress"
2891        if "release" in ln:
2892            event_name = event_name.replace("Press", "Release")
2893    else:
2894        event_name = name
2895        if "key" in ln:
2896            if "release" in ln:
2897                event_name = "KeyRelease"
2898            else:
2899                event_name = "KeyPress"
2901    if ("mouse" in ln and "mov" in ln) or "over" in ln:
2902        event_name = "MouseMove"
2904    words = [
2905        "pick", "timer", "reset", "enter", "leave", "char",
2906        "error", "warning", "start", "end", "wheel", "clipping",
2907        "range", "camera", "render", "interaction", "modified",
2908    ]
2909    for w in words:
2910        if w in ln:
2911            event_name = event_name.replace(w, w.capitalize())
2913    event_name = event_name.replace("REnd ", "Rend")
2914    event_name = event_name.replace("the ", "")
2915    event_name = event_name.replace(" of ", "").replace(" ", "")
2917    if not event_name.endswith("Event"):
2918        event_name += "Event"
2920    if vtki.vtkCommand.GetEventIdFromString(event_name) == 0:
2921        vedo.printc(
2922            f"Error: '{name}' is not a valid event name.", c='r')
2923        vedo.printc("Check the list of events here:", c='r')
2924        vedo.printc("\t", c='r')
2925        # raise RuntimeError
2927    return event_name
class OperationNode:
 61class OperationNode:
 62    """
 63    Keep track of the operations which led to a final state.
 64    """
 65    #
 66    # Mesh     #e9c46a
 67    # Follower #d9ed92
 68    # Volume, UnstructuredGrid #4cc9f0
 69    # TetMesh  #9e2a2b
 70    # File     #8a817c
 71    # Image  #f28482
 72    # Assembly #f08080
 74    def __init__(
 75        self, operation, parents=(), comment="", shape="none", c="#e9c46a", style="filled"
 76    ) -> None:
 77        """
 78        Keep track of the operations which led to a final object.
 79        This allows to show the `pipeline` tree for any `vedo` object with e.g.:
 81        ```python
 82        from vedo import *
 83        sp = Sphere()
 84        sp.clean().subdivide()
 86        ```
 88        Arguments:
 89            operation : (str, class)
 90                descriptor label, if a class is passed then grab its name
 91            parents : (list)
 92                list of the parent classes the object comes from
 93            comment : (str)
 94                a second-line text description
 95            shape : (str)
 96                shape of the frame, check out [this link.](
 97            c : (hex)
 98                hex color
 99            style : (str)
100                comma-separated list of styles
102        Example:
103            ```python
104            from vedo.utils import OperationNode
106            op_node1 = OperationNode("Operation1", c="lightblue")
107            op_node2 = OperationNode("Operation2")
108            op_node3 = OperationNode("Operation3", shape='diamond')
109            op_node4 = OperationNode("Operation4")
110            op_node5 = OperationNode("Operation5")
111            op_node6 = OperationNode("Result", c="lightgreen")
113            op_node3.add_parent(op_node1)
114            op_node4.add_parent(op_node1)
115            op_node3.add_parent(op_node2)
116            op_node5.add_parent(op_node2)
117            op_node6.add_parent(op_node3)
118            op_node6.add_parent(op_node5)
119            op_node6.add_parent(op_node1)
121  "TB")
122            ```
123            ![](
124        """
125        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
126            return
128        if isinstance(operation, str):
129            self.operation = operation
130        else:
131            self.operation = operation.__class__.__name__
132        self.operation_plain = str(self.operation)
134        pp = []  # filter out invalid stuff
135        for p in parents:
136            if hasattr(p, "pipeline"):
137                pp.append(p.pipeline)
138        self.parents = pp
140        if comment:
141            self.operation = f"<{self.operation}<BR/><SUB><I>{comment}</I></SUB>>"
143 = None
144        self.time = time.time()
145        self.shape = shape
146 = style
147        self.color = c
148        self.counts = 0
150    def add_parent(self, parent) -> None:
151        self.parents.append(parent)
153    def _build_tree(self, dot):
154        dot.node(
155            str(id(self)),
156            label=self.operation,
157            shape=self.shape,
158            color=self.color,
159  ,
160        )
161        for parent in self.parents:
162            if parent:
163                t = f"{self.time - parent.time: .1f}s"
164                dot.edge(str(id(parent)), str(id(self)), label=t)
165                parent._build_tree(dot)
167    def __repr__(self):
168        try:
169            from treelib import Tree
170        except ImportError:
171            vedo.logger.error(
172                "To use this functionality please install treelib:"
173                "\n pip install treelib"
174            )
175            return ""
177        def _build_tree(parent):
178            for par in parent.parents:
179                if par:
180                    op = par.operation_plain
181                    tree.create_node(
182                        op, op + str(par.time), parent=parent.operation_plain + str(parent.time)
183                    )
184                    _build_tree(par)
185        try:
186            tree = Tree()
187            tree.create_node(self.operation_plain, self.operation_plain + str(self.time))
188            _build_tree(self)
189            out =
190        except:
191            out = f"Sorry treelib failed to build the tree for '{self.operation_plain}()'."
192        return out
194    def print(self) -> None:
195        """Print the tree of operations."""
196        print(self.__str__())
198    def show(self, orientation="LR", popup=True) -> None:
199        """Show the graphviz output for the pipeline of this object"""
200        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
201            return
203        try:
204            from graphviz import Digraph
205        except ImportError:
206            vedo.logger.error("please install graphviz with command\n pip install graphviz")
207            return
209        # visualize the entire tree
210        dot = Digraph(
211            node_attr={"fontcolor": "#201010", "fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "12"},
212            edge_attr={"fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "6", "arrowsize": "0.4"},
213        )
214        dot.attr(rankdir=orientation)
216        self.counts = 0
217        self._build_tree(dot)
218 = dot
220        home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
221        gpath = os.path.join(
222            home_dir, vedo.settings.cache_directory, "vedo", "pipeline_graphviz")
224        dot.render(gpath, view=popup)

Keep track of the operations which led to a final state.

OperationNode( operation, parents=(), comment='', shape='none', c='#e9c46a', style='filled')
 74    def __init__(
 75        self, operation, parents=(), comment="", shape="none", c="#e9c46a", style="filled"
 76    ) -> None:
 77        """
 78        Keep track of the operations which led to a final object.
 79        This allows to show the `pipeline` tree for any `vedo` object with e.g.:
 81        ```python
 82        from vedo import *
 83        sp = Sphere()
 84        sp.clean().subdivide()
 86        ```
 88        Arguments:
 89            operation : (str, class)
 90                descriptor label, if a class is passed then grab its name
 91            parents : (list)
 92                list of the parent classes the object comes from
 93            comment : (str)
 94                a second-line text description
 95            shape : (str)
 96                shape of the frame, check out [this link.](
 97            c : (hex)
 98                hex color
 99            style : (str)
100                comma-separated list of styles
102        Example:
103            ```python
104            from vedo.utils import OperationNode
106            op_node1 = OperationNode("Operation1", c="lightblue")
107            op_node2 = OperationNode("Operation2")
108            op_node3 = OperationNode("Operation3", shape='diamond')
109            op_node4 = OperationNode("Operation4")
110            op_node5 = OperationNode("Operation5")
111            op_node6 = OperationNode("Result", c="lightgreen")
113            op_node3.add_parent(op_node1)
114            op_node4.add_parent(op_node1)
115            op_node3.add_parent(op_node2)
116            op_node5.add_parent(op_node2)
117            op_node6.add_parent(op_node3)
118            op_node6.add_parent(op_node5)
119            op_node6.add_parent(op_node1)
121  "TB")
122            ```
123            ![](
124        """
125        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
126            return
128        if isinstance(operation, str):
129            self.operation = operation
130        else:
131            self.operation = operation.__class__.__name__
132        self.operation_plain = str(self.operation)
134        pp = []  # filter out invalid stuff
135        for p in parents:
136            if hasattr(p, "pipeline"):
137                pp.append(p.pipeline)
138        self.parents = pp
140        if comment:
141            self.operation = f"<{self.operation}<BR/><SUB><I>{comment}</I></SUB>>"
143 = None
144        self.time = time.time()
145        self.shape = shape
146 = style
147        self.color = c
148        self.counts = 0

Keep track of the operations which led to a final object. This allows to show the pipeline tree for any vedo object with e.g.:

from vedo import *
sp = Sphere()
  • operation : (str, class) descriptor label, if a class is passed then grab its name
  • parents : (list) list of the parent classes the object comes from
  • comment : (str) a second-line text description
  • shape : (str) shape of the frame, check out this link.
  • c : (hex) hex color
  • style : (str) comma-separated list of styles
from vedo.utils import OperationNode

op_node1 = OperationNode("Operation1", c="lightblue")
op_node2 = OperationNode("Operation2")
op_node3 = OperationNode("Operation3", shape='diamond')
op_node4 = OperationNode("Operation4")
op_node5 = OperationNode("Operation5")
op_node6 = OperationNode("Result", c="lightgreen")


def add_parent(self, parent) -> None:
150    def add_parent(self, parent) -> None:
151        self.parents.append(parent)
def print(self) -> None:
194    def print(self) -> None:
195        """Print the tree of operations."""
196        print(self.__str__())

Print the tree of operations.

def show(self, orientation='LR', popup=True) -> None:
198    def show(self, orientation="LR", popup=True) -> None:
199        """Show the graphviz output for the pipeline of this object"""
200        if not vedo.settings.enable_pipeline:
201            return
203        try:
204            from graphviz import Digraph
205        except ImportError:
206            vedo.logger.error("please install graphviz with command\n pip install graphviz")
207            return
209        # visualize the entire tree
210        dot = Digraph(
211            node_attr={"fontcolor": "#201010", "fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "12"},
212            edge_attr={"fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": "6", "arrowsize": "0.4"},
213        )
214        dot.attr(rankdir=orientation)
216        self.counts = 0
217        self._build_tree(dot)
218 = dot
220        home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
221        gpath = os.path.join(
222            home_dir, vedo.settings.cache_directory, "vedo", "pipeline_graphviz")
224        dot.render(gpath, view=popup)

Show the graphviz output for the pipeline of this object

class ProgressBar:
228class ProgressBar:
229    """
230    Class to print a progress bar.
231    """
233    def __init__(
234        self,
235        start,
236        stop,
237        step=1,
238        c=None,
239        bold=True,
240        italic=False,
241        title="",
242        eta=True,
243        delay=-1,
244        width=25,
245        char="\U00002501",
246        char_back="\U00002500",
247    ) -> None:
248        """
249        Class to print a progress bar with optional text message.
251        Check out also function `progressbar()`.
253        Arguments:
254            start : (int)
255                starting value
256            stop : (int)
257                stopping value
258            step : (int)
259                step value
260            c : (str)
261                color in hex format
262            title : (str)
263                title text
264            eta : (bool)
265                estimate time of arrival
266            delay : (float)
267                minimum time before printing anything,
268                if negative use the default value
269                as set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`
270            width : (int)
271                width of the progress bar
272            char : (str)
273                character to use for the progress bar
274            char_back : (str)
275                character to use for the background of the progress bar
277        Example:
278            ```python
279            import time
280            from vedo import ProgressBar
281            pb = ProgressBar(0,40, c='r')
282            for i in pb.range():
283                time.sleep(0.1)
284                pb.print()
285            ```
286            ![](
287        """
288        self.char = char
289        self.char_back = char_back
291        self.title = title + " "
292        if title:
293            self.title = " " + self.title
295        if delay < 0:
296            delay = vedo.settings.progressbar_delay
298        self.start = start
299        self.stop = stop
300        self.step = step
302        self.color = c
303        self.bold = bold
304        self.italic = italic
305        self.width = width
306        self.pbar = ""
307        self.percent = 0.0
308        self.percent_int = 0
309        self.eta = eta
310        self.delay = delay
312        self.t0 = time.time()
313        self._remaining = 1e10
315        self._update(0)
317        self._counts = 0
318        self._oldbar = ""
319        self._lentxt = 0
320        self._range = np.arange(start, stop, step)
322    def print(self, txt="", c=None) -> None:
323        """Print the progress bar with an optional message."""
324        if not c:
325            c = self.color
327        self._update(self._counts + self.step)
329        if self.delay:
330            if time.time() - self.t0 < self.delay:
331                return
333        if self.pbar != self._oldbar:
334            self._oldbar = self.pbar
336            if self.eta and self._counts > 1:
338                tdenom = time.time() - self.t0
339                if tdenom:
340                    vel = self._counts / tdenom
341                    self._remaining = (self.stop - self._counts) / vel
342                else:
343                    vel = 1
344                    self._remaining = 0.0
346                if self._remaining > 60:
347                    _mins = int(self._remaining / 60)
348                    _secs = self._remaining - 60 * _mins
349                    mins = f"{_mins}m"
350                    secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
351                else:
352                    mins = ""
353                    secs = f"{int(self._remaining + 0.5)}s "
355                vel = round(vel, 1)
356                eta = f"eta: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s) "
357                if self._remaining < 0.5:
358                    dt = time.time() - self.t0
359                    if dt > 60:
360                        _mins = int(dt / 60)
361                        _secs = dt - 60 * _mins
362                        mins = f"{_mins}m"
363                        secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
364                    else:
365                        mins = ""
366                        secs = f"{int(dt + 0.5)}s "
367                    eta = f"elapsed: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s)        "
368                    txt = ""
369            else:
370                eta = ""
372            eraser = " " * self._lentxt + "\b" * self._lentxt
374            s = f"{self.pbar} {eraser}{eta}{txt}\r"
375            vedo.printc(s, c=c, bold=self.bold, italic=self.italic, end="")
376            if self.percent > 99.999:
377                print("")
379            self._lentxt = len(txt)
381    def range(self) -> np.ndarray:
382        """Return the range iterator."""
383        return self._range
385    def _update(self, counts):
386        if counts < self.start:
387            counts = self.start
388        elif counts > self.stop:
389            counts = self.stop
390        self._counts = counts
392        self.percent = (self._counts - self.start) * 100.0
394        delta = self.stop - self.start
395        if delta:
396            self.percent /= delta
397        else:
398            self.percent = 0.0
400        self.percent_int = int(round(self.percent))
401        af = self.width - 2
402        nh = int(round(self.percent_int / 100 * af))
403        pbar_background = "\x1b[2m" + self.char_back * (af - nh)
404        self.pbar = f"{self.title}{self.char * (nh-1)}{pbar_background}"
405        if self.percent < 100.0:
406            ps = f" {self.percent_int}%"
407        else:
408            ps = ""
409        self.pbar += ps

Class to print a progress bar.

ProgressBar( start, stop, step=1, c=None, bold=True, italic=False, title='', eta=True, delay=-1, width=25, char='━', char_back='─')
233    def __init__(
234        self,
235        start,
236        stop,
237        step=1,
238        c=None,
239        bold=True,
240        italic=False,
241        title="",
242        eta=True,
243        delay=-1,
244        width=25,
245        char="\U00002501",
246        char_back="\U00002500",
247    ) -> None:
248        """
249        Class to print a progress bar with optional text message.
251        Check out also function `progressbar()`.
253        Arguments:
254            start : (int)
255                starting value
256            stop : (int)
257                stopping value
258            step : (int)
259                step value
260            c : (str)
261                color in hex format
262            title : (str)
263                title text
264            eta : (bool)
265                estimate time of arrival
266            delay : (float)
267                minimum time before printing anything,
268                if negative use the default value
269                as set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`
270            width : (int)
271                width of the progress bar
272            char : (str)
273                character to use for the progress bar
274            char_back : (str)
275                character to use for the background of the progress bar
277        Example:
278            ```python
279            import time
280            from vedo import ProgressBar
281            pb = ProgressBar(0,40, c='r')
282            for i in pb.range():
283                time.sleep(0.1)
284                pb.print()
285            ```
286            ![](
287        """
288        self.char = char
289        self.char_back = char_back
291        self.title = title + " "
292        if title:
293            self.title = " " + self.title
295        if delay < 0:
296            delay = vedo.settings.progressbar_delay
298        self.start = start
299        self.stop = stop
300        self.step = step
302        self.color = c
303        self.bold = bold
304        self.italic = italic
305        self.width = width
306        self.pbar = ""
307        self.percent = 0.0
308        self.percent_int = 0
309        self.eta = eta
310        self.delay = delay
312        self.t0 = time.time()
313        self._remaining = 1e10
315        self._update(0)
317        self._counts = 0
318        self._oldbar = ""
319        self._lentxt = 0
320        self._range = np.arange(start, stop, step)

Class to print a progress bar with optional text message.

Check out also function progressbar().

  • start : (int) starting value
  • stop : (int) stopping value
  • step : (int) step value
  • c : (str) color in hex format
  • title : (str) title text
  • eta : (bool) estimate time of arrival
  • delay : (float) minimum time before printing anything, if negative use the default value as set in vedo.settings.progressbar_delay
  • width : (int) width of the progress bar
  • char : (str) character to use for the progress bar
  • char_back : (str) character to use for the background of the progress bar
import time
from vedo import ProgressBar
pb = ProgressBar(0,40, c='r')
for i in pb.range():

def print(self, txt='', c=None) -> None:
322    def print(self, txt="", c=None) -> None:
323        """Print the progress bar with an optional message."""
324        if not c:
325            c = self.color
327        self._update(self._counts + self.step)
329        if self.delay:
330            if time.time() - self.t0 < self.delay:
331                return
333        if self.pbar != self._oldbar:
334            self._oldbar = self.pbar
336            if self.eta and self._counts > 1:
338                tdenom = time.time() - self.t0
339                if tdenom:
340                    vel = self._counts / tdenom
341                    self._remaining = (self.stop - self._counts) / vel
342                else:
343                    vel = 1
344                    self._remaining = 0.0
346                if self._remaining > 60:
347                    _mins = int(self._remaining / 60)
348                    _secs = self._remaining - 60 * _mins
349                    mins = f"{_mins}m"
350                    secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
351                else:
352                    mins = ""
353                    secs = f"{int(self._remaining + 0.5)}s "
355                vel = round(vel, 1)
356                eta = f"eta: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s) "
357                if self._remaining < 0.5:
358                    dt = time.time() - self.t0
359                    if dt > 60:
360                        _mins = int(dt / 60)
361                        _secs = dt - 60 * _mins
362                        mins = f"{_mins}m"
363                        secs = f"{int(_secs + 0.5)}s "
364                    else:
365                        mins = ""
366                        secs = f"{int(dt + 0.5)}s "
367                    eta = f"elapsed: {mins}{secs}({vel} it/s)        "
368                    txt = ""
369            else:
370                eta = ""
372            eraser = " " * self._lentxt + "\b" * self._lentxt
374            s = f"{self.pbar} {eraser}{eta}{txt}\r"
375            vedo.printc(s, c=c, bold=self.bold, italic=self.italic, end="")
376            if self.percent > 99.999:
377                print("")
379            self._lentxt = len(txt)

Print the progress bar with an optional message.

def range(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
381    def range(self) -> np.ndarray:
382        """Return the range iterator."""
383        return self._range

Return the range iterator.

def progressbar( iterable, c=None, bold=True, italic=False, title='', eta=True, width=25, delay=-1):
413def progressbar(
414        iterable,
415        c=None, bold=True, italic=False, title="",
416        eta=True, width=25, delay=-1,
417    ):
418    """
419    Function to print a progress bar with optional text message.
421    Use delay to set a minimum time before printing anything.
422    If delay is negative, then use the default value
423    as set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`.
425    Arguments:
426        start : (int)
427            starting value
428        stop : (int)
429            stopping value
430        step : (int)
431            step value
432        c : (str)
433            color in hex format
434        title : (str)
435            title text
436        eta : (bool)
437            estimate time of arrival
438        delay : (float)
439            minimum time before printing anything,
440            if negative use the default value
441            set in `vedo.settings.progressbar_delay`
442        width : (int)
443            width of the progress bar
444        char : (str)
445            character to use for the progress bar
446        char_back : (str)
447            character to use for the background of the progress bar
449    Example:
450        ```python
451        import time
452        for i in progressbar(range(100), c='r'):
453            time.sleep(0.1)
454        ```
455        ![](
456    """
457    try:
458        if is_number(iterable):
459            total = int(iterable)
460            iterable = range(total)
461        else:
462            total = len(iterable)
463    except TypeError:
464        iterable = list(iterable)
465        total = len(iterable)
467    pb = ProgressBar(
468        0, total, c=c, bold=bold, italic=italic, title=title,
469        eta=eta, delay=delay, width=width,
470    )
471    for item in iterable:
472        pb.print()
473        yield item

Function to print a progress bar with optional text message.

Use delay to set a minimum time before printing anything. If delay is negative, then use the default value as set in vedo.settings.progressbar_delay.

  • start : (int) starting value
  • stop : (int) stopping value
  • step : (int) step value
  • c : (str) color in hex format
  • title : (str) title text
  • eta : (bool) estimate time of arrival
  • delay : (float) minimum time before printing anything, if negative use the default value set in vedo.settings.progressbar_delay
  • width : (int) width of the progress bar
  • char : (str) character to use for the progress bar
  • char_back : (str) character to use for the background of the progress bar
import time
for i in progressbar(range(100), c='r'):

class Minimizer:
477class Minimizer:
478    """
479    A function minimizer that uses the Nelder-Mead method.
481    The algorithm constructs an n-dimensional simplex in parameter
482    space (i.e. a tetrahedron if the number or parameters is 3)
483    and moves the vertices around parameter space until
484    a local minimum is found. The amoeba method is robust,
485    reasonably efficient, but is not guaranteed to find
486    the global minimum if several local minima exist.
488    Arguments:
489        function : (callable)
490            the function to minimize
491        max_iterations : (int)
492            the maximum number of iterations
493        contraction_ratio : (float)
494            The contraction ratio.
495            The default value of 0.5 gives fast convergence,
496            but larger values such as 0.6 or 0.7 provide greater stability.
497        expansion_ratio : (float)
498            The expansion ratio.
499            The default value is 2.0, which provides rapid expansion.
500            Values between 1.1 and 2.0 are valid.
501        tol : (float)
502            the tolerance for convergence
504    Example:
505        - [](
506    """
507    def __init__(
508            self,
509            function=None,
510            max_iterations=10000,
511            contraction_ratio=0.5,
512            expansion_ratio=2.0,
513            tol=1e-5,
514        ) -> None:
515        self.function = function
516        self.tolerance = tol
517        self.contraction_ratio = contraction_ratio
518        self.expansion_ratio = expansion_ratio
519        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
520        self.minimizer ="AmoebaMinimizer")
521        self.minimizer.SetFunction(self._vtkfunc)
522        self.results = {}
523        self.parameters_path = []
524        self.function_path = []
526    def _vtkfunc(self):
527        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
528        ain = [self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i) for i in range(n)]
529        r = self.function(ain)
530        self.minimizer.SetFunctionValue(r)
531        self.parameters_path.append(ain)
532        self.function_path.append(r)
533        return r
535    def eval(self, parameters=()) -> float:
536        """
537        Evaluate the function at the current or given parameters.
538        """
539        if len(parameters) == 0:
540            return self.minimizer.EvaluateFunction()
541        self.set_parameters(parameters)
542        return self.function(parameters)
544    def set_parameter(self, name, value, scale=1.0) -> None:
545        """
546        Set the parameter value.
547        The initial amount by which the parameter
548        will be modified during the search for the minimum. 
549        """
550        self.minimizer.SetParameterValue(name, value)
551        self.minimizer.SetParameterScale(name, scale)
553    def set_parameters(self, parameters) -> None:
554        """
555        Set the parameters names and values from a dictionary.
556        """
557        for name, value in parameters.items():
558            if len(value) == 2:
559                self.set_parameter(name, value[0], value[1])
560            else:
561                self.set_parameter(name, value)
563    def minimize(self) -> dict:
564        """
565        Minimize the input function.
567        Returns:
568            dict : 
569                the minimization results
570            init_parameters : (dict)
571                the initial parameters
572            parameters : (dict)
573                the final parameters
574            min_value : (float)
575                the minimum value
576            iterations : (int)
577                the number of iterations
578            max_iterations : (int)
579                the maximum number of iterations
580            tolerance : (float)
581                the tolerance for convergence
582            convergence_flag : (int)
583                zero if the tolerance stopping
584                criterion has been met.
585            parameters_path : (np.array)
586                the path of the minimization
587                algorithm in parameter space
588            function_path : (np.array)
589                the path of the minimization
590                algorithm in function space
591            hessian : (np.array)
592                the Hessian matrix of the
593                function at the minimum
594            parameter_errors : (np.array)
595                the errors on the parameters
596        """
597        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
598        out = [(
599            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
600            (self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
601             self.minimizer.GetParameterScale(i))
602        ) for i in range(n)]
603        self.results["init_parameters"] = dict(out)
605        self.minimizer.SetTolerance(self.tolerance)
606        self.minimizer.SetContractionRatio(self.contraction_ratio)
607        self.minimizer.SetExpansionRatio(self.expansion_ratio)
608        self.minimizer.SetMaxIterations(self.max_iterations)
610        self.minimizer.Minimize()
611        self.results["convergence_flag"] = not bool(self.minimizer.Iterate())
613        out = [(
614            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
615            self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
616        ) for i in range(n)]
618        self.results["parameters"] = dict(out)
619        self.results["min_value"] = self.minimizer.GetFunctionValue()
620        self.results["iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetIterations()
621        self.results["max_iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetMaxIterations()
622        self.results["tolerance"] = self.minimizer.GetTolerance()
623        self.results["expansion_ratio"] = self.expansion_ratio
624        self.results["contraction_ratio"] = self.contraction_ratio
625        self.results["parameters_path"] = np.array(self.parameters_path)
626        self.results["function_path"] = np.array(self.function_path)
627        self.results["hessian"] = np.zeros((n,n))
628        self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
629        return self.results
631    def compute_hessian(self, epsilon=0) -> np.array:
632        """
633        Compute the Hessian matrix of `function` at the
634        minimum numerically.
636        Arguments:
637            epsilon : (float)
638                Step size used for numerical approximation.
640        Returns:
641            array: Hessian matrix of `function` at minimum.
642        """
643        if not epsilon:
644            epsilon = self.tolerance * 10
645        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
646        x0 = [self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i) for i in range(n)]
647        hessian = np.zeros((n, n))
648        for i in vedo.progressbar(n, title="Computing Hessian", delay=2):
649            for j in range(n):
650                xijp = np.copy(x0)
651                xijp[i] += epsilon
652                xijp[j] += epsilon
653                xijm = np.copy(x0)
654                xijm[i] += epsilon
655                xijm[j] -= epsilon
656                xjip = np.copy(x0)
657                xjip[i] -= epsilon
658                xjip[j] += epsilon
659                xjim = np.copy(x0)
660                xjim[i] -= epsilon
661                xjim[j] -= epsilon
662                # Second derivative approximation
663                fijp = self.function(xijp)
664                fijm = self.function(xijm)
665                fjip = self.function(xjip)
666                fjim = self.function(xjim)
667                hessian[i, j] = (fijp - fijm - fjip + fjim) / (2 * epsilon**2)
668        self.results["hessian"] = hessian
669        try:
670            ihess = np.linalg.inv(hessian)
671            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.sqrt(np.diag(ihess))
672        except:
673            vedo.logger.warning("Cannot compute hessian for parameter errors")
674            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
675        return hessian
677    def __str__(self) -> str:
678        out = vedo.printc(
679            f"vedo.utils.Minimizer at ({hex(id(self))})".ljust(75),
680            bold=True, invert=True, return_string=True,
681        )
682        out += "Function name".ljust(20) + self.function.__name__ + "()\n"
683        out += "-------- parameters initial value -----------\n"
684        out += "Name".ljust(20) + "Value".ljust(20) + "Scale\n"
685        for name, value in self.results["init_parameters"].items():
686            out += name.ljust(20) + str(value[0]).ljust(20) + str(value[1]) + "\n"
687        out += "-------- parameters final value --------------\n"
688        for name, value in self.results["parameters"].items():
689            out += name.ljust(20) + f"{value:.6f}"
690            ierr = list(self.results["parameters"]).index(name)
691            err = self.results["parameter_errors"][ierr]
692            if err:
693                out += f" ± {err:.4f}"
694            out += "\n"
695        out += "Value at minimum".ljust(20)+ f'{self.results["min_value"]}\n'
696        out += "Iterations".ljust(20)      + f'{self.results["iterations"]}\n'
697        out += "Max iterations".ljust(20)  + f'{self.results["max_iterations"]}\n'
698        out += "Convergence flag".ljust(20)+ f'{self.results["convergence_flag"]}\n'
699        out += "Tolerance".ljust(20)       + f'{self.results["tolerance"]}\n'
700        try:
701            arr = np.array2string(
702                self.compute_hessian(),
703                separator=', ', precision=6, suppress_small=True,
704            )
705            out += "Hessian Matrix:\n" + arr
706        except:
707            out += "Hessian Matrix: (not available)"
708        return out

A function minimizer that uses the Nelder-Mead method.

The algorithm constructs an n-dimensional simplex in parameter space (i.e. a tetrahedron if the number or parameters is 3) and moves the vertices around parameter space until a local minimum is found. The amoeba method is robust, reasonably efficient, but is not guaranteed to find the global minimum if several local minima exist.

  • function : (callable) the function to minimize
  • max_iterations : (int) the maximum number of iterations
  • contraction_ratio : (float) The contraction ratio. The default value of 0.5 gives fast convergence, but larger values such as 0.6 or 0.7 provide greater stability.
  • expansion_ratio : (float) The expansion ratio. The default value is 2.0, which provides rapid expansion. Values between 1.1 and 2.0 are valid.
  • tol : (float) the tolerance for convergence
Minimizer( function=None, max_iterations=10000, contraction_ratio=0.5, expansion_ratio=2.0, tol=1e-05)
507    def __init__(
508            self,
509            function=None,
510            max_iterations=10000,
511            contraction_ratio=0.5,
512            expansion_ratio=2.0,
513            tol=1e-5,
514        ) -> None:
515        self.function = function
516        self.tolerance = tol
517        self.contraction_ratio = contraction_ratio
518        self.expansion_ratio = expansion_ratio
519        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
520        self.minimizer ="AmoebaMinimizer")
521        self.minimizer.SetFunction(self._vtkfunc)
522        self.results = {}
523        self.parameters_path = []
524        self.function_path = []
def eval(self, parameters=()) -> float:
535    def eval(self, parameters=()) -> float:
536        """
537        Evaluate the function at the current or given parameters.
538        """
539        if len(parameters) == 0:
540            return self.minimizer.EvaluateFunction()
541        self.set_parameters(parameters)
542        return self.function(parameters)

Evaluate the function at the current or given parameters.

def set_parameter(self, name, value, scale=1.0) -> None:
544    def set_parameter(self, name, value, scale=1.0) -> None:
545        """
546        Set the parameter value.
547        The initial amount by which the parameter
548        will be modified during the search for the minimum. 
549        """
550        self.minimizer.SetParameterValue(name, value)
551        self.minimizer.SetParameterScale(name, scale)

Set the parameter value. The initial amount by which the parameter will be modified during the search for the minimum.

def set_parameters(self, parameters) -> None:
553    def set_parameters(self, parameters) -> None:
554        """
555        Set the parameters names and values from a dictionary.
556        """
557        for name, value in parameters.items():
558            if len(value) == 2:
559                self.set_parameter(name, value[0], value[1])
560            else:
561                self.set_parameter(name, value)

Set the parameters names and values from a dictionary.

def minimize(self) -> dict:
563    def minimize(self) -> dict:
564        """
565        Minimize the input function.
567        Returns:
568            dict : 
569                the minimization results
570            init_parameters : (dict)
571                the initial parameters
572            parameters : (dict)
573                the final parameters
574            min_value : (float)
575                the minimum value
576            iterations : (int)
577                the number of iterations
578            max_iterations : (int)
579                the maximum number of iterations
580            tolerance : (float)
581                the tolerance for convergence
582            convergence_flag : (int)
583                zero if the tolerance stopping
584                criterion has been met.
585            parameters_path : (np.array)
586                the path of the minimization
587                algorithm in parameter space
588            function_path : (np.array)
589                the path of the minimization
590                algorithm in function space
591            hessian : (np.array)
592                the Hessian matrix of the
593                function at the minimum
594            parameter_errors : (np.array)
595                the errors on the parameters
596        """
597        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
598        out = [(
599            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
600            (self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
601             self.minimizer.GetParameterScale(i))
602        ) for i in range(n)]
603        self.results["init_parameters"] = dict(out)
605        self.minimizer.SetTolerance(self.tolerance)
606        self.minimizer.SetContractionRatio(self.contraction_ratio)
607        self.minimizer.SetExpansionRatio(self.expansion_ratio)
608        self.minimizer.SetMaxIterations(self.max_iterations)
610        self.minimizer.Minimize()
611        self.results["convergence_flag"] = not bool(self.minimizer.Iterate())
613        out = [(
614            self.minimizer.GetParameterName(i),
615            self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i),
616        ) for i in range(n)]
618        self.results["parameters"] = dict(out)
619        self.results["min_value"] = self.minimizer.GetFunctionValue()
620        self.results["iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetIterations()
621        self.results["max_iterations"] = self.minimizer.GetMaxIterations()
622        self.results["tolerance"] = self.minimizer.GetTolerance()
623        self.results["expansion_ratio"] = self.expansion_ratio
624        self.results["contraction_ratio"] = self.contraction_ratio
625        self.results["parameters_path"] = np.array(self.parameters_path)
626        self.results["function_path"] = np.array(self.function_path)
627        self.results["hessian"] = np.zeros((n,n))
628        self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
629        return self.results

Minimize the input function.


dict : the minimization results init_parameters : (dict) the initial parameters parameters : (dict) the final parameters min_value : (float) the minimum value iterations : (int) the number of iterations max_iterations : (int) the maximum number of iterations tolerance : (float) the tolerance for convergence convergence_flag : (int) zero if the tolerance stopping criterion has been met. parameters_path : (np.array) the path of the minimization algorithm in parameter space function_path : (np.array) the path of the minimization algorithm in function space hessian : (np.array) the Hessian matrix of the function at the minimum parameter_errors : (np.array) the errors on the parameters

def compute_hessian(self, epsilon=0) -> <built-in function array>:
631    def compute_hessian(self, epsilon=0) -> np.array:
632        """
633        Compute the Hessian matrix of `function` at the
634        minimum numerically.
636        Arguments:
637            epsilon : (float)
638                Step size used for numerical approximation.
640        Returns:
641            array: Hessian matrix of `function` at minimum.
642        """
643        if not epsilon:
644            epsilon = self.tolerance * 10
645        n = self.minimizer.GetNumberOfParameters()
646        x0 = [self.minimizer.GetParameterValue(i) for i in range(n)]
647        hessian = np.zeros((n, n))
648        for i in vedo.progressbar(n, title="Computing Hessian", delay=2):
649            for j in range(n):
650                xijp = np.copy(x0)
651                xijp[i] += epsilon
652                xijp[j] += epsilon
653                xijm = np.copy(x0)
654                xijm[i] += epsilon
655                xijm[j] -= epsilon
656                xjip = np.copy(x0)
657                xjip[i] -= epsilon
658                xjip[j] += epsilon
659                xjim = np.copy(x0)
660                xjim[i] -= epsilon
661                xjim[j] -= epsilon
662                # Second derivative approximation
663                fijp = self.function(xijp)
664                fijm = self.function(xijm)
665                fjip = self.function(xjip)
666                fjim = self.function(xjim)
667                hessian[i, j] = (fijp - fijm - fjip + fjim) / (2 * epsilon**2)
668        self.results["hessian"] = hessian
669        try:
670            ihess = np.linalg.inv(hessian)
671            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.sqrt(np.diag(ihess))
672        except:
673            vedo.logger.warning("Cannot compute hessian for parameter errors")
674            self.results["parameter_errors"] = np.zeros(n)
675        return hessian

Compute the Hessian matrix of function at the minimum numerically.

  • epsilon : (float) Step size used for numerical approximation.

array: Hessian matrix of function at minimum.

def geometry(obj, extent=None) -> vedo.mesh.Mesh:
854def geometry(obj, extent=None) -> "vedo.Mesh":
855    """
856    Apply the `vtkGeometryFilter` to the input object.
857    This is a general-purpose filter to extract geometry (and associated data)
858    from any type of dataset.
859    This filter also may be used to convert any type of data to polygonal type.
860    The conversion process may be less than satisfactory for some 3D datasets.
861    For example, this filter will extract the outer surface of a volume
862    or structured grid dataset.
864    Returns a `vedo.Mesh` object.
866    Set `extent` as the `[xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax]` bounding box to clip data.
867    """
868    gf ="GeometryFilter")
869    gf.SetInputData(obj)
870    if extent is not None:
871        gf.SetExtent(extent)
872    gf.Update()
873    return vedo.Mesh(gf.GetOutput())

Apply the vtkGeometryFilter to the input object. This is a general-purpose filter to extract geometry (and associated data) from any type of dataset. This filter also may be used to convert any type of data to polygonal type. The conversion process may be less than satisfactory for some 3D datasets. For example, this filter will extract the outer surface of a volume or structured grid dataset.

Returns a vedo.Mesh object.

Set extent as the [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax] bounding box to clip data.

def is_sequence(arg) -> bool:
1045def is_sequence(arg) -> bool:
1046    """Check if the input is iterable."""
1047    if hasattr(arg, "strip"):
1048        return False
1049    if hasattr(arg, "__getslice__"):
1050        return True
1051    if hasattr(arg, "__iter__"):
1052        return True
1053    return False

Check if the input is iterable.

def lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY):
1419def lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY):
1420    """
1421    Interpolate linearly the variable `x` in `rangeX` onto the new `rangeY`.
1422    If `x` is a 3D vector the linear weight is the distance to the two 3D `rangeX` vectors.
1424    E.g. if `x` runs in `rangeX=[x0,x1]` and I want it to run in `rangeY=[y0,y1]` then
1426    `y = lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY)` will interpolate `x` onto `rangeY`.
1428    Examples:
1429        - [](
1431            ![](
1432    """
1433    if is_sequence(x):
1434        x = np.asarray(x)
1435        x0, x1 = np.asarray(rangeX)
1436        y0, y1 = np.asarray(rangeY)
1437        dx = x1 - x0
1438        dxn = np.linalg.norm(dx)
1439        if not dxn:
1440            return y0
1441        s = np.linalg.norm(x - x0) / dxn
1442        t = np.linalg.norm(x - x1) / dxn
1443        st = s + t
1444        out = y0 * (t / st) + y1 * (s / st)
1446    else:  # faster
1448        x0 = rangeX[0]
1449        dx = rangeX[1] - x0
1450        if not dx:
1451            return rangeY[0]
1452        s = (x - x0) / dx
1453        out = rangeY[0] * (1 - s) + rangeY[1] * s
1454    return out

Interpolate linearly the variable x in rangeX onto the new rangeY. If x is a 3D vector the linear weight is the distance to the two 3D rangeX vectors.

E.g. if x runs in rangeX=[x0,x1] and I want it to run in rangeY=[y0,y1] then

y = lin_interpolate(x, rangeX, rangeY) will interpolate x onto rangeY.

def vector(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>) -> numpy.ndarray:
1531def vector(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
1532    """
1533    Return a 3D numpy array representing a vector.
1535    If `y` is `None`, assume input is already in the form `[x,y,z]`.
1536    """
1537    if y is None:  # assume x is already [x,y,z]
1538        return np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)
1539    return np.array([x, y, z], dtype=dtype)

Return a 3D numpy array representing a vector.

If y is None, assume input is already in the form [x,y,z].

def mag(v):
1550def mag(v):
1551    """Get the magnitude of a vector or array of vectors."""
1552    v = np.asarray(v)
1553    if v.ndim == 1:
1554        return np.linalg.norm(v)
1555    return np.linalg.norm(v, axis=1)

Get the magnitude of a vector or array of vectors.

def mag2(v) -> numpy.ndarray:
1558def mag2(v) -> np.ndarray:
1559    """Get the squared magnitude of a vector or array of vectors."""
1560    v = np.asarray(v)
1561    if v.ndim == 1:
1562        return np.square(v).sum()
1563    return np.square(v).sum(axis=1)

Get the squared magnitude of a vector or array of vectors.

def versor(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>) -> numpy.ndarray:
1542def versor(x, y=None, z=0.0, dtype=np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
1543    """Return the unit vector. Input can be a list of vectors."""
1544    v = vector(x, y, z, dtype)
1545    if isinstance(v[0], np.ndarray):
1546        return np.divide(v, mag(v)[:, None])
1547    return v / mag(v)

Return the unit vector. Input can be a list of vectors.

def precision(x, p: int, vrange=None, delimiter='e') -> str:
1632def precision(x, p: int, vrange=None, delimiter="e") -> str:
1633    """
1634    Returns a string representation of `x` formatted to precision `p`.
1636    Set `vrange` to the range in which x exists (to snap x to '0' if below precision).
1637    """
1638    # Based on the webkit javascript implementation
1639    # `from here <>`_,
1640    # and implemented by `randlet <>`_.
1641    # Modified for vedo by M.Musy 2020
1643    if isinstance(x, str):  # do nothing
1644        return x
1646    if is_sequence(x):
1647        out = "("
1648        nn = len(x) - 1
1649        for i, ix in enumerate(x):
1651            try:
1652                if np.isnan(ix):
1653                    return "NaN"
1654            except:
1655                # cannot handle list of list
1656                continue
1658            out += precision(ix, p)
1659            if i < nn:
1660                out += ", "
1661        return out + ")"  ############ <--
1663    try:
1664        if np.isnan(x):
1665            return "NaN"
1666    except TypeError:
1667        return "NaN"
1669    x = float(x)
1671    if x == 0.0 or (vrange is not None and abs(x) < vrange / pow(10, p)):
1672        return "0"
1674    out = []
1675    if x < 0:
1676        out.append("-")
1677        x = -x
1679    e = int(np.log10(x))
1680    # tens = np.power(10, e - p + 1)
1681    tens = 10 ** (e - p + 1)
1682    n = np.floor(x / tens)
1684    # if n < np.power(10, p - 1):
1685    if n < 10 ** (p - 1):
1686        e = e - 1
1687        # tens = np.power(10, e - p + 1)
1688        tens = 10 ** (e - p + 1)
1689        n = np.floor(x / tens)
1691    if abs((n + 1.0) * tens - x) <= abs(n * tens - x):
1692        n = n + 1
1694    # if n >= np.power(10, p):
1695    if n >= 10 ** p:
1696        n = n / 10.0
1697        e = e + 1
1699    m = "%.*g" % (p, n)
1700    if e < -2 or e >= p:
1701        out.append(m[0])
1702        if p > 1:
1703            out.append(".")
1704            out.extend(m[1:p])
1705        out.append(delimiter)
1706        if e > 0:
1707            out.append("+")
1708        out.append(str(e))
1709    elif e == (p - 1):
1710        out.append(m)
1711    elif e >= 0:
1712        out.append(m[: e + 1])
1713        if e + 1 < len(m):
1714            out.append(".")
1715            out.extend(m[e + 1 :])
1716    else:
1717        out.append("0.")
1718        out.extend(["0"] * -(e + 1))
1719        out.append(m)
1720    return "".join(out)

Returns a string representation of x formatted to precision p.

Set vrange to the range in which x exists (to snap x to '0' if below precision).

def round_to_digit(x, p) -> float:
1585def round_to_digit(x, p) -> float:
1586    """Round a real number to the specified number of significant digits."""
1587    if not x:
1588        return 0
1589    r = np.round(x, p - int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(x)))) - 1)
1590    if int(r) == r:
1591        return int(r)
1592    return r

Round a real number to the specified number of significant digits.

def point_in_triangle(p, p1, p2, p3) -> Optional[bool]:
1128def point_in_triangle(p, p1, p2, p3) -> Union[bool, None]:
1129    """
1130    Return True if a point is inside (or above/below)
1131    a triangle defined by 3 points in space.
1132    """
1133    p1 = np.array(p1)
1134    u = p2 - p1
1135    v = p3 - p1
1136    n = np.cross(u, v)
1137    w = p - p1
1138    ln =, n)
1139    if not ln:
1140        return None  # degenerate triangle
1141    gamma = (, w), n)) / ln
1142    if 0 < gamma < 1:
1143        beta = (, v), n)) / ln
1144        if 0 < beta < 1:
1145            alpha = 1 - gamma - beta
1146            if 0 < alpha < 1:
1147                return True
1148    return False

Return True if a point is inside (or above/below) a triangle defined by 3 points in space.

def point_line_distance(p, p1, p2) -> float:
1341def point_line_distance(p, p1, p2) -> float:
1342    """
1343    Compute the distance of a point to a line (not the segment)
1344    defined by `p1` and `p2`.
1345    """
1346    return np.sqrt(vtki.vtkLine.DistanceToLine(p, p1, p2))

Compute the distance of a point to a line (not the segment) defined by p1 and p2.

def closest(point, points, n=1, return_ids=False, use_tree=False):
1381def closest(point, points, n=1, return_ids=False, use_tree=False):
1382    """
1383    Returns the distances and the closest point(s) to the given set of points.
1384    Needs `scipy.spatial` library.
1386    Arguments:
1387        n : (int)
1388            the nr of closest points to return
1389        return_ids : (bool)
1390            return the ids instead of the points coordinates
1391        use_tree : (bool)
1392            build a `scipy.spatial.KDTree`.
1393            An already existing one can be passed to avoid rebuilding.
1394    """
1395    from scipy.spatial import distance, KDTree
1397    points = np.asarray(points)
1398    if n == 1:
1399        dists = distance.cdist([point], points)
1400        closest_idx = np.argmin(dists)
1401    else:
1402        if use_tree:
1403            if isinstance(use_tree, KDTree):  # reuse
1404                tree = use_tree
1405            else:
1406                tree = KDTree(points)
1407            dists, closest_idx = tree.query([point], k=n)
1408            closest_idx = closest_idx[0]
1409        else:
1410            dists = distance.cdist([point], points)
1411            closest_idx = np.argsort(dists)[0][:n]
1412    if return_ids:
1413        return dists, closest_idx
1414    else:
1415        return dists, points[closest_idx]

Returns the distances and the closest point(s) to the given set of points. Needs scipy.spatial library.

  • n : (int) the nr of closest points to return
  • return_ids : (bool) return the ids instead of the points coordinates
  • use_tree : (bool) build a scipy.spatial.KDTree. An already existing one can be passed to avoid rebuilding.
def grep( filename: str, tag: str, column=None, first_occurrence_only=False) -> list:
1724def grep(filename: str, tag: str, column=None, first_occurrence_only=False) -> list:
1725    """Greps the line in a file that starts with a specific `tag` string inside the file."""
1726    import re
1728    with open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as afile:
1729        content = []
1730        for line in afile:
1731            if, line):
1732                c = line.split()
1733                c[-1] = c[-1].replace("\n", "")
1734                if column is not None:
1735                    c = c[column]
1736                content.append(c)
1737                if first_occurrence_only:
1738                    break
1739    return content

Greps the line in a file that starts with a specific tag string inside the file.

def make_bands(inputlist, n):
2022def make_bands(inputlist, n):
2023    """
2024    Group values of a list into bands of equal value, where
2025    `n` is the number of bands, a positive integer > 2.
2027    Returns a binned list of the same length as the input.
2028    """
2029    if n < 2:
2030        return inputlist
2031    vmin = np.min(inputlist)
2032    vmax = np.max(inputlist)
2033    bb = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n, endpoint=0)
2034    dr = bb[1] - bb[0]
2035    bb += dr / 2
2036    tol = dr / 2 * 1.001
2037    newlist = []
2038    for s in inputlist:
2039        for b in bb:
2040            if abs(s - b) < tol:
2041                newlist.append(b)
2042                break
2043    return np.array(newlist)

Group values of a list into bands of equal value, where n is the number of bands, a positive integer > 2.

Returns a binned list of the same length as the input.

def pack_spheres(bounds, radius) -> numpy.ndarray:
1595def pack_spheres(bounds, radius) -> np.ndarray:
1596    """
1597    Packing spheres into a bounding box.
1598    Returns a numpy array of sphere centers.
1599    """
1600    h = 0.8164965 / 2
1601    d = 0.8660254
1602    a = 0.288675135
1604    if is_sequence(bounds):
1605        x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = bounds
1606    else:
1607        x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = bounds.bounds()
1609    x = np.arange(x0, x1, radius)
1610    nul = np.zeros_like(x)
1611    nz = int((z1 - z0) / radius / h / 2 + 1.5)
1612    ny = int((y1 - y0) / radius / d + 1.5)
1614    pts = []
1615    for iz in range(nz):
1616        z = z0 + nul + iz * h * radius
1617        dx, dy, dz = [radius * 0.5, radius * a, iz * h * radius]
1618        for iy in range(ny):
1619            y = y0 + nul + iy * d * radius
1620            if iy % 2:
1621                xs = x
1622            else:
1623                xs = x + radius * 0.5
1624            if iz % 2:
1625                p = np.c_[xs, y, z] + [dx, dy, dz]
1626            else:
1627                p = np.c_[xs, y, z] + [0, 0, dz]
1628            pts += p.tolist()
1629    return np.array(pts)

Packing spheres into a bounding box. Returns a numpy array of sphere centers.

def humansort(alist) -> list:
1095def humansort(alist) -> list:
1096    """
1097    Sort in place a given list the way humans expect.
1099    E.g. `['file11', 'file1'] -> ['file1', 'file11']`
1101    .. warning:: input list is modified in-place by this function.
1102    """
1103    import re
1105    def alphanum_key(s):
1106        # Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks.
1107        # e.g. "z23a" -> ["z", 23, "a"]
1108        def tryint(s):
1109            if s.isdigit():
1110                return int(s)
1111            return s
1113        return [tryint(c) for c in re.split("([0-9]+)", s)]
1115    alist.sort(key=alphanum_key)
1116    return alist  # NB: input list is modified

Sort in place a given list the way humans expect.

E.g. ['file11', 'file1'] -> ['file1', 'file11']

input list is modified in-place by this function.
def camera_from_quaternion( pos, quaternion, distance=10000, ngl_correct=True) -> vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore.vtkCamera:
2049def camera_from_quaternion(pos, quaternion, distance=10000, ngl_correct=True) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2050    """
2051    Define a `vtkCamera` with a particular orientation.
2053    Arguments:
2054        pos: (np.array, list, tuple)
2055            an iterator of length 3 containing the focus point of the camera
2056        quaternion: (np.array, list, tuple)
2057            a len(4) quaternion `(x,y,z,w)` describing the rotation of the camera
2058            such as returned by neuroglancer `x,y,z,w` all in `[0,1]` range
2059        distance: (float)
2060            the desired distance from pos to the camera (default = 10000 nm)
2062    Returns:
2063        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup according to these rules.
2064    """
2065    camera = vtki.vtkCamera()
2066    # define the quaternion in vtk, note the swapped order
2067    # w,x,y,z instead of x,y,z,w
2068    quat_vtk = vtki.get_class("Quaternion")(
2069        quaternion[3], quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2])
2070    # use this to define a rotation matrix in x,y,z
2071    # right handed units
2072    M = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
2073    quat_vtk.ToMatrix3x3(M)
2074    # the default camera orientation is y up
2075    up = [0, 1, 0]
2076    # calculate default camera position is backed off in positive z
2077    pos = [0, 0, distance]
2079    # set the camera rototation by applying the rotation matrix
2080    camera.SetViewUp(*, up))
2081    # set the camera position by applying the rotation matrix
2082    camera.SetPosition(*, pos))
2083    if ngl_correct:
2084        # neuroglancer has positive y going down
2085        # so apply these azimuth and roll corrections
2086        # to fix orientatins
2087        camera.Azimuth(-180)
2088        camera.Roll(180)
2090    # shift the camera posiiton and focal position
2091    # to be centered on the desired location
2092    p = camera.GetPosition()
2093    p_new = np.array(p) + pos
2094    camera.SetPosition(*p_new)
2095    camera.SetFocalPoint(*pos)
2096    return camera

Define a vtkCamera with a particular orientation.

  • pos: (np.array, list, tuple) an iterator of length 3 containing the focus point of the camera
  • quaternion: (np.array, list, tuple) a len(4) quaternion (x,y,z,w) describing the rotation of the camera such as returned by neuroglancer x,y,z,w all in [0,1] range
  • distance: (float) the desired distance from pos to the camera (default = 10000 nm)

vtki.vtkCamera, a vtk camera setup according to these rules.

def camera_from_neuroglancer(state, zoom) -> vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore.vtkCamera:
2099def camera_from_neuroglancer(state, zoom) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2100    """
2101    Define a `vtkCamera` from a neuroglancer state dictionary.
2103    Arguments:
2104        state: (dict)
2105            an neuroglancer state dictionary.
2106        zoom: (float)
2107            how much to multiply zoom by to get camera backoff distance
2109    Returns:
2110        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.
2111    """
2112    orient = state.get("perspectiveOrientation", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
2113    pzoom = state.get("perspectiveZoom", 10.0)
2114    position = state["navigation"]["pose"]["position"]
2115    pos_nm = np.array(position["voxelCoordinates"]) * position["voxelSize"]
2116    return camera_from_quaternion(pos_nm, orient, pzoom * zoom, ngl_correct=True)

Define a vtkCamera from a neuroglancer state dictionary.

  • state: (dict) an neuroglancer state dictionary.
  • zoom: (float) how much to multiply zoom by to get camera backoff distance

vtki.vtkCamera, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.

def camera_from_dict(camera, modify_inplace=None) -> vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore.vtkCamera:
2134def camera_from_dict(camera, modify_inplace=None) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2135    """
2136    Generate a `vtkCamera` object from a python dictionary.
2138    Parameters of the camera are:
2139        - `position` or `pos` (3-tuple)
2140        - `focal_point` (3-tuple)
2141        - `viewup` (3-tuple)
2142        - `distance` (float)
2143        - `clipping_range` (2-tuple)
2144        - `parallel_scale` (float)
2145        - `thickness` (float)
2146        - `view_angle` (float)
2147        - `roll` (float)
2149    Exaplanation of the parameters can be found in the
2150    [vtkCamera documentation](
2152    Arguments:
2153        camera: (dict)
2154            a python dictionary containing camera parameters.
2155        modify_inplace: (vtkCamera)
2156            an existing `vtkCamera` object to modify in place.
2158    Returns:
2159        `vtki.vtkCamera`, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.
2160    """
2161    if modify_inplace:
2162        vcam = modify_inplace
2163    else:
2164        vcam = vtki.vtkCamera()
2166    camera = dict(camera)  # make a copy so input is not emptied by pop()
2168    cm_pos         = camera.pop("position", camera.pop("pos", None))
2169    cm_focal_point = camera.pop("focal_point", camera.pop("focalPoint", None))
2170    cm_viewup      = camera.pop("viewup", None)
2171    cm_distance    = camera.pop("distance", None)
2172    cm_clipping_range = camera.pop("clipping_range", camera.pop("clippingRange", None))
2173    cm_parallel_scale = camera.pop("parallel_scale", camera.pop("parallelScale", None))
2174    cm_thickness   = camera.pop("thickness", None)
2175    cm_view_angle  = camera.pop("view_angle", camera.pop("viewAngle", None))
2176    cm_roll        = camera.pop("roll", None)
2178    if len(camera.keys()) > 0:
2179        vedo.logger.warning(f"in camera_from_dict, key(s) not recognized: {camera.keys()}")
2180    if cm_pos is not None:            vcam.SetPosition(cm_pos)
2181    if cm_focal_point is not None:    vcam.SetFocalPoint(cm_focal_point)
2182    if cm_viewup is not None:         vcam.SetViewUp(cm_viewup)
2183    if cm_distance is not None:       vcam.SetDistance(cm_distance)
2184    if cm_clipping_range is not None: vcam.SetClippingRange(cm_clipping_range)
2185    if cm_parallel_scale is not None: vcam.SetParallelScale(cm_parallel_scale)
2186    if cm_thickness is not None:      vcam.SetThickness(cm_thickness)
2187    if cm_view_angle is not None:     vcam.SetViewAngle(cm_view_angle)
2188    if cm_roll is not None:           vcam.SetRoll(cm_roll)
2189    return vcam

Generate a vtkCamera object from a python dictionary.

Parameters of the camera are:
  • position or pos (3-tuple)
  • focal_point (3-tuple)
  • viewup (3-tuple)
  • distance (float)
  • clipping_range (2-tuple)
  • parallel_scale (float)
  • thickness (float)
  • view_angle (float)
  • roll (float)

Exaplanation of the parameters can be found in the vtkCamera documentation.

  • camera: (dict) a python dictionary containing camera parameters.
  • modify_inplace: (vtkCamera) an existing vtkCamera object to modify in place.

vtki.vtkCamera, a vtk camera setup that matches this state.

def camera_to_dict(vtkcam) -> dict:
2191def camera_to_dict(vtkcam) -> dict:
2192    """
2193    Convert a [vtkCamera](
2194    object into a python dictionary.
2196    Parameters of the camera are:
2197        - `position` (3-tuple)
2198        - `focal_point` (3-tuple)
2199        - `viewup` (3-tuple)
2200        - `distance` (float)
2201        - `clipping_range` (2-tuple)
2202        - `parallel_scale` (float)
2203        - `thickness` (float)
2204        - `view_angle` (float)
2205        - `roll` (float)
2207    Arguments:
2208        vtkcam: (vtkCamera)
2209            a `vtkCamera` object to convert.
2210    """
2211    cam = dict()
2212    cam["position"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetPosition())
2213    cam["focal_point"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetFocalPoint())
2214    cam["viewup"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetViewUp())
2215    cam["distance"] = vtkcam.GetDistance()
2216    cam["clipping_range"] = np.array(vtkcam.GetClippingRange())
2217    cam["parallel_scale"] = vtkcam.GetParallelScale()
2218    cam["thickness"] = vtkcam.GetThickness()
2219    cam["view_angle"] = vtkcam.GetViewAngle()
2220    cam["roll"] = vtkcam.GetRoll()
2221    return cam

Convert a vtkCamera object into a python dictionary.

Parameters of the camera are:
  • position (3-tuple)
  • focal_point (3-tuple)
  • viewup (3-tuple)
  • distance (float)
  • clipping_range (2-tuple)
  • parallel_scale (float)
  • thickness (float)
  • view_angle (float)
  • roll (float)
  • vtkcam: (vtkCamera) a vtkCamera object to convert.
def oriented_camera( center, up_vector, backoff_vector, backoff) -> vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore.vtkCamera:
2119def oriented_camera(center, up_vector, backoff_vector, backoff) -> vtki.vtkCamera:
2120    """
2121    Generate a `vtkCamera` pointed at a specific location,
2122    oriented with a given up direction, set to a backoff.
2123    """
2124    vup = np.array(up_vector)
2125    vup = vup / np.linalg.norm(vup)
2126    pt_backoff = center - backoff * np.array(backoff_vector)
2127    camera = vtki.vtkCamera()
2128    camera.SetFocalPoint(center[0], center[1], center[2])
2129    camera.SetViewUp(vup[0], vup[1], vup[2])
2130    camera.SetPosition(pt_backoff[0], pt_backoff[1], pt_backoff[2])
2131    return camera

Generate a vtkCamera pointed at a specific location, oriented with a given up direction, set to a backoff.

def vedo2trimesh(mesh):
2447def vedo2trimesh(mesh):
2448    """
2449    Convert `vedo.mesh.Mesh` to `Trimesh.Mesh` object.
2450    """
2451    if is_sequence(mesh):
2452        tms = []
2453        for a in mesh:
2454            tms.append(vedo2trimesh(a))
2455        return tms
2457    try:
2458        from trimesh import Trimesh
2459    except ModuleNotFoundError:
2460        vedo.logger.error("Need trimesh to run:\npip install trimesh")
2461        return None
2463    tris = mesh.cells
2464    carr = mesh.celldata["CellIndividualColors"]
2465    ccols = carr
2467    points = mesh.coordinates
2468    varr = mesh.pointdata["VertexColors"]
2469    vcols = varr
2471    if len(tris) == 0:
2472        tris = None
2474    return Trimesh(vertices=points, faces=tris, face_colors=ccols, vertex_colors=vcols, process=False)

Convert vedo.mesh.Mesh to Trimesh.Mesh object.

def trimesh2vedo(inputobj):
2477def trimesh2vedo(inputobj):
2478    """
2479    Convert a `Trimesh` object to `vedo.Mesh` or `vedo.Assembly` object.
2480    """
2481    if is_sequence(inputobj):
2482        vms = []
2483        for ob in inputobj:
2484            vms.append(trimesh2vedo(ob))
2485        return vms
2487    inputobj_type = str(type(inputobj))
2489    if "Trimesh" in inputobj_type or "primitives" in inputobj_type:
2490        faces = inputobj.faces
2491        poly = buildPolyData(inputobj.vertices, faces)
2492        tact = vedo.Mesh(poly)
2493        if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
2494            trim_c = inputobj.visual.face_colors
2495        elif inputobj.visual.kind == "texture":
2496            trim_c = inputobj.visual.to_color().vertex_colors
2497        else:
2498            trim_c = inputobj.visual.vertex_colors
2500        if is_sequence(trim_c):
2501            if is_sequence(trim_c[0]):
2502                same_color = len(np.unique(trim_c, axis=0)) < 2  # all vtxs have same color
2504                if same_color:
2505                    tact.c(trim_c[0, [0, 1, 2]]).alpha(trim_c[0, 3])
2506                else:
2507                    if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
2508                        tact.cellcolors = trim_c
2509        return tact
2511    if "PointCloud" in inputobj_type:
2513        vdpts = vedo.shapes.Points(inputobj.vertices, r=8, c='k')
2514        if hasattr(inputobj, "vertices_color"):
2515            vcols = (inputobj.vertices_color * 1).astype(np.uint8)
2516            vdpts.pointcolors = vcols
2517        return vdpts
2519    if "path" in inputobj_type:
2521        lines = []
2522        for e in inputobj.entities:
2523            # print('trimesh entity', e.to_dict())
2524            l = vedo.shapes.Line(inputobj.vertices[e.points], c="k", lw=2)
2525            lines.append(l)
2526        return vedo.Assembly(lines)
2528    return None

Convert a Trimesh object to vedo.Mesh or vedo.Assembly object.

def vedo2meshlab(vmesh):
2531def vedo2meshlab(vmesh):
2532    """Convert a `vedo.Mesh` to a Meshlab object."""
2533    try:
2534        import pymeshlab as mlab
2535    except ModuleNotFoundError:
2536        vedo.logger.error("Need pymeshlab to run:\npip install pymeshlab")
2538    vertex_matrix = vmesh.vertices.astype(np.float64)
2540    try:
2541        face_matrix = np.asarray(vmesh.cells, dtype=np.float64)
2542    except:
2543        print("WARNING: in vedo2meshlab(), need to triangulate mesh first!")
2544        face_matrix = np.array(vmesh.clone().triangulate().cells, dtype=np.float64)
2546    # v_normals_matrix = vmesh.normals(cells=False, recompute=False)
2547    v_normals_matrix = vmesh.vertex_normals
2548    if not v_normals_matrix.shape[0]:
2549        v_normals_matrix = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
2551    # f_normals_matrix = vmesh.normals(cells=True, recompute=False)
2552    f_normals_matrix = vmesh.cell_normals
2553    if not f_normals_matrix.shape[0]:
2554        f_normals_matrix = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64)
2556    v_color_matrix = vmesh.pointdata["RGBA"]
2557    if v_color_matrix is None:
2558        v_color_matrix = np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float64)
2559    else:
2560        v_color_matrix = v_color_matrix.astype(np.float64) / 255
2561        if v_color_matrix.shape[1] == 3:
2562            v_color_matrix = np.c_[
2563                v_color_matrix, np.ones(v_color_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
2564            ]
2566    f_color_matrix = vmesh.celldata["RGBA"]
2567    if f_color_matrix is None:
2568        f_color_matrix = np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float64)
2569    else:
2570        f_color_matrix = f_color_matrix.astype(np.float64) / 255
2571        if f_color_matrix.shape[1] == 3:
2572            f_color_matrix = np.c_[
2573                f_color_matrix, np.ones(f_color_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
2574            ]
2576    m = mlab.Mesh(
2577        vertex_matrix=vertex_matrix,
2578        face_matrix=face_matrix,
2579        v_normals_matrix=v_normals_matrix,
2580        f_normals_matrix=f_normals_matrix,
2581        v_color_matrix=v_color_matrix,
2582        f_color_matrix=f_color_matrix,
2583    )
2585    for k in vmesh.pointdata.keys():
2586        data = vmesh.pointdata[k]
2587        if data is not None:
2588            if data.ndim == 1:  # scalar
2589                m.add_vertex_custom_scalar_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2590            elif data.ndim == 2:  # vectorial data
2591                if "tcoord" not in k.lower() and k not in ["Normals", "TextureCoordinates"]:
2592                    m.add_vertex_custom_point_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2594    for k in vmesh.celldata.keys():
2595        data = vmesh.celldata[k]
2596        if data is not None:
2597            if data.ndim == 1:  # scalar
2598                m.add_face_custom_scalar_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2599            elif data.ndim == 2 and k != "Normals":  # vectorial data
2600                m.add_face_custom_point_attribute(data.astype(np.float64), k)
2602    m.update_bounding_box()
2603    return m

Convert a vedo.Mesh to a Meshlab object.

def meshlab2vedo(mmesh, pointdata_keys=(), celldata_keys=()):
2606def meshlab2vedo(mmesh, pointdata_keys=(), celldata_keys=()):
2607    """Convert a Meshlab object to `vedo.Mesh`."""
2608    inputtype = str(type(mmesh))
2610    if "MeshSet" in inputtype:
2611        mmesh = mmesh.current_mesh()
2613    mpoints, mcells = mmesh.vertex_matrix(), mmesh.face_matrix()
2614    if len(mcells) > 0:
2615        polydata = buildPolyData(mpoints, mcells)
2616    else:
2617        polydata = buildPolyData(mpoints, None)
2619    if mmesh.has_vertex_scalar():
2620        parr = mmesh.vertex_scalar_array()
2621        parr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(parr)
2622        parr_vtk.SetName("MeshLabScalars")
2623        polydata.GetPointData().AddArray(parr_vtk)
2624        polydata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars("MeshLabScalars")
2626    if mmesh.has_face_scalar():
2627        carr = mmesh.face_scalar_array()
2628        carr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(carr)
2629        carr_vtk.SetName("MeshLabScalars")
2630        x0, x1 = carr_vtk.GetRange()
2631        polydata.GetCellData().AddArray(carr_vtk)
2632        polydata.GetCellData().SetActiveScalars("MeshLabScalars")
2634    for k in pointdata_keys:
2635        parr = mmesh.vertex_custom_scalar_attribute_array(k)
2636        parr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(parr)
2637        parr_vtk.SetName(k)
2638        polydata.GetPointData().AddArray(parr_vtk)
2639        polydata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(k)
2641    for k in celldata_keys:
2642        carr = mmesh.face_custom_scalar_attribute_array(k)
2643        carr_vtk = numpy_to_vtk(carr)
2644        carr_vtk.SetName(k)
2645        polydata.GetCellData().AddArray(carr_vtk)
2646        polydata.GetCellData().SetActiveScalars(k)
2648    pnorms = mmesh.vertex_normal_matrix()
2649    if len(pnorms) > 0:
2650        polydata.GetPointData().SetNormals(numpy2vtk(pnorms, name="Normals"))
2652    cnorms = mmesh.face_normal_matrix()
2653    if len(cnorms) > 0:
2654        polydata.GetCellData().SetNormals(numpy2vtk(cnorms, name="Normals"))
2655    return vedo.Mesh(polydata)

Convert a Meshlab object to vedo.Mesh.

def vedo2open3d(vedo_mesh):
2666def vedo2open3d(vedo_mesh):
2667    """
2668    Return an `open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` version of the current mesh.
2669    """
2670    try:
2671        import open3d as o3d
2672    except RuntimeError:
2673        vedo.logger.error("Need open3d to run:\npip install open3d")
2675    # create from numpy arrays
2676    o3d_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(
2677        vertices=o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.vertices),
2678        triangles=o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(vedo_mesh.cells),
2679    )
2680    # TODO: need to add some if check here in case color and normals
2681    #  info are not existing
2682    # o3d_mesh.vertex_colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.pointdata["RGB"]/255)
2683    # o3d_mesh.vertex_normals= o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vedo_mesh.pointdata["Normals"])
2684    return o3d_mesh

Return an open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh version of the current mesh.

def open3d2vedo(o3d_mesh):
2658def open3d2vedo(o3d_mesh):
2659    """Convert `open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` to a `vedo.Mesh`."""
2660    m = vedo.Mesh([np.array(o3d_mesh.vertices), np.array(o3d_mesh.triangles)])
2661    # TODO: could also check whether normals and color are present in
2662    # order to port with the above vertices/faces
2663    return m

Convert open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh to a vedo.Mesh.

def vtk2numpy(varr):
796def vtk2numpy(varr):
797    """Convert a `vtkDataArray`, `vtkIdList` or `vtTransform` into a numpy array."""
798    if varr is None:
799        return np.array([])
800    if isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkIdList):
801        return np.array([varr.GetId(i) for i in range(varr.GetNumberOfIds())])
802    elif isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkBitArray):
803        carr = vtki.vtkCharArray()
804        carr.DeepCopy(varr)
805        varr = carr
806    elif isinstance(varr, vtki.vtkHomogeneousTransform):
807        try:
808            varr = varr.GetMatrix()
809        except AttributeError:
810            pass
811        M = [[varr.GetElement(i, j) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)]
812        return np.array(M)
813    return vtk_to_numpy(varr)

Convert a vtkDataArray, vtkIdList or vtTransform into a numpy array.

def numpy2vtk(arr, dtype=None, deep=True, name=''):
767def numpy2vtk(arr, dtype=None, deep=True, name=""):
768    """
769    Convert a numpy array into a `vtkDataArray`.
770    Use `dtype='id'` for `vtkIdTypeArray` objects.
771    """
772    #
773    if arr is None:
774        return None
776    arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)
778    if dtype == "id":
779        if vtki.vtkIdTypeArray().GetDataTypeSize() != 4:
780            ast = np.int64
781        else:
782            ast = np.int32
783        varr = numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(arr.astype(ast), deep=deep)
784    elif dtype:
785        varr = numpy_to_vtk(arr.astype(dtype), deep=deep)
786    else:
787        # let numpy_to_vtk() decide what is best type based on arr type
788        if arr.dtype == np.bool_:
789            arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
790        varr = numpy_to_vtk(arr, deep=deep)
792    if name:
793        varr.SetName(name)
794    return varr

Convert a numpy array into a vtkDataArray. Use dtype='id' for vtkIdTypeArray objects.

def get_uv(p, x, v):
1457def get_uv(p, x, v):
1458    """
1459    Obtain the texture uv-coords of a point p belonging to a face that has point
1460    coordinates (x0, x1, x2) with the corresponding uv-coordinates v=(v0, v1, v2).
1461    All p and x0,x1,x2 are 3D-vectors, while v are their 2D uv-coordinates.
1463    Example:
1464        ```python
1465        from vedo import *
1467        pic = Image(dataurl+"coloured_cube_faces.jpg")
1468        cb = Mesh(dataurl+"coloured_cube.obj").lighting("off").texture(pic)
1470        cbpts = cb.points
1471        faces = cb.cells
1472        uv = cb.pointdata["Material"]
1474        pt = [-0.2, 0.75, 2]
1475        pr = cb.closest_point(pt)
1477        idface = cb.closest_point(pt, return_cell_id=True)
1478        idpts = faces[idface]
1479        uv_face = uv[idpts]
1481        uv_pr = utils.get_uv(pr, cbpts[idpts], uv_face)
1482        print("interpolated uv =", uv_pr)
1484        sx, sy = pic.dimensions()
1485        i_interp_uv = uv_pr * [sy, sx]
1486        ix, iy = i_interp_uv.astype(int)
1487        mpic = pic.tomesh()
1488        rgba = mpic.pointdata["RGBA"].reshape(sy, sx, 3)
1489        print("color =", rgba[ix, iy])
1491        show(
1492            [[cb, Point(pr), cb.labels("Material")],
1493                [pic, Point(i_interp_uv)]],
1494            N=2, axes=1, sharecam=False,
1495        ).close()
1496        ```
1497        ![](
1498    """
1499    # Vector vp=p-x0 is representable as alpha*s + beta*t,
1500    # where s = x1-x0 and t = x2-x0, in matrix form
1501    # vp = [alpha, beta] . matrix(s,t)
1502    # M = matrix(s,t) is 2x3 matrix, so (alpha, beta) can be found by
1503    # inverting any of its minor A with non-zero determinant.
1504    # Once found, uv-coords of p are vt0 + alpha (vt1-v0) + beta (vt2-v0)
1506    p = np.asarray(p)
1507    x0, x1, x2 = np.asarray(x)[:3]
1508    vt0, vt1, vt2 = np.asarray(v)[:3]
1510    s = x1 - x0
1511    t = x2 - x0
1512    vs = vt1 - vt0
1513    vt = vt2 - vt0
1514    vp = p - x0
1516    # finding a minor with independent rows
1517    M = np.matrix([s, t])
1518    mnr = [0, 1]
1519    A = M[:, mnr]
1520    if np.abs(np.linalg.det(A)) < 0.000001:
1521        mnr = [0, 2]
1522        A = M[:, mnr]
1523        if np.abs(np.linalg.det(A)) < 0.000001:
1524            mnr = [1, 2]
1525            A = M[:, mnr]
1526    Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
1527    alpha_beta = vp[mnr].dot(Ainv)  # [alpha, beta]
1528    return np.asarray(vt0 +[vs, vt])))[0]

Obtain the texture uv-coords of a point p belonging to a face that has point coordinates (x0, x1, x2) with the corresponding uv-coordinates v=(v0, v1, v2). All p and x0,x1,x2 are 3D-vectors, while v are their 2D uv-coordinates.

from vedo import *

pic = Image(dataurl+"coloured_cube_faces.jpg")
cb = Mesh(dataurl+"coloured_cube.obj").lighting("off").texture(pic)

cbpts = cb.points
faces = cb.cells
uv = cb.pointdata["Material"]

pt = [-0.2, 0.75, 2]
pr = cb.closest_point(pt)

idface = cb.closest_point(pt, return_cell_id=True)
idpts = faces[idface]
uv_face = uv[idpts]

uv_pr = utils.get_uv(pr, cbpts[idpts], uv_face)
print("interpolated uv =", uv_pr)

sx, sy = pic.dimensions()
i_interp_uv = uv_pr * [sy, sx]
ix, iy = i_interp_uv.astype(int)
mpic = pic.tomesh()
rgba = mpic.pointdata["RGBA"].reshape(sy, sx, 3)
print("color =", rgba[ix, iy])

    [[cb, Point(pr), cb.labels("Material")],
        [pic, Point(i_interp_uv)]],
    N=2, axes=1, sharecam=False,

def andrews_curves(M, res=100) -> numpy.ndarray:
712def andrews_curves(M, res=100) -> np.ndarray:
713    """
714    Computes the [Andrews curves](
715    for the provided data.
717    The input array is an array of shape (n,m) where n is the number of
718    features and m is the number of observations.
720    Arguments:
721        M : (ndarray)
722            the data matrix (or data vector).
723        res : (int)
724            the resolution (n. of points) of the output curve.
726    Example:
727        - [](
729        ![](
730    """
731    # Credits:
732    #
733    M = np.asarray(M)
734    m = int(res + 0.5)
736    # getting data vectors
737    X = np.reshape(M, (1, -1)) if len(M.shape) == 1 else M.copy()
738    _rows, n = X.shape
740    # andrews curve dimension (n. theta angles)
741    t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, m)
743    # m: range of values for angle theta
744    # n: amount of components of the Fourier expansion
745    A = np.empty((m, n))
747    # setting first column of A
748    A[:, 0] = [1/np.sqrt(2)] * m
750    # filling columns of A
751    for i in range(1, n):
752        # computing the scaling coefficient for angle theta
753        c = np.ceil(i / 2)
754        # computing i-th column of matrix A
755        col = np.sin(c * t) if i % 2 == 1 else np.cos(c * t)
756        # setting column in matrix A
757        A[:, i] = col[:]
759    # computing Andrews curves for provided data
760    andrew_curves =, X.T).T
762    # returning the Andrews Curves (raveling if needed)
763    return np.ravel(andrew_curves) if andrew_curves.shape[0] == 1 else andrew_curves

Computes the Andrews curves for the provided data.

The input array is an array of shape (n,m) where n is the number of features and m is the number of observations.

  • M : (ndarray) the data matrix (or data vector).
  • res : (int) the resolution (n. of points) of the output curve.